Why do women DESIRE to be whores so much?

>”If you tell me I can’t show cleavage, wear pants up to my ass, or leggings, your have a little dick/no girl will ever want to be with you”

Why do women think like this? The whole point of those clothing is to show off “the juice”. Why blame your bf/husband and call them the bad guy because he doesn’t want other men looking at his juice?

Tweet: twitter.com/baby_b0nes/status/1172806312301719552?s=21

Comic: twitter.com/iafiqafandi/status/1171773029027741696?s=21

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Other urls found in this thread:


Women are the way women are
Men are the way men are
It's not the end of the world because you just realized that women are stupid

Women were always like this.
Best solution is to treat them the way men have treated them since the dawn of time.

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This is where I’m at. Starting to come to terms with the children that women are. Definitely gives me the upper hand but also miss the youthful fawning over them a little; butterflies are just a cool gay feeling ya know? Anyway fuck bitches, fuck roasties, fuck jannies

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>but also miss the youthful fawning over them a little; butterflies are just a cool gay feeling ya know?

There's always that feeling.
>cool summer night air
>the first bits of intimacy
>that friend group

Such is life.

If you would like to take a deep dive into the nature of women go read "The Rational Male" by Rollo tomassi.
Additionally "The Way of Men" by Jack Donovan. You'll get the best of both worlds. Nature of women and men.


Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

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it is when you were brainwashed since birth to view them equally

What are the comparative benefits of being a whore and being in a relationship currently?

I-is this loss?

Hate to say it, but you now see why the middle eastern's dump them in bukhas and niqabs.

At first they didn't have to wear any of that shit, it was just "be modest, don't show beauty", but then you have all the hijabi bints cladding themselves in makeup and whoring.

The whole give an inch, take a mile thing that kids do, so now they just dunk them in fucking binbags, where at least visual whoring is impossible, heh.

>Why do women desire men?
Sometimes I just think you all are retarded beyond help.

Lol this. Fucking incels.

>”Haha. I’m ok with my Women wanting to be with other men and showing her body off to them. Haha”

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Never care what a woman thinks, you’ve lost the minute you do. Ignore them (they hate that)

so what do you propose, me getting a Muslim wife? Is there a way to enforce her wearing that stupid shit while me staying a non Muslim?

>Otto Weininger was born on 3 April 1880 in Vienna, a son of the Jewish goldsmith Leopold Weininger and his wife Adelheid

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I've got a thick 7 incher and a 10/10 body...my girl is lucky to have me and I know most other men can't really compete.
Being batshit scared of your girl cheating only happens if you realise she can do much better than you (e.g. incels). Because the truth is she probably can, and she will probably realise it, and yes, she'll probably cheat...on someone like me.


"I knew one good Jew, and he killed himself!" - Adolf Hitler on Weininger.

Otto was a huge anti-semite. A self-hating Jew. He was clever enough to realise how despicable his race is compared to aryans. He was a rare objective Jew.

Who would have thought a retarded teenager suddenly discovering after puberty that you have obscene influence and power handed to you by horny retards by virtue of you simply existing as a physical being would create entitlement complexes? Or that being drawn into this inherently manipulative and transactional social environment as a child before your higher reasoning skills fully develop in your 20s would make people egotistical shitheads out of necessity? Do you honestly believe at the age of 16 you would have the discipline and state of mind to refuse being offered the world and worshipped and told you are a god by everyone around you at all times? Such jaded and petty retards on Jow Forums

If you don't care about other men looking at your girlfriend's tits and ass, there's a word for that. It starts with C and ends with K.

Well so far I've never been cheated on but I have fucked (2) different girls who were in "loving relationships" at the time.

If girls are raised right they have a good shot. I know many good looking and modest women, and they were all raised by good parents

> 'perfect' is masculine jeans and t-shirt and not a dress
indeed, this man has a small dick and is a cuck

All right, I guess I'll check it out then ... if you say so

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The evolutionary purpose of sex is to drive competition. Sperm is in excess, eggs are limited. Evolution under these conditions leads to men enjoying sex, and women enjoying sex only with the top men. Men are insecure about themselves, as their position is always precarious, women are insecure about their partners, as their position is always secure, but they can never be sure that their partner is still on top. Women thus constantly incite other men to compete with the man they are currently with, in order to reassure themselves that this man is still on top, and to iteratively upgrade when this is no longer the case.

Asexual reproduction already solved the "making babies" problem. Sexual reproduction had to bring something additional to the table in order to be selected for, and part of that something is to prevent evolutionary complacency by ensuring that a species can fully secure its position by mastering its environment. Sex creates artificial scarcity (compared to asexaul reproduction) and hence this artificial scarcity has the purpose of driving competition.

little dick energy: fueling thot fury since 3000 BC

Now if only thots were productive members of society, we'd be colonizing the stars by now

No! No! No!

