It's clear now that Iran will be invaded before the end of the month. NATO assets are being moved into position as we type. Lets get a good thread going about how this is going to go down. Not a shill, just commenting on the bloody obvious.
Invasion is incredibly unlikely, and would be retarded. Iran has more territory and people than Iraq and Afghanistan combined, and it's bad terrain. It's bombing and interdictment or nothing.
I can't see Russia doing shit, they didn't even sell them the s400s. As for the Chinks, they want to carry on selling chip shit to the Burgers so they won't do anything. But I think conquering Iran will come at a massive price.
Daniel Brown
Primary target 27°10'11"N 56° 5'25"E Secondary target 27°43'38"N 52°11'30"E around 11 AM EST
This will be more like the Syria strikes, not a full on invasion but with how hot the situation is they're ready for a war to break out. But they're not planning to start a war now but just to strike back.
Alexander Roberts
>It's clear now that Iran will be invaded before the end of the month. Hahahahaha shut the fuck up boomer
Connor Reyes
>This will be more like the Syria strikes, not a full on invasion but with how hot the situation is they're ready for a war to break out. But they're not planning to start a war now but just to strike back. Nothing is going to happen you fucking Q Larping boomer bed shitter. Iran is going to continue striking Saudi Arabia using Houthis as a proxy and the US and Saudi Arabia cannot do shit about it.
US had the perfect chance to strike Iran when the US drone was shot down. It didn't.
Juan Ward
dude, you posted Iranian forces, but before you claimed >NATO assets are being moved into position So what are those? What assets moved into place?
Nicholas Wright
also, the point of S-300 is that they are mobile and can change positions.
Brandon Sanders
It isn't the US though, it's saudi lead, the US will just support their actions.
Isaac Barnes
>saudi lead They cannot even take a few missiles from Houthis (Iran proxies). It will take Iran 5 minutes to wipe out Saudi Arabia. Every single industrial plant and military base will be gone a few minutes after the first bomb lands in Iran.
Carson James
Saudi equipment is mostly better than Irans because it's mostly supplied by America/American Corps. Iran has mostly soviet equipment which means their night vision is kinda lack luster, especially in comparison to the US equipment which is why the iraq wars were so one sided. Iran is a bit better but it's still not up to par with the US. Also the drone was launches from Iraq so more likely Iran just had some houthis there to act as the face of the attack but everything else was done by Iran, they just pushed the button.
Xavier Howard
>> NATO assets
kek sure. You mean that one AWACS and some old stuff of the 70`s ?
Its kinda funny that no one really asks what happen down there. I mean basically Arabs could blown up it by themselves only to higher the oil price. No one gives a fuck.
Camden Cox
Sweet! 1970s technology. Surely that will pose a great threat.
Death to Iran.
Ian Phillips
>. But I think conquering Iran will come at a massive price Doesn't matter as long as the goyim pays for it.
Hudson Lee
Show your flag shlomo >Saudi equipment is mostly better than Irans Stopped reading there. Saudi equipment could not stop a houthi cruise missile. Iran will overwhelm any kind of defense system Saudi Arabia has.
Dude, Saudi Arabia is on fire, they've lost 50% of their economy output and the war you want to impose on Iran hasn't even begun. Stop talking shit. Iran will wipe out Saudi Arabia, I can't fucking wait.
Ian Clark
No invasion of Iran. Iran was a good country. They din' du nufin'.
Dylan Murphy
well if you aren't a shill you're utterly retarded. An invasion of Iran will never happen. >Mountainous as fuck >well trained paramilitary forces throughout the country >fully funded and supplied proxy forces across the levant and rest of the region >rat lines to Russia and Pakistan via Afghanistan >talking with the Chinese, probable pipeline through Tazikastan It would be a disaster. And thank the Lord, the people who make decisions know this.
Because tough-guy Trump blinked at the last minute like a bitch. You delusional fags can't even say otherwise or you're lying to yourselves.
Adam Robinson
>houthi cruise missle Remember it was an Iranian drone with Iranian Missles (russian) that did the attack. They weren't built by some random group.
