Zoroastrism is the true religion of the lost white men, come home white men

zoroastrism is the true religion of the lost white men, come home white men

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you have to be born into it

How is a proto turk religion the religion of the white man exactly?

Zoroastrianism was the prime influence upon Christianity (OT). Then Hinduism (and Buddhism) coming secondly in influence (NT).

the fight of good vs. evil the bedrock of white man thinking


I think you mean PERSIAN.

danish education

ancient persians or modern iranians, that is the same, are not white.

so you surrender so easely? the fight for your origins ends in a sentence? such a coward may your legacy be one of cowardice

Same difference

>he doesn't even know where the word Aryan comes from
>because of this he has never heard of the Indo-European migrations/invasions
>He doesn't know the Indo-Europeans created ancient Iran
>Aryan as what the Iranians called themselves
>Iranian as a derivative
>he also doesn't know the Indo-Aryans migrated into India most famously at the point of 2500 BC creating Hinduism

>Iranian as a *modern* derivative

Druidism is the religion of our ancestors.

Attached: druid-order.jpg (380x260, 36K)

Mithraism and Druidism is more likely.

maybe YOUR ancestors, white men have a conection 100 times stronger with zoroastrism and its precepts

>Mithraism and Druidism is more likely.
Mithraism is quite obvious but definitely not the first or secondary influence. Druidism I am confused on, do you mean the influence on things such as Parsifal?

>practising a religion there are no descriptions of how to practice

Zoroastrianism is also the oldest religion in existence.

Was that even a religion? Druids were more of a class then anything. Maybe priesthood was part of their job.

OP really really wants to shag his sister.

>not Hinduism
Yea nah. Though to be clear, we are talking oldest recorded religion in existence. Zoroastrianism was its own component but also the organisation of the many previous mythology's of ancient Iran.

do you even know wtf you're talking about? Go read up on Zoroastrianism and get back to us and you should probably spell the name correctly of the religion you trying to shill.

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did you really draw a kike on your bathroom wall tiles?


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It seems to be very similar to the Greek culture depicted in the Iliad.

well, mithraism is persian too

During Sassanian times, this was not the case. Efforts were made to convert the Armenians and Chinese. The Gathas, which goes back to Zarathustra, also makes no mention of having to be born into the religion.
Zarathustra was not, technically speaking, Persian. He was Eastern Iranic and had a considerable amount of steppe admixture. Regardless, his message was universal. It's a message of picking asha (truth, righteousness, order) over druj (lie, deceit, malice, disorder).

Attached: zarathustra02.jpg (589x851, 177K)

So what are the key differences between this and the abrahamic religions?

Evil is an equal.

Zoroastrianism is much older and serves as the spiritual ancestor of the abrahamic religions. The Jews changed their views on their old war god Yahweh to fit in with Zoroastrian cosmological ideas and the Christians and Muslims would in turn get their inspiration from that

I know an Iranian guy who's zoroastrian.

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Is this real life?

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Wasn't Zoroaster like the alpha release of Jesus or something?


Indus valley civilization didn't have any steppe admixture.

Gay. A faggot 19 year old cunt wrote that.

They aren’t white

begome druid

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I'm Iranian and spent time in Yazd with the Zoroastrians there. They don't want any converts, they won't consider converts to be real Zoroastrians. They consider all other Iranians to be foreigners in what was once their country. They just want to be left alone. You have to be born into it with both of your parents being Zoroastrian or they'll never really accept you.

A few interesting things:

1) The fire temple they have open to the public in Yazd is just the one they put on display, they have a handful of secret ones around Iran which they don't tell anyone, I've been able to visit one of those in Taft.

2) They post Dari (not Dari Afghan, but Zoroastrian Dari) speakers at the front of all their festivals to make sure only Zoroastrians enter. They speak their own dialect that's different to modern Persian.

3) They're still extremely obsessed with classes. Classes are divided by professions (priests, trades, warriors, etc). The urban zoroastrians look down on the rural zoroastrians as beneath them and don't want their kids marrying rural scum. All the Zoroastrians look down on the Zoroastrians looking after the funeral rites and don't want their kids marrying those funeral families. There are four Zoroastrian families that can trace their lineage to Sasan times (1400 years ago). One of those families is detested by the other Zoroastrians because they allegedly sided with the muslims during the Islamic Conquests.

