My Hands Look Like This
So Hers Can Look Like That
My Hands Look Like This
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fuck off cuckposter
some ugly ass chick hands.
Fuck off, gay nigger
Fuck off, gay nigger
Fuck off, gay nigger
A dark brown man covered in body hair. The first thing you notice is his smell. Curry and poo. He has a skinny frame, oily skin and hair. Slimy. Oozing curry and poo from his pores. A thin pathetic moustache. Pitiful.
He pulls down his pants to reveal a small penis surrounded by a mane of smelly greasy pubic hair. He turns around and I see his buttocks smiling at me. His butt is covered in more coarse hair, black. Small cheeks. He bends over and parts his cheeks. A waft of pure poo fills the air. The black hair is thickest here, with a brown hue. Dangle berries can be found. Yesterday's shit clinging on to life. The poo is a light brown, like pumpkin soup. He uses his hands to part the mattered poo hair to reveal a little brown butthole. Caked in poo. Disgusting. The epicentre of filth. An ugly crater. A dirty yet prolific anus.
The Briton
fuck off bong goblin
Imagine the handjobs
are you sure its not so you can afford beer
Based wife's son's stepfather incoming
the one time an aussie poster is correct.
Pic of girl hand wrapped around black cock.
t. plebbit faggot
This meme doesn’t make sense in today’s world when #metoo and feminism and leftism has reached its peak. Women are encouraged to work the same kinds of jobs men are working and have their heads filled up with the notion that they don’t need a man or a father figure for the children. It would be risky getting married these days because the courts are almost always in the favor of the woman. He needs to make his hands dirty for his own security. Most women do not have proper courtesy or chivalry they once had that made them attractive, a lot of them are overweight and loud and act like bratty children. It’s just not worth it any more. Gotta get your hands dirty to make the money to go to a whore house instead.
who the fuck has ever not been able to afford beer???
even a homeless bum can drink himself to death
wheres her wedding ring?????
I have a hand fetish, and I'd work my ass off if it meant I could come home and worship a beautiful pear of hands.
this is actually sexyyyy
xth post best post
Lol nah, my hands look like that so I can my shitbox on the road.
>disgusting fake nails
>ring on the middle finger
You are a confirmed faggot OP and now take your old ass memepicture and shove it up your arsehole.
>working your ass off to buy trinkets for some whore
A real man would invest his money in his kids.
>a beautiful pear of hands
>those nails
It is over.
cringe and bluepilled wtf
This ewww
bitch better give a mean handjob
This is literally the hands of two men.
"her", indeed!
O no my hands are slightly dirty. Jesus Christ people are weak
Thing is both hands are man's hands.
user, that’s a very sexist thing to say.
Don’t you know that a lot of women work as construction workers, car mechanics, repair the sewage canals and take out the trash?
It’s the current year user.
And when you're gone she does this
Nails like that are a clear indicator of a very specific (and probably mental disorder derived) exclusive sexual preference
Majestic shitposting :-D
Cute ring but I don't like get nails.
>not having a dishwasher
Our legs look like this so we can have hot sweaty sex while hentai plays in he background.
Girl hand should be holding a black dick if you want your meme to take off.
God, I want to shove my face in those feet.
Those are men
They are qt 3.14 traps.
Jesus her face is whack. Plenty of girls with nice hands without that face.
Come and get some ;3
I wouldn't case so much about face if a girl had perfect hands and feet.
Do you have a Kik or something I could message you through? Your feet look so nice.
Lol I have the same LED lights controller
>my hands look like I touched a moist garage floor
Auto mechanic here, larp picture is larpy.
>actual mechanics hands are black as fuck, takes several days for the white to come back
>actual working hands have nicks and cuts everywhere
>her nails are shit-tier
>her ring is some $18 wal-mart bauble
>actual mechanics wouldnt have their woman driving around in an '08ish Nissan Rouge
My guess is a woman made this picture.
I do too but that chick has a fucking butter face
>discord tranny
kill yourself.
Your hands aren't really black enough for her.
wait so the male is the one who is burning the coal?
See this post.
>working a blue-collared jobs when there are plenty of niggers and poles to do it
Im a straight, masculine man. Id fuck both of you like whores
I like girls with unusual faces, well done
Hmmm sorry big boy, I'm faithful to my lover.
Your hands look like that so my hands can look like this. Enjoy.
Is your lover another trap?
its bullshit you retarded pervert. those pictures are commonly circulated on Jow Forums
my hands look like this
>Driving a BMW
It must suck being fake rich
>The Briton
What a twist lol
>I wouldn't case so much about face if a girl had perfect hands and feet
Well, its all about balance. I met a girl who had an average face but when i saw her feet out in flip flops and her feminine hands, she really turned me on despite the average face.
But a truly bad face, with nice feet, just averages out to average.
Based aussie can knock a few back with me
Disgusting afrowhore nails.
Also find better job whiny faggot.
I am sorry but BWM means nothing.
e90 bmw (2004-2010)
over 10 year old THREE SERIES.
Wtf causes that beetus?
I want the rig with the LED too more than your feet
Sorry, but traps are temporary, godly rigs are for like 10yrs and can be extended easily with some investment
I don't have any face fetish, and good looking hands and feet are really important to me, because those are the things I actually play with. Unless a girl had some really bad issues with her face, I really wouldn't care.
Nice fake nigget nails. Any real white woman can grow her nails out naturally.
>really bad issues with her face
as in major physical deformities.
It's called a wife
>Women are encouraged to work the same kinds of jobs men are working
LOL no they aren't. Women are just coming for the cushy office jobs.
Nobody is encouraging female landscapers or ditch diggers or welders. Those bull dykes are on their own.
>Women are encouraged to work the same kinds of jobs men are working
no, women are encouraged to find makework positions that are not needed in climate controlled offices
> Tacky blue and gold STEEL subbie (not even expensive blue faced white gold version)
> What I assume is a shitty non-cuban cigar (sorry don't know much about cigars)
> Non-apple, poorfag android phone
> Old as fuck BMW (fucking logo on the steering wheel is falling apart)
> Disgusting untrimmed diseased looking nails
> Nasty yellow wrinkly crocodile skin hands indicate a lifetime of lack of personal care/hygiene or manual labor
> Monitoring a bunch of broad stock indexes instead of actual portfolio of individual stocks or even funds of some type to give off appearance of being an "investor"
I mean, there is so much to glean from this one photo alone. The guy is a poser, nothing more.
>feet on mousepad
>teacup on mousepad
Fucking degenerates.
Why do British women look so peculiar?
American women are fat whcih makes them ugly. Most European women look decent enough. Most Slavic women are drop dead gorgeous in their early years
But British women somehow all look like they're shouting internally while chewing dicks
holy fuck that person is growing 10 penis's for Epstein.
I knew he was doing that shit.
looks like a pastel witch.
You can trade indexes but I doubt you could do it while driving.
Is this you?
You can literally buy a 5 year old BMW for $15k kek
> Rolex
$30,000 retail. Or get a replica that no one can tell for $300. $100 if you get it from China.
I hate faggots pretending to be rich
LOL at owning a watch in 2019
muh stylez
Your cunt has rat hands
t. poorfag
fucking lol
You forgot the black dick in the girl's hand
>nobody can tell a fake $100 Rolex from a real $30,000 one
Nice Facebook post boomer