New Jersey new law violated the 2nd amendment

"Special 'extreme risk' temporary protective orders to seize guns
This law, signed by Murphy in June, creates a new "extreme risk" protective order, which allows family members, household members or police to petition a judge to have a person's weapons seized and prohibit them from buying weapons if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.

The family or household member first petitions for a temporary "extreme risk" protective order, and the court will within 10 days consider whether to issue a final extreme risk protective order, which requires the person to surrender or sell their firearms and ammunition.

This law takes effect Sept. 1."

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This directly violates the second amendment.
This means the police can petition against the people and effectively under this new law infringe on our 2nd amendment rights and seize all of the arms of the people.

This would effectively establish a police state.


Attached: The-2nd-Amendment.jpg (800x483, 265K)

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>This law, signed by Murphy in June, creates a new "extreme risk" protective order, which allows family members, household members or police to petition a judge to have a person's weapons seized and prohibit them from buying weapons if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.

Attached: 1554960356217.png (152x254, 56K)

Neither Trump nor Republicans will add any resistance to the anti-2A push by Democrats

"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"

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Op here. I will sue them. I would appreciate if we could all gather together on this thread, we the people of Jow Forums , to form a just lawsuit, that i, as a new jersey resident since birth, and a citizen of the United States of America for life, can bring against the state, or administration, or whoever in particular it is i have to sue. I am not a legal expert.

Bears don't have arms

a.) Find a Constitutional Lawyer

This Is a list of options apparently, which one should I go with? Let's take a community vote as the people of Jow Forums.

Nothing will happen. Just like with the new mag limits, no one turned them in and none were confiscated. It's just virtue signalling for the walking dead who come home from work, hear a soundbite on the tv about how Murphy is "fighting gun crime" with new laws and just take it as that

To add to this i personally do not own any guns, I simply go to the range to shoot for fun sometimes. I simply want to fight for the rights of the people of my state. I am 22 years old.

>Let's take a community vote as the people of Jow Forums.
You need to go with (((The Levin Firm))) believe it or not.
1.) They are a firm, and,
2.) They are Jews and it would make the whole case ironic since Jews are pushing this.

Their bio says nothing about the constitution sadly or fighting for our rights. How do i go about fighting alone in court , to bring awareness to this issue? Aside from just simply doing nothing, which i refuse to do. I want to go through due process In court to have this law abolished. I want to sue them for doing this In the first place.

Well you are too old not to have one. If you didn't save up to buy your own rifle at 18 then I'm already suspicious of you. Why are you such a person as to only finger-fuck somebody else's equipment, huh? Why wouldn't you step up and have your own? You wouldn't do this with a car, just drive cars that you borrowed from friends. Seems kind of wierd, don't you think? You should not worry about activism until you own your own car, etc.

I have saved up enough to buy one. I simply don't have the legal paperwork yet. I have to go to the police station of my providence and file for a permit. The permit would allow me to own one at the house. I want mine to go to the range. I don't think that permit let's you transport it to the range without a car. I live a walking lifestyle.

Pray Zognald starts the Zogicide

either leave NJ or figure it out
I'm originally from there
I left a long time ago
fuck that place

What are some states you would consider moving to where the people's rights aren't infringed?

do some research
I'm not going to sit here and rattle off a list of states
either do your own research or go back to re d dit

I've done my research before and have considered Colorado to be the top tier state. For a multitude of reasons. I was simply asking for your opinion because you seem to be an intellectual. Thanks anyway

NJ is the fucking gestapo anyway

Steal legal books, and study your ass off user. Your country is at stake.
^ this guy is a lazy cuck and has nothing to do with this thread, he should run far away from the gritty work of patriots.

Don't use the NRA use another gun rights org btw

Sorry getting a gun is such a hassle for you user, I got my first pistol when I turned 21, and even in my redneck gun loving state there’s hurdles and fees and taxes and waiting for paperwork. Rifles are considerably easier to buy. ID, quick background check at the store, here’s your gun.

>This would effectively establish a police state.
Like we're not in one now

Its only natural. I've been saying this for years - posting "shall not be infringed" on the internet like some kind of mantra won't keep them from disarming americans. Its only a matter of time and patience.

Get one now, get another one later that you can walk with. For your walking lifestyle get mace, a tazer, and a slender dagger. You have opinions, great. You are also walking around defenseless and come home to no defenses. Seems like me and five muscular men could hold you down anytime we wanted and have fun with you while you spout your opinions. Get some kit mate before it is too late. Be legal, always, but get armed like your life depends on it because it does.

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