The more popular he gets the more insufferable he is

This little retard is getting high on his supply and the zoomer meme. It's so fucking cringe hearing someone as astute as he is on political analysis, venture into these bizzare "zoomer, boomer, gen x fuck you, boomer die only zoomer, Fortnite games, based games Minecraft" shit, it's mind boggling.

If he's not actually autistic and retarded, and if he actually thinks that's a good tactic, to have "zoomers only" watching his show, I can't even comprehend how dumb he is.

Zoomers are in way worse job/money/life situation than millenials, and millenials are fucked. There's no room for divide anymore yet this spic idiot it acting as if being a zoomer aka 19 year old lanky 145 lbs socially inept retard shut in "Fortnite dance king" is the future.

He won't last long. I guess the hubris he now shows is what happens to these absolutely autistic (in non-ironic non-meme way) zoomer idiots who get their first chunk of money in their lives and start thinking "I'm the real Wolf of Wall Street now, I'm the Scarface".


> Zoomers rising, we're T-posing on cringe all over the place! I'm banking from superchats (?? LMAO) on JewTube hell yeah based zoomer smart money! My main source of income is donations from a jewish platform BASED.

Attached: nickthespic.png (698x621, 383K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>t.faggy Millenial who didn't make the cut for generation zyklon

Ok, this thread is pretty cringe desu, imagine actually being a millenial, it's clear you are butthurt by your Emperor Nick because you aren't a zoomer. Nick Fuentes is intelligent, charismatic and a good debator.

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

You sound like a straight up fag

t. boomer

>generation zyklon

Your idol faggot zoomer is preaching values while eating like shit, acting like shit, and most of all - not making kids.

If you're actually "zoomer" (what a fucking cringe thing to say lmao) you're young broke and retarded so you don't get the subtle nuances of people's speeches but I'm old I'm 75 and I get it.

When Nick the Spic says "he doesn't plan on getting married until 30" you know what that means?

I hope you do. If not, I'll translate it for you. That means he will never, ever have kids. That means he is aware that not only he's a fucking manlet....BASED ZOOMER SKINNY FAT MANLET cope millenials!.....but also, he's aware that he can not do the normal interaction with women.

Yelling no e-girls probably means he'll end up with one one day, I mean that's probably only interaction he has with women, the e-thots are all he knows.

He is a good debater what? His idea is that we debate our way out of this horror? OK.


Attached: 1541746801072.jpg (319x158, 8K)

>The more popular he gets the more insufferable he is

Name one person who isnt like this

faggot boomer

Attached: 1549926395135.png (757x615, 184K)

Actually, you just posted cringe retarded zoomer, dabbing is 2016 shit you faggot and that clown is a stale meme.

You zoomers are the worst just absolute bottom of the barrel trash.

>Name one person who isnt like this

Sam Hyde.

Is that Maisie Williams?

Attached: rs_1024x759-190521061351-1024-Arya-Stark-Maisie-Williams-GOT-LT-052129-HBO.jpg (1024x759, 77K)

I like how all the traits of insecure loudmouth short people are visible in Nicks behavior it's kinda silly but also clockwork.

Every smallman I ever met in life was loud and I would compare it with those bitches that have those tiny tiny dogs that can fit in a purse, those dogs would BARK all the time, high pitched bark all the time, too funny.

Nick can not go 2 minutes without


OK we get it skinny fat manlet spic zoomer we get it - YOU figured it all out in 1926 we get it. WOW BASED *do the billy bounce*

Annoying mexican weasel is a parasitical opportunist and nothing more, just like every other phony e-nigger.

Mexican? Jokes on you, he's Italian! I should know I'm from Croatia - I live 30 minutes from the first Italian city.

There are Fuenteses EVERYWHERE in Italy. Fuentes, Mujer, Gomez, Lopez, Rodriguez...

Now about the pressing world issue, a swedish cuck faggot gaymer doing something something subscribers something ADL, he did this but then he did THAT - I've been saying it for years, for YEARS, if you go back on my videos, years back, you will actually find me saying it...

