He's got my vote

He's got my vote.


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I’m probably gonna vote for him too.
What’s his stance on beastiality again?

Pick up a gun you fucking pussy

We welcome your attempt faggot

so you don't have an ar-15

who is. the cops?. u think booby traps are guns?

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>vote for Beto
>he wins
>cops start grabbing guns
>finally kick off the happening

>he votes for fascism and censorship over freedom

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Probably uniromically the best vote to accelerate things

Why have abandoned based orb mommy of peace and love, Jow Forums? You would forsake gilfoobs for a beta boi bung box?
She just wanted the world to be a better place, but you had to choose war.

i cant even tell if this is bait or genuine


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Just go with it man.

Trump is the accelerate you retards. You think the cult of progressivism can handle another 4 years of him?

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Whichever causes the most lulz is the best POTUS.

If the goal is a shooting civil war, he's your best option.

Talk talk talk. This is why you will never get the guns. This guy is an embarrassment.

is he castrated?

If you dont want an automatic weapons ban then how about we put into legislation several laws that obligates significant and repeated psych evaluation, multiple locking levels, annual buy backs, dna/fingerprint authorization local to the gun itself, etc. Even if pistols, rifles, shotguns kill way more people per capita, it makes no sense that children should be able to have access to a device that has basically no other purpose besides mowing people down

you moron.

You can turn them in voluntarily or they can be collected by force.

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How about no?

Not to suggest school shooting involve ARs

Why not?


how about i just give you the bullets?

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I think the shooting civil war is the best kind. Better than farting civil war or even bitchslapping war

I already ordered a few of his shirts. The more people who are confronted with the truth, the more Republican voters we create.

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What will they do?


It should be the goal for us all at this point.

Do it.

Is that at Woodberry Forest or Columbia?

Blow it out your ass

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He has no concept of the amount of
weapons this country is sitting on

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I’ll pry it from your cold dead hands, fuckface.

>automatic weapons ban

You know how I know that you have no idea what you are talking about?

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Look up pillory. Sometimes the person had fruit tossed at them, other times rocks, depending on the mood of the crowd.

>O' Rourke
No wonder burgers used to hate potato niggers.
They are all terrible without an exception

>Trump is the accelerate
You shitting me, he is the exact opposite.

Some estimate 340 million with 1 million new guns every month.

>Die meme flag

These people are so fucking stupid. They think that if they come to take our guns, we’re going to shoot cops. No, you dumb fucker, we’re going to shoot YOU.

I think he meant a weapons ban that will come automatically unless you do as he wrote there.

You will work in the fields at gunpoint until you die of starvation. Everyone will clap.


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German/Irish are the worst. Drunks who are really angry.

And how are you going to stop the cops from taking the guns then? Insist on your rights and think they will just fuck off?

We should start by reopening the machine gun registry so we can have a list of these weapons of war

He's got my bullet


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Mainly because I don't want to and you lack the means to make me. I don't mean that in any kind of internet badass way, just that there exists no mechanism by which you could force these measures through at present. All we have to do is say no, so no.

He did it for attention. And it worked.

If a cop needs to be shot, they will be. We don't let the foot soldiers of The State get a pass. Might be a good idea to take the badge off when it pops off and call in sick for the week. Look after the Mrs. like a responsible family man.

>it makes no sense that children should be able to have access to a device that has basically no other purpose besides mowing people down
You have to be 21 (or 18 not 100% sure about burger law) to be able to buy a firearm at a gun store.

Well I'm not taking your guns away, I'm trying to make your gun safer by making sure only you and no niggers can steal and use it, and making sure you are sane enough to hold it. Buybacks are for guns that don't have safety measures in place

You’re on the wrong side of history, Nazi.

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How about you get fucked cunt?

Nuh uh. He's gonna take your guns before you can shoot him!

18 for long guns, 21 for handguns for most states.