Plus I'm not calling for a war, but like Syria the saudis are going to want to strike back. Saudi and Iran have been going at it in the proxy war department for decades now and have always bitterly hated eachother. So Saudi will do a strike in retaliation. NOT CALLING FOR WAR you stupid mutt.
Adam Cook
Yes please,I hope every muslim rat explodes into hundreds of pieces.
Carter Howard
if dub iran nuked until the end of 2019
Tyler Nelson
the problem is that Iran is objectively better at all types of war than Saudi. The Saudi's are lazy as fuck, if it really came down to it, they would just give us a call and let us handle what we could. Remember the small troop deployments to those mothballed airfields in the saudi desert? Yeah, this is what those were for. I would't be surprised to see many more US operated patriot missile batteries and etc. deployed to harden SA's air defenses. Won't make a difference though. The Saudi's have money The Iranian's have spirit. Who do you think wins?
Angel Robinson
Can you explain to me as to why you mutts hate Iran so much?
Nathan Hall
Nobody in the middle east is good at war, the only thing either nation has going for it is their geogrophy in terms of a ground war. Even then they probably wouldn't go through Iraq and would be fighting over the Persian Gulf. so it would mainly be a battle for control over that body of water.
Even then it sounds like you're the one shilling for war when I'm just saying a strike is going to occur. Are you sure you're not the guy who goes into tarrant threads and calls everyone mossad and /ahsg/ threads and accuse everyone of being a shill?
Also they just didn't have air defences there, they do have air defences but they have them over their capital mostly.
Jack Cox
Oh? >KIKE PUPPETS DIE >Iraq was invaded AFTER A DECADE PLUS of forced disarmament. >Iran is armed. >Anybody suggesting war with Iran and posting missile sites in Iran, is forgetting the ones in Russia, Turkey, Iraq, China, Inner Mongolia, North Korea, and Syria. >Because you will have to hit them, all. >DARPA has warned the US DoD that the US and Israel cannot prevail in the war they are starting. >The DIA has warned the US that it cannot prevail in the war they are starting >The RAND CORP has warned the US that it cannot win the war they are starting. >The Pentagon Computer Simulation hq has warned the US that it cannot prevail in the war they are starting.
The ZOG is doomed. That's why I inform you Mossad fucks, officially: this is summons to appear no more before the Throne, but to receive the news that God is backing the Eurasiatic Alliance.
>That is why all the ufo interference is in effect.
Bye, ZOG. So good of you to commit this ritual act of suicide that is also extermination of the Jews.
>Are you sure you're not the guy who goes into tarrant threads and calls everyone mossad and /ahsg/ threads and accuse everyone of being a shill? Nvm, already found him
Gabriel Campbell
It's unironically because the television said to. There are obvious reasons why the television says that, but that's why so many Americans seem to have a perpetual, neocon erection that they want to slip in a Persian poonanny. This is a county where a well-known television journalist can buck the trend for a second to ask "why should we go to war with X?," an elected official will say something like, "well, if you care about Israel..." and the majority will nod their head as if that makes any kind of sense at all. Same reason in negative that most of them don't remember me running around your country twenty years ago; the television didn't deem that a happening, for the most part. Only when something juicy popped up like someone getting captured or whatever. Otherwise, you people didn't exist.
Levi Harris
No Rothchild run central bank. Cant let those savages live their lives without paying a percentage of everything to Das Juden.
Adrian Reyes
Iran deserves to have and be allowed to use nuclear weapons to defend itself from Israeli, Saudi, and US aggression
Isaac Richardson
>so it would mainly be a battle for control over that body of water. And every drop of oil that passes through.
Add to that NATO+Israel+Gulf allies. They won't stand a chance.
Anthony Allen
Iran still has a ton of ballistic missiles it can launch at US bases. Iran has a fuck ton of speed boats with super-sonic naval missiles strapped to them. They will just swarm American ship formations.
