Is this Accurate?
What happened to the USA?
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A fucking leaf every time
Thats the punishment for sharting in the jewish mart
Bad edit. The original were about British instead of Americans
The Israel creation fiasco was definitely the british, unfortunately evangelic Christians believe if we dont support Israel God will smite our nation so weve been backing them ever since
i know, it's just an edit to make fun of the US.
>if we dont support Israel God will smite our nation
nice, even tho Jews say that Jesus was a son of prostitute?
Great logic.
Evangelicals believe in the Scofield bible, they believe that they have to support Israel or they will be punished by God.
>America became flooded with a critical mass of nonwhites because Trump moved a building in another country
>I built a birdhouse because my toaster stopped working because my parents' dog had puppies four years ago
>i can't read a fucking date
>Support the people who spit on your God to please your God
IMF/Israel/Frankfurt School
Thanks jews!
America had nothing to do with that though. Your meme is gay and you're a faggot
Burgers fought the wrong enemy.
Terrible. Americans don't say mate. Unless it pertains to fucking.
Reverse colonized...
I have warned about Abrahamic religious subversion... But my opponents don't want to listen, they just want to call me names instead and continue to live in their fantasy world and not realizing the real dangers out there!
Try to tell that to a boomer...
they wanted to be independent from Britain. So now the jews own them instead.
The state of the world...
The USA is not and has never been a white country
White racism induced via intellectual Jews caused youre downfall really. Played you like a fucking fiddle when we ALL could have had it all.
And now they are accelerating so the country will become even less white...
And they don't even fight back, so I think it's over for America.
Greatest ally...
- Lavon Affair
- Stealing enriched Uranium from US
- USS liberity
-1983 beirut bombings (Israel knew about the attack and failed to share it with US)
- Jonathan Pollard espionage scandal
- Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal
- Sep 11, 5 dancing Israelis . Israel knew about the attacks before it happened, failed to warn US and they tried to bomb George Washington Bridge
It's sort of like the classic abused spouse hoping the other spouse will change while being constantly guilted by the abusive spouse about past events to justify current shitty behavior.
If I could draw I'd draw Uncle Sam and a Jewess representing Isreal shopping together with Uncle Sam looking totally dejected as Israel runs out his credit card and piles more junk on him. "I want an F-35!"
Now Israel get's it all, and American Evangelicals just accept their fate.
You mean like this?
Trump does it too...
(((Samuel Untermeyer)))
bongs are massive cunts. they deserve this honestly
What did you expect?
>America had nothing to do with that though