Let's talk about the Area 51 raid on the 20th

Let's even talk about the little details. Anything and everything about it. Predictions?

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14 people show up, 13 get shot, 1 goes missing and never heard of ever again

the aliens need our help

Remember to learn the password to the Stargate.
Proper pronunciation is important.

I predict there will be over 10,000. Even after they get in (assuming they do), they wont find shit because everything has been moved.

i assume some 60 people show up, some stay behind, others go into the desert and die before even reaching the base. The survivors are rescued by area 51 personel, then transported to the base, given water and a ham sammich and then trasported to the city by helicopter.

It’s going to turn from raid to rave. The only deaths will be from overdoses.

This is not reddit you fag

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a lot of shit can't just be "moved"

All media attention on a single place. Lots of coverage for busybodies.
A perfect distraction.

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and that would be?

That's about it

What day is this again?

says the guy with a meme flag posting from his phone

A friday

Im tempted to download it on steam

I'd be interested in serious bets on how many people show up. I'm not thinking thousands, but probably more than a couple of dozen. The meme spread pretty fucking far.

Hopefully a bunch of people show up with drones.

Should at least do a drone-camera invasion & get some footage. Too many people to know whose is whose. Someone summon Rusty Shackleford.

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yes basicly.. at least 3or 4 deads from lsd in the desert getting lost without water.. 2rapped by greys.
1transformed in to a tranny in lvl-11

the gigantic super computers or alien prisons or space beam generators. how bout FUCKING HAARP

what the fuck is wrong with russia?

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20-30 people will show up at most, mostly niggers and schizos, of them maybe 3 max will try shit and be arrested by faggot chairforce guards who drive out of the bushes in their Ford trucks.

0 people will show up

Our generations kent state

It is not going to happen and you know that! Don't play stupid you childless mentally impaired leech.

>Implying they keep any of this at area 51 and not the thousands of other black sites that no one has even heard of.

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Bob Lazar is a con artist and a greedy kike, there is no UFO's at area 51 and the so called top secrit "S4 site" is complete bullshit, people searched that location and even took photos there, its just an empty desert.

You're just trying to get everyone else to not show up so you can get all the treasure for yourself.

What good kids! All of them googling the history of the painting. There is hope yet!

Anyone with a brainstem could tell that not only would they not keep fucking sensitive highly important reality-changing shit on a publicly well-known military base, but at one in America at all.
We have thousands of black sites all over the Middle East, we have Antarctica, we have all that land in the north nobody uses because it's "too cold and windy for anything to survive in".
Lots of land nobody will ever use or go to and we're going to keep all our most prized shit that we can't let ANYONE know about ANYWHERE to the point that it's a part of a globe-spanning conspiracy with incomprehensible costs that very certainly transcend money or power, and they keep it in the most famous spot everyone is likely to check first instead of somewhere nobody will ever check at all, ever, even if they wanted to

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Raid song, everyone in one choir:

most likely nothing happens but if there is a happening and some live streams i will for sure be watching.