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I’m not reading anything from a jew ever again. Once we have exterminated every single jew on the planet (which is not unrealistic given their teeny tiny population numbers and the fact that they are all concentrated together, especially around the Tel Aviv metro area in Israel) we must destroy all their works as well as their ideas. Christianity may continue but the jew testament will no longer play a role. Even circumcised non-jews must be externally branded and circumcision must be abolished. We won’t even keep a jew or a jewish book around for scientific or historic reasons. 100% eradication must take place. It will be challenging but it is not an impossible task. In 50 years nobody will ever know what a “G-spot” is. Because it doesn’t exist and the G stands for Graffenburg, the degenerate kike who made it up

Cool story bro, tell it again

The replies to this tweet are pretty blackpilled

Being batshit scared of your girl cheating only happens if you realise she can do much better than you (e.g. incels). Because the truth is she probably can, and she will probably realise it, and yes, she'll probably cheat...on someone like me.

That’s an amazing story faggot bong, tell it again please


By the way I don’t take no orders from no women.

negroid detected

What’s it like LARPing on Jow Forums? Does it give you a good dopamine rush? Is this what you do before you go to work at the local bong Amazon labor camp?

you niggers can join islam for all i know


Attached: AbsolutelyRAGING.png (1262x623, 167K)

Worst LARP I’ve ever seen, CIA

So that’s a yes? Have fun at work, hope lots of people do two day deliveries

Women innately are. A strong male presence is required to keep them in check. They are the middle ground between human children and adult males.

Musleemas are the horniest whoriest women out there. That's why their men had to wrap them in garbage bags.

>10/10 body
>no timestamped pics
lol nice LARP nigger


No you fucking don’t

She’s being islamophobic

Let me tell you about women folks

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we are fucked as a species, seriously, how jewed do you have to be to hate your own women, the people who have your children.
women are only as good as their men, all these whores are on the hands of weak men, get your collective act together and put the pants on, Christ, whine some more about it why don't you!

Have you ever had a girlfriend? The whole point of being out in public together is to look attractive as a couple and make other people insecure and jealous subconsciously. Why would I want my woman to dress like a slob in public during her prettiest years? Why the fuck would I want that reflecting on me or my stature and reputation? I always make an effort to look good for her and myself, and I expect her to do the same and be sexually appealing to me.

Men look, it’s what they do. Men will look and check out your girl if she’s wearing a fucking burka. My girl and I look at hot busty sluts in public together and point out how whorish they are to each other and oogle them because that what humans do.

And you know what? We still come home and fugg like teenagers. She likes looking pretty for me, she holds my arm in public and wants to be possessed by me in public. She wants to be grabbed and led by me and it makes other women jealous. We see it all the time. I’ve seen it with girlfriends in the past. It’s hunan nature. You either become the fucking alpha and take control of the reality of the situation or be angry and spiteful your whole life. Women were designed to be lead. Fucking lead them. Grow the fuck up and get a girlfriend already

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>Have you ever had a girlfriend? The whole point of being out in public together is to look attractive as a couple and make other people insecure and jealous subconsciously
You need to find God. You sound very insecure yourself and in need of validation like the woman in OP's pic.


It’s like when women go into porn, call it empowering and three years later, they complain about how men see them as sex objects.

Their moment to moment sentiments are their reality.


Imagine being this much of an insecure attention whore.

that's a wickin
her soul is worth dirt and her visage a ghostly shadow feeding on entropy
recommendation: bait into exposing her full depravity
possibly by getting her to admit she'd eat her own abortion fetus if it tasted like chicken

>admits his woman dresses like a whore in public
>proceeds to say he and his gf mock other women who dress whorish in public
You’re a complete fucking moron, and you don’t even have a gf you faggot cuck

You sound just like attention whore bitch.

Have your women dress like a whore in public for attention instead of keeping it classy

I have God. I have a structured life and happy life I share with a woman that’s in love with me, who listens to me and does what I say. You’re incapable of understanding my post because you’ve never done anything I’ve said

Fuck off, LARPer

God is the final coping mechanism for perma-incels. The "opium of the masses". You can't have women so you try and twist your life failures into a positive ("a-a-at least I'm VIRTUOUS, unlike all the people having fun!")...but all of this is just fuelled by a resentment of people who don't have trouble smashing up pussy.

This dude gets it. So many salty ass response lmfao. You’re proving his point

I hope you find actual happiness one day. Change your ways, they will lead you to ruin.
Your LARP has been poor quality this whole thread.

Bong pretty accurate. It’s like when ugly people say
>beauty is only skin deep
>personality is more important than looks

Nah, he’s a little bitch like you too.

Salty responses because he’s a LARPing incel faggot, and if he’s not LARPing it’s even worse

She doesn’t dress like a whore. She dresses up and looks nice, shows herself off but isn’t a slob with her tits hanging out or her ass ripping through her jeans. You seem to not have understood that part of the post. When people see two young, put together people in public that like each other, it makes them angry. Like how you are right now over my post.