Burgers fries eating good so funny, hehe I eat fast food and pretend I'm eating a la carte hahahahaha so funny.

I'm getting chubby MOM MOM hahahah tendies MOM hahahah funny.

Zoomers will rise up.

this threads a great example of why the white race is hated and the world will cheer when it inevitably dies.

I’m a 30 year old millennial but yeah Zoomers are the future you need to reach them.

This should be a given if you think about for more than a minute lol.

>Nick Fuentes
>”white race”

Lol no just no

Attached: 1568504707228.png (478x664, 356K)

You were obviously born in '96 and are s e e t h i n g that, although you are based an part of nickernation, are not part of the elite zoomer shock troops.
Also why do you even watch his show? Croatia is almost 100% white.

All Nick does is prove the amerimutt meme is real.

NO ONE on Jow Forums gives a goddamn about eceleb trash like Nick Fuentes. NO ONE talks about the cancer expect you goddamn shill spammers trying to keep the trash discussed on Jow Forums

Most americans when hearing a spanish name automatically think it's a mestizo beaner. I don't blame them though, there's millions of those things in their country

Nick is a Mestizo beaner though.
He’s barely even “Castizo”.
And being “Castizo”, doesn’t make you white.

>you need to reach them

I was redpilled by Sam Hyde he was not political and his teaching resonated more than this mexican and his hack show ever will.

The whole "I'm in front of a green screen with a MUG on my desk and I'm in a suit talking about politics" gimmick is 100%, 100000%, 60000000% jewish television MKULTRA bullshit and I can't stand it, it's been done for 50+ years yet this retarded mexican tries to promote himself as the FRESH FUTURE.

And he's listening to Kanye? Hahahah nigga Kanye is for millenials lmfao if Nick was into NLE Choppa I would get it, that's zoomer music. But he's into millenial music wtf.

Also why is Zoomer Nick accepting BOOMER dress codes? Kinda cringe.

Also he's a faggot, he does influence minds but he does it wrong, oversatruation and basically his whole platform is a moneygrab for him and a hangout spot for fatherless shut-in autists that listen to him religiously.

When people listen to you religiously you can say whatever, that's why Nick is pro Trump, even though Trump is the biggest fattest Jewjan Horse in recent human history.

As much as the skinnyfat manlet spic annoys me - that's not real.

Never watched this guy. The idea of people taking political takes from a fucking 16 yr old or whatever really tells you everything you need to know about his fanbase though.

>He won't last long
He really won't tho, because his youtube channel will get banned as soon as he'll get enough subscribers, then he'll have to find a real job

Literally who?

Dude you posted cringe

Nah but for real this Italian fellow does have good verbal skills and he should work on those rather than trying to appease to "muh based zoomers" like a literal autist.

I remember him getting ANGRY at some superchat going into full jewmerican mode saying shit like "we got million aircraft carriers, we went to the moon, your country didnt do shit" type of talk...

So that's 100% Will Chamberlain Shapiro shit.

What's next, he's gonna do the "we won 2 world wars" shit and then talk about "6 million superchats, well more like 200 000 superchats" and other VERY EDGY AND FUNNY jokes of the sort?

Dude's a fucking one trick pony, a Galiceno

I'd say this is hilarious, but after what Trump has done to the nation, selling us all out to Israel and the corporate overlords, making all white people NAZIs, and how no one trust anyone any more this is actually possible. THAT'S how really bad things are.

I can only hope that Nick, being a Catholic, this news is all a farce, if not, I will diminish and head north to the cold cold tundra to live out my days in solitude.

fuckin retards

Didn't he do a dna test saying he was around 80% white? That's whiter than a castizo

stop watching videos made by people with no expertise, no authority and no insider information. If you are going to tell me I should pay attention to someone because they have an account on a free video website I will have to explain to you how retarded that is.


Nick is not only based, but he's even redpilled, as well as epic.

Attached: mkYyJ5OMHSpsdK7H (1).webm (640x360, 1.08M)

Every based millennial hates millennials. It's perfectly acceptable given his chosen demographics.

