>he's an unmarried 27-year-old "White Nationalist" with no kids
He's an unmarried 27-year-old "White Nationalist" with no kids
why 27?
>unmarried 27-year-old
nobody should be married at 27.
Being economically, emotionally, and genetically viable is about as high as you can get on the desirability totem pole ausfag. Only blue haired angry bitches hate you if you are a 27 year old WN. Everyone else wants to have your babies. That includes throngs of brown and yellow women.
I’m a 37 yo ethnochad and all the drying up bitches are like puppies around me except the nasty men hating dykes. Older women eat me up. Like want to be my super mama
What makes you think 95% of the people on this board care about this opinion of a hypothetical roastie like in pic related?
Step up your game guy
>pink hair
>shirt announcing word yelled during sex
Way to make being a 27 year old NEET seem like a good life choice fgt
Aristotle said u needs to marry near 35-37, so thats OK.
nobody should be unmarried at 27.
nobody should be childless at 30.
(no self respecting white man)
I don't get this thread
you're not allowed to vote for president until 35.
you should not be married or have children until then.
Based and Aristotlean pilled
Somebody get this mad man out of here
Your opinions make no sense and boomers are the fucking worst
why, so your kids can come out with congenital defects?
Nah I'm a 29 year old married and have 3 kids white nationalist.
vote for president
I know a couple who got married at 17 and they've stayed together over 50 years and all their kids are successful.
made me go into your thread and post this
yeah if you have the money and out of student debt. My family is way better off starting early for no reason other than to say you have kids.
>not going to tech school
>going into debt for useless degrees
>unable to pay off debt
>not refinancing the debt
If you leave college with a girlfriend and DINK for 6 years this shouldn't be an issue
everyone should be married in their teens, the degenerate partying, see the world, finding myself phase is where western society goes to shit.
You do realize your wife is going to leave you and take most of your shit don't you? No, ofcourse you don't. You let yourself get manipulated and now you're accusing anybody smarter than you of being a fool
Whilst I would agree with the general gist of OP's post, I'm not about to marry a used-up slut who will divorce and take my children from me. If I have to wait a little bit longer to meet a decent woman, so be it.
Besides which, I'm a man, my standard of living is only going to increase in my current position and I'll be fairly attractive until I'm at least 35.
Wrong, I'm 28.