There's about 25,000 of them in Iran, genuine Zoroastrians from Zoroastrian families. I don't know how many Iranian converts there are in secret. Most of the Zoroastrians in Iran are in Yazd, Kerman and Tehran. The Yazdi and Tehrani Zoroastrians are pretty well to do but the ones in Kerman are hillbillies and poor.

My impression of Zoroastrians these days is that they have little to do with ideology and faith and they're obsessed with the many traditions they have.

The contentiousness of castes seems pretty comical when there's so few of them

Sounds based.

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>Believes good and evil are two opposite forces
>Cant see the truth of evil being spoiled goodnesss
>Cant see that evil depends on good to survive but good doesn't depend on evil

All religion has been subverted, including Druidism.

Attached: Churchill Druid and Freemason.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

Thus spoke Zarathustra

it's ridiculous. I mean they're a lot better than they were 40 years ago but they're very much class orientated even today. They're doomed to extinction because they just aren't willing to accept converts and the biggest risk to them these days is secularization of their youth. None of their young want to become mobeds (priests), they all want to be engineers or doctors

The three magi came to jesus birth so Christianity is the Zoroastrian successor.
Not saying Modern Christianity is what it was then though.

And yet R1a, Vedic religion and Sanskrit came from somewhere. They certainly weren't native.

The supreme Gods - Zeus, Janus and Ahura Mazda
Glory to Zeus, King of israel Forever!
we're stuck in a time loop fractal false reality.

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The other day I was making breakfast and a voice just popped in my head and said "Ahura Mazda"
Now this thread.
>big hmm.

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Why is Jow Forums always telling me "x" is the white man's religion, or ideology, or food, or whatever. Is this some kind of autism you obsessive spergs suffer from? Are you that desperate to signal you're white?

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huh. there's still only one god

Saying there is one god is hardly different than saying there are infinite number of gods.

You are an idiot if you think turks are Persians....

How? One is blasphemy and the other isn't so by this distinction (and my faith) it's VERY different. One is pagan idolatry and the other is submitting to the one true God and not attributing to him any equals.


He never said they were white. Have you tried reading, kike? You are the one trying to subjugate the term "Aryan" unto white Europeans.

Are you an unironic Abrahamist?

Zorua's a Pokémon, you fuck

Imagine being so illiterate you don't realize that "Persian" is a Greek word for Iranians

Fucking autists

Persians live in Iran to this day and are not the same as Iranian muslims. I hope you understand this.

You forgot to mention Zoroastrians worship invest, drinking piss from their siblings and much more

Unironically kill yourself and maybe you'll be born in a universe where your wet headcanon is real, Turk.

>TFW you will never have your corpse picked clean by birds atop a tower of silence

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Is that what it looks like? I thought it was a regular tower for each person, but to think these incest worshippers made a tall building for so many corpses is bizarre. Do these buildings still exist or were they bulldozed?

Americans are obsessed with being white. I've seen literal mestizos in Florida and California say "my friends think I'm white". It's peak delusion. That word has no meaning anymore.

Wow... and you call someone else stupid? Swedistan should be erassed from the European continent, not only are you absolutely stupid, you are also ruining the entire continent with your idiocy.
This is what you get when you try to educate a swede folks, they are completely oblivious to anything contrary to their momma state education.

Also one more thing: Iran belongs to Persians you muslim scum

It isn't.
This is retarded. "Iran" was the name used to describe the country since the Sassanian period (Iranshahr) and "Persians" is just a Greek translation of one specific region (Pars).
I'd expect a Serb to know better.

Based, fuck all kike religions. Judaism was a corruption of Zoroastrism that Babylonians came up with when Cyrus freed them. Zoroaster saw the need for universal, absolute morality.

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Kill yourself, syncretist. Christianity has nothing to do with Buddhism or Hinduism.

You're so.fucking stupid. Persian is a Greek word that refers to all Iranians. Are you capable of reading a book or do they not have books in Christian Turkey?

It's because Americans identify themselves by what they are not. If they are some mystery meat mixture just a few shades short of nigger, they will claim they are white. Truly, an interesting racial theory. I can't begin to tell you how many absurdly swarthy "Irish-Americans" I've met.

