
Porn, video games and media streaming have legions of young men staying inside on their electronic devices because of their addictive qualities- instead of going out with friends and meeting girls. How is this allowed?

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It's allowed because you live in a capitalist society that has decided to forgo culture and health for money.

My parents are threatening me with being kicked out from the house if I don't find a job this fall.

I started getting really comfy during the summer with just staying in my bedroom watching shows, anime, playing vidya, browsing the boards and looked forward to a even cozier fall/winter. But now I am facing homelessness and don't know what to do. I don't want to work. I just want to be a Neet like a lot of people nowadays. All the wage cuck posting convinced me that working doesn't pay off and its a waste of time. The problem is, I live in a 2nd world country and we don't have a social system/neetbucks which makes it hard to survive without an income. Fuck, I just want to be a full time comfy Neet and not deal with people every day like my bros in the west. I can't think of anything worse than spending 8-12 hours is some shitty store or warehouse. How the hell do people manage it? The parents keep nagging me how I should pick something, doesn't matter what the pay is, or even volunteering (lol), basically anything that would keep me from being inside the house 24/7 and "become part of society".

How do I approach this? How do I explain them what wagecuckery is, what normies are and how nasty, scummy they are, that the system is broken and that I don't want to contribute to it? That working for €300 is slavery?
I don't see many options left, its either Neetdom or death.

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have no money to go out but have just enough money to survive on

I stopped going out years ago because my friends were all bluepilled hedonistic 20yo boomers. I never liked going out anyway, I was always an introvert


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All those things don't harm anyone and help artists make money. I don't see the problem here. Pic related my hero *tips*

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t.niggerincel has nothing better to do with his time then go on a Chinese basket weaving anime forum to try to trigger the wy pipo. Actually I’m probably giving you too much credit in saying you’re black, probably a kike

Vidya is legit

"friends" are a meme and so are girlfriends

learn to code

did you finish school? what are you qualified in? are you able to go and study instead? that's what i'm doing here, wasn't able to get into university but the local college has electrical installation diplomas which I signed up for, starting tomorrow. Can't just sit around, unfortunately (((money))) is how things work now. At least try and generate a passive income to stop you starving

Also I was working for ~3 years, moved abroad, came back and was a NEET for the last 6 months, which is why I could go to local college, as I didn't have to pay for it. Gonna get my certificates, work for 3-4 years, buy a cheap plot of land and a cheap £22k prefab hut and live rent/mortgage free for life

will invite other family to build more huts and make a community kek

It is entirely your choice, nobody is forcing you to do those things. If you too weak-willed to succumb to video games, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and pornography, then it's probably best you don't reproduce.

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If they evict you, pee all over their bathroom and make a webm just like that guy who was posting him pissing on public bathrooms a few months ago

>he writes as he spend all of his days on a manga forum for mongolian children

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> 1 post by this ID...

Society has nothing to offer men like me. Contrary to popular belief we don't live in The Big Bang Theory where every nerd has a fair shot at a qt. And modern women are also bitchy, can't cook or clean and are generally unkind because they're conditioned to act like men.

Why contribute to a system that offers me nothing?

Friends are pointless after high school and none of the girls are worth meeting.

Honestly don't even understand how you could play for an extended period of time constantly. Especially the older you get. I've always like vg and am still an avid collecter of SNES games, but I play them once a week (Sunday) and usually for 1-3 hours. Once in a blue moon I'll stay in and play all day, but that's on stormy days or blizzard like weather and even then I take a break every couple of hiurs to do yoga or bodyweight exercise. Can't even blame the medium. You don't blame food, you blame the fat guy.

Modern women are coddled by the state so they don't aspire to be a homemaker but instead chase a career or work blue collar. But females will always be pussies who will come crying to you for protection when they are in danger.

All in all if you want offspring you will have to put up with their bitchy behavior most of the time. Otherwise you can pump and dump em or just ignore them.

The problem is if everyone gives up then society falls apart. Until robots do everything people that sit back and do nothing are a plague on society and hence people who play a useful role in society despise them.

So basically get a job

>Porn, video games and media streaming have legions of young men staying inside on their electronic devices because of their addictive qualities- instead of going out with friends and meeting girls. How is this allowed?

Because to some people these entertainments are superior to friends/girlfriends.

You mad wagie?

Western society in my opinion is trash and anything i can do to speed up the fall furthers my goals. To put my complaints in perspective western society is going all in on globalist neo liberalism. Which will be a tyrannical one world government never seen before in human history.

Lucky for me however countries like Russia,China and Iran have global ambitions polarized to America empire so globalism will never be realized.

Because we want to jerk off to our gay furry shota incest porn in peace, you stupid nigger.

video games give people what real life can't.
oh look, same sky, same people, same same
same same. now if the government ie the romans
let white people ie earths immune system go and
clean up the infection ie non white people, then
video games lose all meaning.