Kek. Rush-pilled

>cheat on someone like me

Lmao you fucked up


Eh not really, its genuinely a part of my character and values, perhaps it might be the case in some instances, a means of coping as you say but there are really people out there that long term thinking is a net benefit then "fun" in the moment that proves ultimatly frivolous, let me live the way I want to and you live your life.

>She doesn’t dress like a whore [..] You seem to not have understood that part of the post
>I expect her to do the same and be sexually appealing to me

They have been told by Schekelberg for the last fifty years it's good to be a whore, that getting married and raising a family is bad and that having kids makes you inferior.
They took all things that made them women and turned them into inferior men.


And people wonder why some males get 'randomly' bashed in public.

Newsflash, some guys will fucc you up if they catch you looking at their girl, or threaten you in front of your girl and make you look like a complete and utter cuck. You'll walk away from the challenge like a bitch and say to your girlfriend "Hmmph, what was that jerks problem?" and all she's thinking is "Wow, what a pussy, he challeneged you to your face and called you a fag and you did nothing about it...I gotta find a real man."

Not even joking but that's the jist of it. Seen it happen too many times and little fuccbois like you never learn.

You're acting like you ever had a choice, and that you turned down hot tight pussy for "God". LMAO. It's only a choice if both options are on the table. If they are not, you've been forced into one existence and done some after-the-fact rationalising for why you're not actually a fucking loser.

I didn’t use any buzzwords. It’s clear you are lying through your teeth, and in constant need of validation from strangers. You’ll get no more from me. Have a nice life, Bubba.

Ever since women were allowed in the work place they have disregarded the importance of marriage and children. At least, this is true in the west. Consumerism is cancer. Feminism is worse.

Now this is a wise post

Jesus Christ can you be any more of a virgin. Admit it, you’re a fucking angry incel who doesn’t understand women or relationships and you’re projecting your insecurities.
>looking nice for next=/=dressing like a whore
Not everyone thinks their women need to be covered in bedsheets when they take her in public, that doesn’t mean they’re a whore for wearing cute dresses that are modest

Post 7 inch bong dic with time stamp or you’re a faggot

when i was in high school in the mid-90's, girls wore baggy clothes that covered their bodies but were still sluts.

>sharpie in pooper

>nice for next
>sexually appealing to me

tfw my dicks bigger but i dont have a douchey fag attitude like u do. thots will cheat on anyone, they dont need a good reason

Smells like a fishy vagina

Yeah? I’ve fucked up guys getting in my face because some dude was insecure both me and my girl looked as his chick. We both conceal carry, and I’ve pulled it out in one instance when someone decided to do this because he was a mong.

You’re the only fuccboi here thinking all women are as stupid as you

Get to work at amazon bong bitch

How are all the refugees enjoying those modest little girls in your country huh? I bet those modest outfits just really get their motors going, very sexually appealing to apes.

No self respecting man wants his woman’s sexual parts on display in public unless he a negroid who like a woman needs constant validation

This. I'm sick of hearing how great women are and how oppressed they are when they're the ones holding all the cards. I've reached the highest levels there is to reach and can definitively say that there's nary a one among them who can differentiate work and gossiping. We as men do it innately to fill the dead air while we think, women don't think at all. Don't expect me to fight wars for you when we're treated like shit in return. Bitches. Fight them yourselves.

I did this in highschool, a guy cat called my gf so I walked up to him acting tush pushing him around and we ended up in a fight, everybody at school made fun of me and pretty much thought I was a neanderthal caveman for fighting him and I got totally alienated socially.
My gf at the time broke up w me because people were shitting on me for fighting this guy.

Not worth it sometimes, user.

>validation for internet strangers
>isn’t the one getting butthurt over a post
The only one here needing validation is you projecting all your hatred and insecurities because you know your life is lonely and pathetic, faggot

women are whores
you finally figured this out

Cool story thot.. I mean bro

>the fantasy continues
You "fucked guys up" by carrying? Jesus Christ just neck yourself kid. You have to be 18 to post here.

I did and still do have a choice and in my mind continuing with abstinance appears to be the superior option, I'm not saying your wrong in all instances but there are people out there who've genuinely chosen this option; means of approaching life. I don't see any benefit in casual sex, especially knowing myself, I would by the end of it fall into some kind of emotional trap, I'd rather wait until my life is suited for the situation, that I would be able to properly have to means to handle anything unpredictable.

Nice deflection from a guy who wants to parade his girl around like a piece of meat.
Surely you'd know how apes think.
But the trick to being smug is actually having something to be smug about, mutt.

desire? they ARE whores.

why do you think a movie like Pretty Woman was one of the most successful flicks of its generation? it's a movie about a literal hooker who marries an ultra rich man. this is the desire of all roastie sluts. that's all they are.

whether its for dinner or for money, all women are whores.


I am confused. Is she saying the guy who said “me as a boyfriend” has little dick energy or the image. It could be re both ways .