There are only 13 humans from which to select the next one on the Moon

All of them are women. That’s right, you silly boys, you can’t go to the Moon, it’s a women’s thing now. This is how we inspire the next generation of womenz, taking equal opportunities OFF the table.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i kinda believe this is just a publicity stunt as i refuse to believe nasa of all organizations would buy into this identity politics bullshit

They're gonna leave a nigger on the moon

Hopefully its going to be a more regular thing now, going to the moon, so no big deal

Moon Mining Consortium nao

>sending a black woman to the moon
>not sending all black people to the moon


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>he doesn't know

Someone post the picture, the one of NASA's "scientists" at its height in 1969 and NASA now.

There's a reason all NASA does is whine about climate shit and that reason bleeds for a week yet doesn't die.


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I said it before. Fuck NASA. Don't fund them. Don't promote them.

>women flying rockets
Leave the electrogravitics to the men.

but earth is flat

Women can't into space. They can't improvise and react accordingly to emergency situations. Who am I kidding, there will be men on board the rocket, but somehow only she will get to step on the moon first and take the credit


Even moar? Men are “jucky”, female-only images are everywhere on NASA pages. Why? Because womenz power!

But you won’t find a single group photo with just men, because that’s just WRONG!

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Who cares. We haven't been to the moon yet and we probably won't be able to in 2024 either. So it's all just kike media distraction from actual news.

so that's what all this kangz shit was about: prop them up so high that they willingly shoot themselves into space.

Good, another shuttle blowing up before leaving the atmosphere will make for a lot of "women are terrible drivers" jokes.


Checked and honestly fuck it. I don't care who dies in space.

The world in 2024:

>Female astronauts land on moon.
>Big Liz sworn in for second term.
>Guns long gone.
>Bugs being eaten.
>White guys totally irrelevant.


No one will even listen to your shitty white guy tantrums when black women literally walk all over the lunar footprints left by dead white guys.

The Apollo fags will be erased from history to make way for marginalized people.

Containment boards for far right pantshitters like this one won't even exist after Mr. Google has his way and the hate speech laws are fast tracked by Big Liz.

Deal with it.

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You are just an evil men who doesn’t want to fit large boobs into spacesuits. Evil.

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God look at those crazy eyes. Like Cortez all over again. Do you lads think they taught her how to fly the ship or is she just going up there to walk on rocks.

You've gotta be joking

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This is why we havent done anything worthwhile in space for nearly half a century.

>No Kubrick
Not interested.

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Holy shit those space whores don't even look good.

I want volumptuos, curvy, and form formfitting streamline space suits. Custom made, tits or no.

Notice how they picked three Jews.

oh boy us white guys are going to get blamed so hard when they blow that fucker up before it even takes off

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She will become the target of conspiracy theorists of USA forever, ruining her life. Conspiracy nuts don't like women and would say she is tranny or obama or whatever.

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Women are unable to menstruate in zero-g. They need to chemically alter their precious bodily fluids, so they don't menstruate in space, or in moon.

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>13th person to walk on the moon
>13 candidates
>all women

bad mojo

NASA is funded by the federal government. They'll do what they're told.

one woman astronaut was busted for trying to kidnap another woman astronaut a number of years ago.
and another just got busted for hacking hacking into her wife's credit card account.

Women in space = comfort women for our heroes.

You'll still need white guys to actually build and control the rockets regardless of whatever monkey sits in them.

Damn almost all fat or obese. Check out the blue hair

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Imagine you can hack bank accounts from ISS. What else can you hack from ISS?

And “our heroes” are womenz now.

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The moon ain't gonna clean itself.

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Astronauts are just glorified technicians, people who do the actual work are too valuable to send out into space.

I'm glad I'll be dead before this timeline comes to pass.

Truly, the only option is to fight and stave off the grimdark hordes of the chaos void, or die trying before you see them pillage your world.

Holy shit I didn't even think about that.

based. moon landing was a hoax

What the fuck is that thing? Is it a tranny? Is it a jew?

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This should be good. Great entertainment.

My sides, I want to see that! Shit would be hilarious! Make it happen Jow Forums. When that space craft blows up it'll be the biggest lel of all time.

They will carry a woman there, and 100% of women candidates are in fact women.
Better if it woll be a token nigger :D

>First space casualities?

>NASA unable to replicate technological achievements from 50 years ago
>What could possibly have gone wrong
>It's white male patriarchy's fault of course

have you noticed that NASA has achieved fuck all in recent years?

Sure, it had to compete to get the job.
I hope the nigger bitch gets lost in space, because other affirmative action retarded fuck the whole thing up.

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the first human to die on the moon will be a woman
digits confirm

There is no point even in going to the moon anymore, it's a complete waste of tax payer money.
They're literally spending billions of dollars on a massive act of virtue signalling.

Not to mention, what about the massive amount of CO2 emissions to launch such a huge chunk of metal into space?
Bet you won't hear those climate whiners talk about this one though.