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I'm too apathetic to really care about anything. If you want the downfall of society okay but you gotta understand that for most people that isn't something they want so they will fight against it. Like kicking you out of home

Good luck with your neeting

I met my current gf in minecraft and she even has an actual vagina

You must be doing well off to be apathetic to a western society that uses citizens as tax slaves for the ambition of globalism. To make you understand America spends trillions of dollars on expanding neo liberalism globally(by force) while millions of Americans are actually living poverty. Now what do you think the elite will do to the people once they gain control over the whole world? That's right they will project the tyranny straight onto the people they were once using as tax slaves and thats the apocalypse the jews want to unleash for the 2nd coming.

Yup the west is satanic and you don't care apparently.

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In video games you can level up, you work toward a goal you know is there
We’re told life is this way when we’re young but that is not the true reality

Life is isn’t as easy as we’re told it is, you can tell someone to pull themselves up by their boot straps and just ‘work hard’ but there’s much more factors in life especially in the modern age preventing people from just ‘getting rich’
We’re born to be debt slaves, breaking out isn’t part of the design

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Finished bachelors in mech. eng., but I hate being around people and just want to be at home. my mom has a small flat and gets about €170, its not enough for a passive income, you need at least €450 to survive here. hope everything works out for you
fuck society

You know you're not physically tied to the chair right?
> b-b-but the west and girls
Bro just leave your room and make that change you winge about ad nauseam you fucking degenrate

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Do you support more socialist initiatives?
What would a society that you want to be part of look like?

>Fuck society
Okay but what would you put in its place?

>streetshitter memeflag
>"the west"
top kek

I support caring for people who need at help at home instead of the foolish ambition of globalism. Trump ran against globalism by the way and we haven't forgotten that. He is on a short leash in that regard.

So i would like jobs coming home, more spending on health services less on war and more nationalist polices in general.

>Lol wojak is so funny you guys. I love posting my edits I made while chugging on tendies! These will never get old

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Is it illegal? No? Then fuck off George Orwell

Are you actively trying to get stuff to change or have you just given up?

I'm so lazy and pathetic I barely do anything

quick make more d&c threads and they will see the light

Implying communism is any better

Because of llibs, cuckservatives, lobertarians and socialists. Prove me wrong

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Who cares give us apocalypse now

It's a symptom of a broken society. The escapism is a normal reaction to such an environment

But its the modern warfare beta weekend, bro

What can i alone change? I try to spread the word and i have my vote if it even matters. Mostly i keep on... and remember we have guns here for the revolution that is probably coming.

Yeah like actively trying to change peoples opinions in society.

What is a way to meet people with a similar mind set?
I don't have any extreme political views or anything but it feels like no one really wants to have in depth talks about the state of society and its future




I try, but I'm too autistic to engage with people. I have a Jow Forums chad friend who's helping me though.

I'll be your friend. We can be autistic together.

>meeting grills
Fucking boomer meme
Realistically you just go to a bar a fuck some lonely used up whore then ignore her texts
Dumb boomer

better question is - how did it suddenly happen in my youth? Out of thousands of generations why am I being tempted by those things? Is this all a simulation just for me?

Jow Forums has more addicts than reddit
try /gif/ faggot

it's just 8 hours a day, ,weekends free. You're pissing them out anyway for bullshit, so what difference will thta make? I thought like you once, but this is not sustainable neither it's fulfilling way of livign.

you need to fuck them the same night tho, their attention span isnt that long

Yeah that’s what I meant, all in the span of a night
That’s the modern day
>just go out and meet grills bro

Women these days are not worth the effort
inb4 have sex incel
Fuck you. All I know is you can’t be divorce raped if you have nothing to do with women.


>Capitalism and Communism are the only economic systems in the world

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maybe that works if you have a good social circle or dont look for them in bars/clubs
but i dont believe women are much different in any place

Last time I did something fun with friends I ended up in a knife fight, at like 1am. Maybe outside isn't all that great of a place to relax.

they are not superior but they are free, infinite and available without any effort. Also they are really addictive. The more shitty is our society the more young men will take refuge in "virtual" activities. This is a vicious circle and many of us are trapped in it

Being a gym rat and having a decent job is grinding IRL. Working hard at being social is social gainz. Reading books is raising my INT and CHR.

Why grind on your PC when you can grind IRL? When you do play games try the ones that need skill, not leveled stats- like PUBG, and DOTA. Learn an instrument for dexterity gains faggot.

Got bebinine benis?

How to get pussy as introvert not going out though?

be a 8/10 on tinder?
or any other online site

you really can do that all day? I feel like shit if i dont help or do something productive before watching a movie or playing a game

Your just lazy and you are clinging to propaganda that makes you feel justified.

Fuck having friends, they are just useless leeches that wants favors and money from you.
Absolute waste of time same as woman who only give you herpes and in worst case children that you have to pay for and wagecuck for the rest of your Life.

Imma gonna stay inside, get high, play videogames and fap all day instead of wagecucking and if they force me to homelessness then I just an hero.
Can‘t force a dead man into wagecucking.

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You don't

>Women these days are not worth the effort

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what's ur kik?