Despite the immense effort and pieces of evidence sent to my friend, he still insists on sending me Nizkor Project. Wat do?
Disproving the Holocaust to my friend
>Nizkor Project
Never heard of it. Just patrolled their site for a few minutes. It's very lame so far. I'm searching for evidence the holocaust happened. I'm TRYING to let them prove it to me. But I can't find any evidence on here...
...But what I am finding is tons of Jewish psychological tricks and guilt tripping people into believing it happened or they should feel bad. Biggest section seems to be "The Psychology of Holocaust Denial". I don't want your god damn (((psychology))) I want EVIDENCE. Yet they provide none. I'll keep reading. This is sad so far. What a lame website.
But if there is a shred of evidence on this website that the holocaust DID happen I'll find it. I'm literally begging for them to prove it to me but they are failing hard so far.
All these people were able to make a living because of the commodification and spread of the myth
Biggest text on the page is "Given the evidence ... why do people deny the Holocaust?"
What evidence. Give. Me. The. Evidence. NOW. I want to see it. Can't find any on this site. Just a bunch of (((psychology))), guilt tripping, and saying how evil nazis are.
If anyone finds the supposed "evidence" on this site please link me to it. I'm looking hard.
Holocaust was 100% real. Remember the holocoaster.
It's right here, are you fucking blind? Stop shouting, god DAMN!
See if you can find anything about where the mountain of bone fragments from cremating 1.5m people at Auschwitz is at. I've never gotten a clear answer about this. Pic related is what remains from a modern cremation, about 2.5-3.5kg of bone fragments. Which leaves about 5 million kilograms of bone fragments unaccounted for.
OK so my friend is entirely convinced of this fucking site. He keeps on redirecting me to this link:
I need more redpill materials. I lost mine when my fucking phone broke.
Not opening that link, mah CIA nigga.
The hell is this? They're just stories. This isn't evidence it's a novel. Where's the real evidence?
>What to do guys, he's hurting my ideology by not believing me
To further elaborate why you're a dumb ideologue piece of shit is that you can't prove your points by yourself. So what are your views even based on? The echo chamber called Jow Forums? You're a pathetic faggot and should ask real experts and professors, use credible sources and evidence or neck yourself
Maybe you can provide some evidence in this thread instead of just saying professors have it?
You can't prove anything to someone who doesn't know what actual "proof" is to begin with. That website he posted has no evidence at all that I can find. What he linked you is a bunch of stories, of supposed holocaust survivors (aka, lying kikes). It reads like a novel. Stories are not evidence.
A cremated person leaves 20lb of ashes. Where is the 120 MILLION pounds of ash? Where are the 20 million pounds of bone fragments? Etc I want evidence.
Where is the evidence fool. I'm begging for anyone to prove it to me. All I want is the truth. Jow Forums has evidence now I need some counter evidence. I'm a neutral party just waiting to see who is right.
There is no hard evidence.
The whole thing is based on a Jewish collection of statements from Jews and forced confessions from Nazis who were being tortured.
Most important step imo is this.
Point out not that the holocaust didn't happen....but that even if it DID happen, why is it clearly ''more important'' than the 10s of millions of Europeans that died?
Why the FUCK should you care more about 6 million jews than 60mil europeans?
Answer : because jews say so.
Just tell him about WTC 7. Or the Lavon Affair. Or the USS Liberty. Of course the holocaust is a lie but it's almost impossible to convince a normie of this straight off the bat, you have to warm them up with more subtle redpills first. There's plenty of reasons to hate Israel, user. Be creative.
"Many millions of bodies, however, were incinerated (including some that were buried in mass graves and had to be exhumed). It is quite easy to get rid of ash. It was dumped in fields and in rivers. Ash is not toxic; it can be dumped anywhere. In fact, it makes good fertilizer, and it is well-documented that farmers around Auschwitz used human ash in their fields.
Just compute how many shoeboxes fit into a large truck. Tens of thousands. What's the problem with dumping truckload after truckload into rivers or fields? Auschwitz is built at a junction of rivers, with a large marsh nearby. In fact, one aerial photograph taken during the war shows large quantities of what may be human ash in a marsh just "outside the extermination camp facility. " From the site
Start by agreeing a methodological principle with your friend. I suggest 'Historical truth lies at the confluence of separate credible streams of evidence'. As an exemplar, consider the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. There is an account by Pliny, which appears credible, but by its own it's not enough. Next, there's the archaeology (Pompeii). Hm, that seems to back Pliny up. Add in the ice-core evidence and bingo! Full cross-validation. Now apply the same rationale to the Gas Chambers. Nuremberg confessions = extracted by torture. First hand accounts = inconsistent with one another or flawed (wrong corpse colour). Photos or blueprints of the chambers themselves = none. Archaeology = zero (or faked). Evidence to the contrary = Bletchley Park decrypts etc. Hope this helps!
That site contradicts itself on Höss. One page argues that he wasn't tortured then in his FAQ page they say he was tortured.