You are to blame if your gf/wife cheats on you.
This man just dropped the ultimate black pill
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Talk to girls, you fuckin nerrrrd.
I bet this guy's untrained cat pisses on the rug in his house kek
Honestly this makes total sense. They are not our equals, so why would we expect them to behave as equals?
>admitting blame is now considered a blackpill
Cucks, weaklings.
>be friendless, kissless virgin
>isolate yourself online
>wonder why women don't know on your door looking to blow you
>resort to studying women by second hand accounts on grifter channels like Coach Redpill
>further isolate yourself on shitty discord channels and websites like
>develop a convoluted, narcissistic understanding of what women are
>begin to inherently distrust and despise women
>treat any woman you encounter with hatred and suspicion
>women don't respond well
>confirmation bias
>post on Jow Forums
>make a shitty thread
>get effort post
>shrug and masturbate to lolicon because little girls are less intimidating to you and you relate better to them as you are autistic and never emotionally developed past the age of 12
This isn't even in the ballpark of being true. I am someone that is otherwise receptive to incel ideas. This particular one is false.
based and chad pilled
they hated because he spoke the truth
>always watch what she’s doing, have control over her
That sounds exhausting. I’ll stick to my Japanese cartoons and video games thanks
He has some of it right. I'm in a current long term relationship. I love my girl, trust her to an extent, but if she was ever like "I want to have a girls night out." or had an employment opportunity that involved spending countless hours with my male competitors, I'd end that discussion before it even began. Women are inferior, I wouldn't go so far as to claim animals, that's a bit extreme, but they certainly do impulsive things from time to time and you don't want one of those times to be with a competitor to your relationship. She's still a person, and still free to do shit and be trusted, but within reason. I also, out of respect, don't go out to "boys night out" or work in a hightly female dominated industry to spend countless hours with the opposite gender.
If this is true, then the blame goes to the Chad who fucks her. If men respected other men's property (women) then this wouldn't happen. If you claim that a woman is not a man's property, but is in fact a free moral agent, then the woman is to blame, given her ability to make rational, moral decisions of her own volition. The "natural" argument doesn't hold water, since there are a lot of things that are "natural" that we rational, moral men do not do.
I could have fucked a lot of married women, but I didn't. Why? Because I know women are vapid cunts (some of them). I also know women who admitted they wanted to fuck me, but wouldn't because they didn't want to cheat on their husbands because they felt it morally wrong. Giving women a free pass because they are women is no different than saying it is okay for a nigger to steal your bicycle.
True posts
Just control her bro
Just be alpha bro
>Can't hit her
>Can't threaten her
>Have no legal power over her
>Her body her choice
Your words are meaningless and carry no weight. You have no legal authority over a woman. You have power over your kids and your dogs. That's it. Alpha, rich men get fucked over even harder than the betas.
>You have power over your kids and your dogs.
>power over your kids
Equally applicable to blacks.
This totally. Why are there so many fucking incels here on this site these days?? I actually think it's better to me a murderer than an incel.
>whinge instead of improving yourself before trying to drag other people into your shitty life
>200+ replies
Even as fasr as broscience goes, that's pretty shitty.
>You are to blame if your gf/wife cheats on you.
um duh memeflaggot
Which is why it is stupid. If women are so morally vacuous and stupid, why would you ever trust them to do anything. Overcoming one's base desires is not impossibly difficult if one has discipline and moral character. Men, women, and children all need discipline. Women are, in part, undisciplined because men are. If men would stop consuming porn and praising women who act like whores and who are in fact whores, women would stop behaving like and being whores.
Women respond to strength. Why? Because strength, in their minds equates to security. What women want above all else is security. Strength of character on the part of men will make women behave, nothing else will. The idea that we can encourage women to and compliment them on slutty behavior and then expect them to not behave like sluts is madness.
Yep, this is it. If they don't respect you and look to you like their god, they will cheat.
This is why you should: be mentally and physically strong. Be charming and smart. Don't take her seriously.
Exactly. All people need to be held accountable for their actions.
Lol holy fucking based
>lets blame the individual men for not controlling their women more in a gynocentric society where its against the law to exert any level of authority over your wife or gf
Emotional abuse laws, google it, you surreptitious white knight.
Yet another creative form of pilpul to absolve women of any responsibility for their actions. Epic. The biggest issue this retard is missing is that men aren't allowed to control their women. Society used to correct roastie behavior and enforce the culture of wholesome motherhood and monogamy . Now the floodgates have opened and women are granted every single freedom imaginable and face absolutely zero consequences for everything they do. And if anyone tries to rebuke them they are attacked socially and legally. I'm sick of these posts attacking men for all the shit roasties do. Yeah men have been subverted and weakened and nobody should be a pussy worshiping pushover, but stop avoiding pointing the finger at these souless harpy holes - that sort of thinking got us in the first place. I mean that, and the 19th amendment
That's really funny because my sister says men are ridiculously easy to get into bed married or not. "All you have to do is touch their dick". Fat skinny ugly or not just accidentally brushing a dick nearly always means instant sex.
Women and men are more alike than they admit.
>Just break every law and allow the state to bend you over and fuck you in the ass goyim
>it's your fault for not becoming a criminal in the eyes of your government who are extremely powerful and more than willing to ruin your life
Yeah nah fuck off
Also this, if you try to control other people's actions or take responsibility for them you're just stupid.