I saw a younger middle eastern looking dude with this symbol tattooed on his arm smoking cheap cigs and drinking beer at the train station a few days ago.
Any idea what his ethnicity might be? Iranian, some Iraqi minority? Zoroastrian indian?

We don't even know what Zoroaster originally taught, we know more about Persian polytheism and of religion in Judea itself before the Persian invasion. All sources come from after 224 AD because Alexander burnt everything before that, and all the supposed "magi" were teaching Hellenistic paganism but with Persian names (so Mazda for Zeus, Ahriman for Hades, Mithra was a god, etc.).

That Turk is probably retarded, so don't take him seriously.

Also, Iran is a much older word. It goes all the way back to 3000 years ago. Iranians has ever called themselves "Persian" or "Parsi" at all.

Probably a Kurd.

where did that even come from swede?

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In-fact, Arabs actually call them "Persians" (Farsi) in Arabic. But because "Persian" doesn't have an "i" at the end, these faggots think that it means they're Europeans.

I doubt Iranians would use Faravahar as a tattoo and non-Iranians don't even know what that symbol is.

Syrians/Assyrians have a similar symbol because they copied it. Maybe you saw that symbol instead?


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Its a name for people that lived BACK THEN, it doesnt apply to Iran now you absolute fucking moron, hence why I said there are REAL Persians living in Iran, the ones that descend from PERSIA back THEN before it was mongrelized by muslims you fucking idiot

Read ->>>>>> But ignore the insults, its reserved for the muslim from sweedistan

You're retarded. "Iran" was the name used for the country in ancient times, they have a genetic continuity going back to the Iron Age. Persia comes from "Pars" which is just one region
They were always "easterners" to the Greeks.

Ahura mazda says Homosexuals are basically demon worshippers, and become one of the unseen after death. I'm having trouble with this myself, either the world is good, and the unseen world is bad, or the other way around, islam and Zorastrianism, say the world is good, Zorastrianism, and the bible more or less say that the ones known as 'gods' are not, but practise human sacrifice for their power.

I'm leaning towards monotheism myself. Islam is an offshoot of zorastrianism, taking the 5 daily prayers with it. The holy spirit is in zorastrianism also, the bible got bits of that aswell.

still there

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Modern IRANIANS look the same as ANCIENT IRANIANS, and Islam isn't a race, you stupid fucking Turk. And there was no Persia, it has always been called IRAN, the LAND OF THE ARYANS. Only Greeks called it Persia because the Iranian capital city was in a small province called Pars/Fars. Before that, Greeks called them Medians.

Now fuck off and aeethe somewhere else.

this one's in India I think, or was.

Jesus fucking Christ I am reffering to genetics and people's I dont give a shit about names. Persians had a kingdom before it was mongrelized. Iran comes from aryan. The name is irrelevant, culture and genetics are important.

I hope those are fake bodies. Can't believe that shit is still being used.

Zoroastryzm is part of SARMATIAN spiritual tradition, you white people can have your gay larpagan granpas in skirts

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I Mazda tried to spread his religion to Greek islands but they didn't like him, and Greeks were bisexual back then. This is just a theory but I think Mazda was against faggotry because of his grudge against Greeks.

modern Iranians are arab and mongol rape babies

This is bullshit. Iran has had 95% genetic continuity going back to the Iron Age. They still speak the same language, they still eat the same food, etc.
You're saying that since they use an Arabic alphabet, and that they're Muslims, that suddenly Iran became "mongrelised". In reality, to the west Iranians were always "Alibabas" just as they are now.

Kill yourself northerner scum, I am not gonna be lectured by an idiot who does not know history. I live in the medittarian dipshit I know the history of this region and the middle east much better than you. Keep living in your stupid snow hutt and leave thinking to real men.

You have the IQ of a donkey, Turk. You should consider suicide, you might be born in a different universe where your delusion could be a reality.

Yes. And?

They havent. Persians were not Islamic.
Persians were aryans. Iran belongs to the Persian minority living in Iran as well as Indo-europeans. End of story


Is it meant to be an old man face?

What you're saying is like saying that Kazakhs used to be called "Huns". Therefore, since the name is different, and since they weren't Muslims, Kazakhs were once blond haired blue eyed giants.