Scientific consensus emerges> science determines that texans want to give up their guns

That's the thing with science, it doesn't care about your repulsive white privilege, it is just correct and right. That's why we, the democrats, are the party of science, and you are science deniers.

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Nice sauce, nigger.

Party of science denial owned again

Guns don't cause crime. Niggers cause crime. That's thing with science, it doesn't care about your repulsive jew privilege, it is just correct and right. That's why we, the alt-right, are the party of science, and you are the science deniers.

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>No science in the article
>What Beto Beaner says is science
Nice peer reviewed science, nigger.

Keep denying science, snowflake :^)

The party of incoherently yelling the n-word and neonazism/antisemitism

Stop feeding the troll you retarded niggers

Gotta admit, Beto went so ridiculous it almost looks like he's losing on purpose


>denying science
>cutting off your dick, makes you a woman.

It's honestly mind boggling that we haven't started locking you retards up.

Anyone who uses the terms 'scientific consensus' and 'science denier' is an illiterate fuck not worth listening to.

science proves niggers and jews are the absolute fucking worst, why do you hate science?

It's not a bad strategy. When he was trying to win he was at 1% so he decided to do the opposite and try to lose. Turns out that won't work either and it will damage the democrats for a generation.

>texans want to give up their guns

fuck off, just fuckin' no

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since proofed it fuck off filthy white male

fuck off you degenerate liberal nigger cuckstain

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>Peer reviewed science.
It's 2019. Don't you know that scientists can only rarely do what other scientists have done and that 50% of scientists can't replicate their own findings?

Correct. Jews, niggers, and a significant portion of Hispanics are the real problems.

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>filthy kike
Daily reminder that the day of the rope is coming.

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white mals are triggered snowflakes netflix special

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