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If you can't understand how someone might be able to get a gun they didn't buy, you might be a sub-60 IQ brainlet

18 for rifles, 21 for pistols. Some states it’s 21 for all firearms. However, in my part of the cunt, you can give a child a rifle as a gift, as long as you’re related to them.

I reject your proposals. The smart technology doesn't work well enough, I don't believe you're a valid judge of sanity and I don't care to sell my weapons at present.

accelerate shit and vote straight democrat ticket 2020

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This shits got me fucking fuming.

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Let me help you understand Karl Heinz,
Many police will refuse. America is a gun culture and most white police will not take guns from other whites. Those police who follow bad orders are risking their lives, and they know it. If 100 guns were taken without a reason, Americans would confront police everywhere at gunpoint. In their cars, at home, everywhere. You need military force for this job, and military would refuse to follow bad orders, those who took guns without reason would be shot by their own troops or civilians. The American revolution started over a gun grab by British troops. We are very sensitive to civilian disarmament, like the Swiss, but more.

No. No lists.

I would actually wear one after using it for target practice


Mowing Communists down, user. Communist.....

I wonder when it became legal to openly be anti-constitutional.

My kids said you can't have their AR-15s.

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You must not be paying attention. Leftists are willing to kill half the population, as things are standing.

Still ass hurt about Cville?

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Nazis won that war. You're just blind to reality. Both sides were fighting for the extermination of european whites.

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I make history while you beat it to tranny porn.

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What has you fuming Nippon user?

>should be able to have access to a device that has basically no other purpose besides mowing people down
But what if they are bad people, what if they are Trump supporters or use the wrong gender pronoun, or resist white genocide, it's ok to kill them then isn't it?

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machine gun owners have to give ATF house blueprints with X-marks-the-spot location of title III weaponry. Theyre at the top of the list. Had Hillary won these would have been confiscated as would local police and sheriff's departments' title III firearms. I do not know what is worse; our local LEA having access to these firearms or the fact that the federal government wants to disarm our local LEA

America isn't like Europe. We don't just fucking do what the authorities tell us. We don't fucking follow our own rules. Shit sometimes works according to plan here. Sometimes we make the plan up as we go. I realize that if German officials told you all to turn in your left sneakers then all of you fucks would run to the nearest sneaker collection station and drop that shit off. Things don't work that way here.

>im totally the same as george washington!
fuck off egoist

It would funny if he was assassinated with a shotgun

^so is an AR-15 a machine gun?


No. I'm saying that lists already exist per the machine gun registry

Then he finds out when he tries to take an AR-15. He'll actually be taking a bullet from an AR-15


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What if I own an AR-10?
What if I own an AK?
What happens to machinists who can pop out 80% lowers in an hour for $50?

Beta O'Dourke hasn't thought any of this through, and the 2nd Amendment wasn't even needed here for the Boss Fight

Karl Heinz doesn't get it. We need to bring him and all of his relatives to America, and put a gun in their hands. They take to shooting like ducks to water. Then one day they will invade Mexico for lebensraum, and beach chairs. You don't know Germans like I do. Easy to train, tidy, efficient. Just don't throw them a surprise party, it triggers their autism.

ass mad faggot
George was a piss poor military leader, slave owner, with social anxiety and wooden teeth. He's literally proto/pol/

I'm an American
The difference in thought process is just mind boggling. It seems completely reasonable to me to threaten action in defense of personal liberty, yet Beta tries to paint this guy as a unhinged maniac. It's everything pic related stands for that leftists just can't comprehend and it pisses me off

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Have you ever shot an AR-15?

I forgot that part in the 2nd Amendment. Where was that written again? You faggots keep saying automatic and not semi-automatic for obvious reasons. The 2nd amendment is to stand against tyranny.Your "laws" are tyranny. Get rid of minorities. They are the cause for the majority either directly or indirectly and they are not mentioned in my bill of rights. Molon Labe faggots.