Brody Morales
Genuinely not shilling for war in any way. I just see the writing on the wall. If Iran keeps fucking with the international oil supply, it will become more and more likely. >no one in ME is good at war depends on what kind of war. The Iranians are legitimately experts at unconventional warfare, and they have had their fingers in Iraq and Afghanistan since the beginning of our involvement in those places. They've learned a hell of a lot about how we operate and synthesized it into several agile, well equipped proxy forces that are scattered across the whole region. When they finally do "go to war" it will be a total war that will strike targets in Israel, SA, Syria, Iraq, the gulf, all at the same time. Or at the very least thats what they will attempt. Like I said above, it'll be fucking ugly.
Iran will not be invaded. I hope they will, I want a world war.
Logan Cox
Who gives a shit about their equipment? The Saudi army is useless and poorly trained and will probably collapse like ARVN did the moment they get into an actual war.
Julian Carter
Nobody wants a regional war with Iran. Anyone who does will get their shit pushed in so hard they'll turn inside out.
Gavin Miller
Israel wants, but they are also unable to mount invasion, even with US and saudi help
John Taylor
Nothing ever happens.
Juan Phillips
Plus there's a lot of oil under Iran.
Ryan Garcia
Iran can handle the u.s, lets not say that the president already spoke he will glass the entire israel population if he goes down
Adrian Roberts
Baby bibi wants a war before he gets booted off the election
Cooper Reyes
The US would either win the war with heavy losses or get anither Vietnam. I wonder who their Red Khmer will be.
Luis Rivera
What are they gonna do? Blow themselves up with that range?
Aiden Lee
>or get anither Vietnam Vietnam doesn't compare to what would happen in their losing scenario lol
Joseph Russell
But a war with saudi would be over the persian gulf. That's where you have to control bodies of water which the saudi's are more equipped to do. I doubt they will go after Iraq because dispite being friendly to the US, the country of Iraq and her current government are kinda close with Iran. Iraq would just be in the worst situation and would be the wild card.
>Remember when Iran and Iraq went to war? My father fought in that war, they used chemical weapons across the entire front. Just a prelude to what they would do if they felt their homeland threatened. Iran has been totally marginalized in the international community, there's no telling what they would do in the event of a ground invasion. The only reason countries don't use bio/ chem weapons these days is international pressure and becoming a pariah afterwards, Iran is already a pariah, they have nothing to lose, China will still buy their oil regardless of what they do.
The gulf would be the primary focus sure, but Iran has pre-positioned itself throughout the region to draw attention and manpower away from key geography. It would require a massive deployment of all branches of the US military to sew up all the potential flash points, and that's before Israel starts screaming about scuds and other bullshit.
It's an interesting thought experiment to try and wargame a potential conflict with Iran. I think we will see the pot continue to boil, tit for tat attacks across the gulf, the US might get more involved in helping crush the Houthis, but it's hard to be sure. Without a doubt, what Iran wants more than anything is an opportunity to kill actual Americans, to bolster support from the radical Muslims that infest the whole region. Illiterate farmers have caused more trouble in the world than anyone else. (except jews perhaps.)
Iraq is 100% an Iranian puppet at this point, and would support Iran in a war if push came to shove.
on a sidenote, its comical how little progress was made by either side in the Iran/ Iraq war haha. and yet 500,000 soldiers and atlest 250,000 civilians still died.
Matthew Lopez
Just another turn of the wheel in a 1500 year old civil war between the Sunnis and the Shia. There is nothing new going on here.
Jeremiah Taylor
>Supply Iraq with the means to produce chemical weapons >Be surprised Iran uses similar means to defend themselves against your puppets invasion
Hudson Russell
Very true. The issue now is that they are fucking with our fuel supply.
Interesting as well how the Jewish state leverages both sides against each other. Their might have been hope for some kind of reconciliation between the sunni and shiite factions, but the last thing Israel wants is a united Muslim front to deal with. On one hand I can't really blame them, but on the other, the ramifications of their actions are profound and felt around the world.