Holy shit, you are still going on millennial? Nick Fuentes is fucking great, you are obsessing over him kek

Go away owen

Nick will go down as run of the mill political blabbermouth, a guy who read the news and then "interpreted" it for retards who can't interpret it by themselves. WOW. Amazing.

Sam's skits live and will live on until they become reality, which they eventually will. Funny that I typed this, because I did hear Nick going semi-salty on Sam the other day hahahah

> Fellow zoomers, why do people force this "Sam was right state enforced homosexuality 2070" so much, it's cringe...

Skinnyfat mexican is mad that cryptorich visionary Sam actually had the acumen 8 years ago to bet his jokes in a certain direction and that those jokes most likely won't be jokes for that long no more...

Where as Nick....he's legacy is

> this week we're on the Trump train, zoomers, listen to me, this week Trump is based
> hello based zoomers, Trump is cringe
> fellow zoomers I've been saying this for years, Trump is based
> zoomers, I have to say it since nobody will - Trump is cringe

Wow. Legendary.

you jews are by far the most hated race. cant wait to youre all exterminated

Sam is a pretty terrible person IRL though. Still like his comedy but man he fucks people over and takes advantage of them.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Why the butthurt? Did he block you on Twitter?

>"we must get rid of immigrants and secure our borders"
>t. Fuentes

Oh shit man that's so funny and based, 100% zoomer haha MOM bring me Coke and fries mom! hahaha I'm getting chubby! Haha!

I'm a 5'3 spic and getting chubby hehe! MOM!

>I'm a 5'3 spic
Is he really that short?

Holy shit, you are absolutely seething. What the fuck did Nick do to you?

E. Michael Jones is 6'2

Attached: EAh7CbgXoAU-YEJ.jpg (2048x1536, 422K)

He's 5'12


The pedocryptokike?

If he's 6'2 then nick is around 5'9 which is average.

Nickers did nothing wrong

That meme is too cringe, also you forgot to post the pic lol

Imagine listening to a 20 year old incel who got bullied out of college for being a sperg. The Alt-Right is pathetic....

I'm gonna T-pose on you now.

he might be 5'8.... but he he is so cute! nigger fem in Los Angeles! ( ;_;)
>tfw can get bf... but there are no Right leaning ones!

Attached: pure bix nood.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

I have a rule f thumb on Jow Forums. Negative eceleb threads are made by e celebs who want to read their fans defend them.

Positive eceleb threads are actually bait to gather people which hate an eceleb. Either way there should be a containment eceleb board.

He was good in 'The Wolf Of Wall Street'
I suppose 'Titanic' was ok too.

>I have a rule f thumb on Jow Forums. Negative eceleb threads are made by e celebs who want to read their fans defend them.

I have gone thru many phases of various ecelebs when it comes to "political commentary" and got sick of all of them because I don't think it's natural or healthy to listen to the same faggot talk shit about daily's alien to me, I'm not a Jewmerican aka I'm not a circumcised retard.

But in Jewmerica for those fatherless circumcised idiots that's another story, they need some connection to something, even if it has to be a fucking "daily news pundit". That's why a colossal retard like Joe Rogan (listened to first 100 podcasts, now I would unironically order a hit on that faggot) can do 10000000000000000 3 hour shows and get religious followers.

Nick is aiming on that same shit. Owen does to. All of them do it. Greed plus some whatever bizzare insecurities make people do that. Aaaaaaaaaand that's yet ANOTHER thing Sam talked about long time ago and was right about.

This lil mexie keeps reiterating "nicker nation" shit which is kind of mkultra type of "you are my fans but you also have a label wow you're special" is 100% boomer and 9 billion % cringe. He is a confused child and I think fucking women would actually help him, but he knows that the current market of hyperthots isn't exactly looking for 5'6 chubby mexicans.

aussies are fucking sexy
t.(currently) very drunk nigrerss gal in Los Angeles that met the most fucking banting (aussie) male ever on Saturday
hello, strayan!