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someone should start a campaign that it should be a tranny so that either NASA will have to admit that trannys are mentally unstable and can't go to space or that the tranny will kill itself on the moon

>Everything you have achieved which has defined the last century by striving above and beyond any previously set limit over the past century, with no precedent whatsoever, has now been snatched away from you without complaint

So this is how it ends. I feel so bad for white people right now.

It gonna take until 2024 because they're designing a fully automated spacecraft which dosnt require any knowledge about physics, astral-projection, math or mechanics, just so they are sure it will reach the moon without an incident because they know ifi t explodes that the women astronaughts will become the new women drivers joke.

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I support China and Russia teaming up to shoot down any US rocket filled with niggers and cunts

holy numbers and the the spacecraft will disintegrate in mid air removing the 13 people from this life

>females on moon
they'll have russians to tow them back after they crash I guarantee it

>Dave Mosher

Men already did. Now women want to because (((equality))). Let the drama ensue.

women are responsible for 100% of space crime

It's funny because it's factually true.

Not worth it unless it will be a permanent selfsustaining Moon-base

Considering the current state of NASA, that mission will catastrophically fail. This is just someone still in his right mind doing damage control.
>How could you possibly crash and burn a manned spaceship in mainland china?
>oh well, you know, women driving

Ehwww! What are those?

I heard that cunt was an intelligence annalist officer in the Air Force.

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That's POTUS's joke.

I can already hear him.
"Can you believe how much money NASA has gotten over the years? I even raised their budget. And they tell me they can't do it. Just can't do it. But they did it 60 years ago, right? AG Barr should look into NASA, why they just can't do it nowadays and why they were able to do it 60 years ago."

should be analyst

>Men already did.

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What a moron you must be.

its weird how its always reinventing something that men already did. how about sending a woman to mars?

No, annalist. She wrote the Annales Intelligentiae, a chronicle of the XXI century counterespionage enterprise, in Latin and American vulgarae.

Where can we see the names of the candidates? And to be fair, everyone else who has been on the moon was male and American, a change won't hurt nobody (except the fragile egos of some cucks)

I thought we already sent a chimp to space?

>There is no point even in going to the moon anymore, it's a complete waste of tax payer money.

Wrong, if you want to advance in human spaceflight.

Here is the human spaceflight “challenge” timeline:
A. get 1 human into orbit for a few hours - done by Soviets in 1961
B. get 1 human into orbit for a few days - done by Soviets
C. get 2 humans into orbit - done by Soviets
D. do spacewalk - done by Soviets
E. do temporary space station - done by Soviets
F. do permament space station - done by Soviets
G. lunar orbit - done by Americans
H. land on Moon - done by Americans
I. permanent lunar station - OPEN, Americans want to do that
J. go to Martian orbit - OPEN
K. explore Phobos/Deimos in Martian orbit - OPEN
L. explore Venus from orbit - OPEN
M. explore asteroid belt (Ceres etc.) OPEN
N. land on Mars - OPEN
O. mission to Jupiter’s Moons - OPEN
P. mission to Saturn’s Moons - OPEN
Q. permanent Mars station - OPEN
R. reduce temperature on Venus - colony on Venus surface - OPEN
S. interstellar flight - OPEN
T. rotating artificial gravity space station - OPEN

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Since going to the Moon is so expensive, NASA should do its virtue signalling in the most efficient way possible:

Send a trans black lesbian Muslim to the Moon!
He/she/it will be stuck there due to NASA not accounting for extra mass of dildos and emotional support iguana. Because math is racist.

What a monument for our civilization to leave for alien anthropologists!

Kek, so woman get chemical altered to man in space, so they don't die from blood poisoning because their vaginas can't expell the dead matter without gravity.

women on any ship is still bad luck.

>All of them are women.
How will they reproduce?
Oh wait I forgot, liberals don't want to reproduce, they want to send niggers to replace them once they die.

Why not both?

Wrong. I bet you Zoomers don't even know what Skylab was or how the astronauts fucked around for a few days ignoring orders.

Rolling for space crash LETS GET IT GOING!

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NASA's purpose is to waste money. Jews can't have us going off the plantation. The demanding environment of space, plus the lack of any dysgenic Jewish social engineering, would ruin the Jews' plan to turn us all into livestock.

ha this post is great. finally in 2019 people are calling out white guys!

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U. Recover ayyy tech from Moon and Mars- OPEN
V. Smash entire Middle East with giant meteor- OPEN

outer space is fake and gay

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i cant beleive some idiots believe this. read a fucking book. the apollo program employed 400 thousand people. there are videos of test flights of the lunar lander where armstrong ejects and crashes it. the rocket sciences behind saturn v's are proven and repeatable. read a fucking book some time dumbass.

>implying china isn't faking it as usual
the other two are consistent

You are seriously bluepilled

>where armstrong ejects and crashes it
But when they tried to do it for real, everything worked out and they broadcasted all of it live to the Tell Lie Visions, so that children were also able to watch it in real time.

Thank god everything worked out just like in one of these Hollywood movies, otherwise it would have been a PR nightmare.

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rolleroni for space crash with no survivors

That's Nawshaw, schizo

>gateway foundation
jewish scam

I fail to see any inconsistencies?

An American.