Parker Johnson
never said or implied that Kraut. They had just taken hostages, interesting timing on the start of the war and the release of the embassy folks. I can't blame my govt. for stoking a war between two backwards brown countries, especially when one of those countries embarrassed the fuck out of us on the international stage. Politics is a complicated game.
These tech comparisons are fucking bs, tech dont matter at all, if iran would be invaded pretty much all of iran would rally against the israhell and their golem-nations and the country would radicalize to extreme antisemitic islamic caliphate overnight, no amount of good goys on ground or trillions of american tax $$ would ever win over their hearts and minds. The mutated states has already lost 2 wars against goat fuckers with kalashnikovs and ied's, do they srsly think freedom and democracy bs is going to work now?
Jaxson Campbell
Thats a chinese village where avatar was filmed
Nathaniel Brown
Nathaniel Kelly
>Iraq is 100% an Iranian puppet at this point, and would support Iran in a war if push came to shove. Ah mostly true but the US would keep them from doing anything. Iraq can also keep the US from flying strikes and attacking from Iraq.
Levi Reed
That's because the middle east is HORRIBLE at ground wars. Sure they can bomb the hell out of eachother but they're not going to be making much progress on eachother. Iran does have MUCH HARDER geographical challenges for the saudis if they ever land but saudi arabia is no joke either with hundreds of miles of desert. Just an attrition nightmare.
Joseph Nguyen
If Iran was invaded, the Iranians would revert to the ages-old Persian practice of letting the invaders take over and practicing low-key nepotism until all relevant government positions were back in Persian hands in 3-5 generations.
Noah Myers
>3-5 generations Twelve to sixty years by Iranian standards.
Charles Price
Oh hush rabbi, the goys are tired of fighting your wars for you.
Caleb Harris
neat. I collected a few tilt shift pics like this because they are comfy. I'd be happy living in that valley, or in the village I posted above.
Grayson Cox
Based and dharmapilled
Josiah Powell
Yeah, that's more than likely what they would do, deny us use of their airspace, which wouldn't amount to much if we had carriers in the gulf, but then they become vulnerable to suicide drone attacks and suicide boat attacks, both of which would certainly happen. you're spot on in your analysis. I doubt it would ever really escalate to that point. Not a jew "God" see, I can say the name. What do you think happened? Why did he call off the strike at the last minute? >inb4 4d chess You people give him too much credit.
is that what you slimy shits are doing in Kashmir? Why is Modhi such a warmonger? Genuinely curious, it's hard to find reliable information here, and Indian news is worse than any tabloid I've ever seen. To me looking in from the outside, Pakistan has shown a remarkable amount of restraint towards India which honestly surprised the fuck out of me. I have an extremely low opinion of Pakis, in fact, I like Indians way more, but they don't seem like the bad guys in this current conflict.
We dont. Those are Jews trying to drum this up. The same Jews who did this FF against Iran. Bibi is in a panic. He lost Bolton, Trump has been in talks with Rouhani. Bibi caught spying in the U.S. they're fucked on this one and they know it
Henry Martin
Go on mutts, try it. Try taking on the Ayranian BVLLS and see what happens.
Nope, not until next year. US wants Japan's support and they are saying no. US troops are garbage tier and the loss would be immense in a land invasion.'re seriously asserting that because our readiness is so poor right now, we're waiting for the JAPANESE to come to the rescue? wtf are they gonna do? Send ps4's?
Logan Turner
S-300 and S-400 are great area of denial weapons, but without a competent air force to complicate an attack they are still vulnerable to SEAD missions. Iran has a museum collection of 70's tech fighters, they are not going to stop dozens of GBU-53/B StormBreaker fired against a site. The US Airforce has thousands of these stockpiled for just that reason as they are a cheap saturation solution for taking out long range sam sites
>They will just swarm American ship formations. hahahahahaha
John Scott
Navy support, some US equipment like the aegis system is made with the help of japan. That's what the whole Iran/Japan incident was about, to get them on board attacking Iran. Japan isn't ready to get into wars yet though.