Was hitler right about the slavs?

Was hitler right about the slavs?

Attached: russian subhumans.jpg (2285x3500, 1.76M)

Yes memeflaggot, slavshits are pale negroes

>married Russian guy so he can get his green card and I get paid
>his dumb Russian friends are always getting in trouble with the law like DUI but because we’re in a sanctuary city they can’t get deported
>Ukrainian friend of the group got an obese 39 year old Haitian woman pregnant
>they all listen to Eurotrash techno music and go to raves
>think nigger culture is cool
>took one of them to the museum with me for pictures (for the green card interview) and they got thrown out for knocking trying to open one of the glass cases.
I am now aware of the Russian problem

Attached: CD2AA7AC-9F53-4D09-A4BE-610BE72548E4.jpg (540x540, 22K)

nah, he was left about them.

that's just soviet dysgenics program disguised as population transfer
that's what happens when you racemix

Russians don't represent Slavs.

Slavs are more spread out than Germanics.

Russians make the vast majority of slavs so that's what people think about.

I agree, but it's an illusion. Russians are situated in a different area of the world. The heart of their country is in the northern, ugro-finnic, shamanic territory. It's incomparable to Poland or Croatia.

they have a serious issue with alcohol. Dry culture is really a plague.

Can you post some new pictures?

I've seen squatting bald man for almost 10 years now

Attached: 1536148010027.gif (192x224, 42K)

Yes he was

Slavs won so obviously he wasnt.
The only reason we are shitholes now is because faggots from the west destroyed our Monarchies with communism, it was done on purpose by the eternal britbong of course so their lezbo satanist queen can be the only power in the world. Well bongos hope you enjoy watching London get raped by muslims and minorities as well as the rest of England , serves you right for destroying other people's Kingdoms.

didnt anglos want your Kang on the throne after ww2 in yugoslavia?
anglos were always friendly towards serbia unlike Croatia

what a cuck

Attached: russian monkey.png (1112x1316, 99K)

Poland and Croatia are not necessarily culturally very similar either

Poles have much more common with Baltics, than with Croats who have much more common with Italians probably

That one is 6 going on 7 years now

Attached: 6 years.png (1005x291, 97K)

>we're not subhumans!
>it's just a coincidece!

Attached: russian subhumans 2.jpg (600x340, 91K)

memeflag jew

Do you even have anything in your Russian folder that's from past 2015?

What's the point of shilling out the same pictures over and over again?
It's been over 15 years of this
How many more years can it go on

Why don't you post EFG while you're at it?

Attached: EFG.jpg (600x600, 18K)

Nah mate, they supported partisans and communism instead od the Yugoslav Royal Army. They destroyed our joint Kingdom to further their own gain.

choosing between commie yugoslavia and kangdom yugoslavia.
can pick which one is worse.
glad that both dont exist anymore