Yang is a J*w C***k

Yang's response to being called a Chink. This man is so Presidential.

Attached: Yang Chink.png (623x443, 54K)

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Based yang, at least hes not a cuck race traitor, he doesnt like racism against his own race.

what's this uppity gook crying about?

Fuck that Jew chink and fuck you too, faggot. Kill yourself.

Sooo close. Yang could be /ourguy/ (or /ourchink/)

Imagine voting for a chink lmao

I don't need to imagine. This is a 21st century politician and the one America needs the most at this moment.

In a negotiation Putin would just say 'chink' to him and he would collapse on the floor in a sobbing heap.

who's shane

Your leader is a homosexual Pajeet

Shane Gillis. He recently got hired by SNL and the vultures immediately went to his podcast where he called some gooks Jew chinks.
In a bit of irony, Shane plays the firefighter in this comedy sketch and it’s coming to life in real time. youtube.com/watch?v=DECqrt9p5SA

>boo hoo
>i’m just a poor chink


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>I'm Asian
>so of course I know doctors
>but also please consider me to be a marginalized minority who suffers from racism
dishonorable bug people

I don't know why people ever thought he was based

I think I'm the only one here who actually watched the American presidental debates and his actual policy was
>If we can somehow pacify white people by giving them free gibs they won't revolt and kill us, and than we as minorities can take hold of the country and lead it towards a future

Like his literal policy is turning Americans into goyim
Why does he get shilled here so often?

Attached: denik1934.jpg (250x373, 6K)

everybody here's just pretending to hold opinions
most people don't care about anything

>the N word
If he feels gook and chink are as offensive as Nigger, why censor one and not the other? These people sound like they're larping in Harry Potter with this word-that-shall-not-be-names crap

the g-word

t. White people will be shooting up asian churches within a generation so we must disarm all whites now.

>It can be extraordinarily hurtful to feel like you are somehow not part of the only country you have ever known.
What a crybaby cunt

Have you never personally met a weeaboo? God you are lucky.

why cant people take bantz? why cant they just let insults roll off and ignore them? yang isnt based, he is a crybaby pussy for even mentioning this. someone who is actually presidential would never even acknowledge this. it shows weakness

It's just so incredibly childish. Ooooo the n-word the super dooper evil bad word best not say it or Robert E. Lee's ghost will rise from its grave to enslave PoC

I'm extraordinarily hurt by racial slurs, as opposed to just ordinarily hurt or slightly annoyed.

Please elect me as commander in chief. Together, we will make the military hand out pamflets on why saying asians have tiny penises is a hate crime


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Did you just link me H3Jew3 as a way to highlight your fucking candidate?

Attached: MY DUDE.png (1136x721, 1.51M)

guessing you didn't even watch it

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I'm a chink and I call other chinks chinks
I am the most redpilled person on this board, too

Omg Ethan and Hila? Ok this is epic. G-d I wish I was as chosen as they are.
Yang gang self awareness 0/10.

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Why don't you link me a Toy channel next?

That'd at least keep the retards entertained since you're apparently trying to shill your candidate to 10 years old

The audacity of this gook has no limits.

sorry, can't hear you

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You didn't even color it in correctly
I can still see the red and the parts that are fucked

Didn't they teach American kids to color in the lines?

Its always funny to see politicians latch on to popular trends weeks after they stopped being relevant.
Yang! is just gonna become the new Jeb! once he loses the nomination.
Remember this prediction.

He really can't lose though
We're at the point where we absolutely NEED the UBI
Not to mention he's literally the only one not blabbering nonsense and actually makes coherent sense

hyperinflation? isn't that mission accomplished? why would you not want to debase and destroy their currency?

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Yang is the leader we need but don't deserve.

>He really can't lose though

Remember what they did to Bernie last time around?

The democrat nominee was selected months ago.
Its not yang, sorry hes not part of the in crowd in the democrat party with the connections to get nominated.

guessing you mean the library lady?
certainly not those two other farts

I dont really understand what you mean but you reminded me of this guy


Can Mr yang tell us the typical Asians view on niggers? Oh right...

If words upset you and get you emotional you don't have the mental fortitude or stability to be a leader. This goes for all leaders Trump included. Why does no one have any true leadership qualities anymore?

Yang is the most redpilled politician in DC right now

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He isn't part of this nation though.
You might be an "American national" but you aren't an American.
We don't have to be accepting of racial outsiders.

Why are all of these "minorities" such crybabies?
I have been called every racist thing "minorities" could think to call a white, before I was in middle school. These affirmative action human garbage can call me anything and it does not bother me one bit.
Interestingly, my family has been here longer than Yang's and my family actually fought the wars for this country, but all the non-white males get the superior rights. all the "minorities" also have the "right" to invade my country and destroy it through their leftist parasitical politics.
These affirmative action subhumans are worse than parasites - they are disease infested vermin hell bent on destroying everything around them.

>t. trumpie in disguise trying to make yang look bad so we get another four year of orange kikery

>Oooh I give you thousand dorra

Wow, faggot, great moves, kill yourself

suffer, edgelord

Fuck off poorfag. You're not getting any nigger gibs.

I have been called a snow nigger, cumskin, kraut and so on but I never cried like a little bitch.
Words are words and nothing more

>I don't know why people ever thought he was based
they get paid, unironically

When will he grow his base? Currently it's just zoomer white males and Gary Johnson suppoeters

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Sorry your tiny peabrain can only thing one way, fucking hick

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>Sorry your tiny peabrain can only thing one way, fucking hick

You know Hitler implemented a UBI right? Why do you think Nazi Germany grew as much as it did?

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he didn't

Like all brown immigrants and people on the left he basically says American=immigrant. He's not a serious candidate.

Making light if stereotypes =/= using racial slurs
Still, he handled it better than a snowflake

He's a typical r/aznfemininity white hating Asian pussy who thinks he can get cool kid points by sucking up to the niggers who hate him and view him as a cuck faggot

Yang is basically an improved version of Bernie

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>I'm Asian so I know a lot of doctors
Line was the funniest thing I saw in that debate. He earned some respect for treating the whole thing like the comedic shitshow it really is.

>a fake quote to hide that he want reparations (not included in freedom dividend)

>improved version of Bernie
tell me what makes him an "improved version"

He's right. And I'm white.

Bernie is a literal jew

thats a good point desu

So lets vote for someone that has a seething desire for racial vengeance. What could possibly go wong?


Remember, Yang is a fucking shady communist that wants your guns.

Before: web.archive.org/web/20190330023550/https://www.yang2020.com/policies/news-information-ombudsman/
After: yang2020.com/policies/news-information-ombudsman/

Before: web.archive.org/web/20190505005426/https://www.yang2020.com/policies/gun-safety/

Attached: yang.jpg (704x390, 127K)

>not giving niggers free money
Pick one kike.

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Any polls yet on Yang with Asian voters? I mean, if he doesn't break 50% there, what the fuck is he doing?

Chinks that call chinks chinks, kikes that call kikes kikes and niggers that call niggers niggers are the most redpilled of all humanoids

It's hard to gauge because Asians are mostly apolitical. I think if they were to vote, most of them would vote for a Republican unless they're in CA, NY etc.