Kraut/pol/ & AfD-General - Nightmare Germany Edition

>THREAD THEME: Firespawn - Blind Kingdom

>upcoming elections
Thuringia: Oct. 27 2019 #ltwth


>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta (embed) [unchanged]

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative, counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis
[YouTube] Understanding German Voting Behavior (embed)

>Counter cuIture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active

[YouTube] Kulturmarxismus und die Grünen (Roten) (embed)

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Other urls found in this thread:

the only reason I've not an hero'd is to spite the kikes

I like a good spooky general. Tell me, Kraut, of some horror stories.

New Curio speech:

Mmm yum, I am eating my ]ewish owned brand company of sunflower seeds, and the seeds are telling me to go buy more things. I truly adore this consumerist nation. Makes me so happy.
Could be worse, could be American.

fuck Kurz and fuck Austrians.

We need him to get him an arena as large as Goebbelmayer. I had my hopes that we could get out of this migrant mess in a peaceful way, but doesn't seem likely anymore.

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Kurz is a sellout

Good morning kraut/pol/

Germany is Europe's furry capital. Considering the zoosadist shit that came out last year, one can only imagine what happens behind closed doors in this country

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>A German furry website has overwhelmingly German members

I like that, tell me another story.

stop shilling for Curio, Kerstin

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It seems to have been a map that was active for 11 years and has also big clusters of marks in the US, South America and east asia. So I don't think you can say that it was just some obscure thing that only german furries used.

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meant for

>spaghetti: spilled

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> (you)'ing a living meme

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Handling alternatives
At her worst
slap the bitch and tell her calm the fuck down or get the fuck out
At her best
Well, I suppose you can go hungry if you are unable to cook even the most basic food.
General advice
Hatefuck her and leave the bitch - your sanity and wallet will thank you later

>Germany is Europe's furry capital.
holy fucking kek!

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unless you're from North Nunavut I suggest you choke out that laughter

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>let us ban everything we don't like
honestly, how are they any better than chinks? I really don't understand these people

>and we thought our "Grünes Reich" meme was just a prank, bro

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This "ban all the things!" mentality is inherently German.

Well, you wanna look at the """Germans""" promoting this mentality and find some crazy cohencidences.

>how are they any better than chinks?
They aren't. The chinks don't seek to be replaced by muslims and niggers

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looks like meat is back on the menu boys

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Question, do you think his hot German girlfriend back home sucked his cock first or let him stick it right in her after he fucked the animal and didnt wash?

So "Sheepfuckers" is the correct designation instead of goatfuckers.
Thank god this myth is busted finally.

Bummer though that the victimized fluffy had to be put down, though ... sad

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Whenever There is talk about some disqusting stuff its almost allways germans.

You should look into becoming a hunter, though for real. There's literally no useless knowledge in there.

Britain should bomb Germany to make Brexit happen.

And Europe should annex American into European empire

At this point Germany will leave the EU before Britain will

How is the US not a European empire already?

Reality: Britain still bombs Germany, that is the problem.

>You should look into becoming a hunter, though for real. There's literally no useless knowledge in there.

This, neat sideeffect is youre allowed to keep as many Weapons as you Like, sadly only 2 Handguns, but limitless Rifles and Shotguns
also youre not required to have x amounts visits on a Gunrange.
Hunter License is for Life

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Because you are about to become a minority.

This post makes me sad. Oh well, the whites that don't "wake up" are going to be slaughtered anyways.
>white free persons of good character
I'm nostalgic for an era that no longer exists.

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>finding it bad to go to the range frequently
There's nothing more relaxing then being at the range and sending some rounds down the lane or shooting some Trap with your buds.

First thing you'll notice is: "Endlich normale Leute"

>Hunter License is for Life
And with that license you're also obligated (!) to preserve the cultural landscape.

Just like in Europe

The US runs like one.

Its rather funny, segregationists Of american back in the Day where saying that it will end up with normalisation Of Race mixing and destruction Of white Race, people back then where calling them crazy, they where saying that those people are nuts and overreacting, būt look at what is happening now, everything they Said came true and not only that its even worse, mayority Of population are brainwashed xenophiles who acept and even encourage destruction Of their own people and Nations.


>even Republican Americans cheer for the death of their own people
Truer words have never been spoken.

>>even Republican Americans cheer for the death of their own people
it's literally "your mind on Christianity"

> sadly only 2 Handguns, but limitless Rifles and Shotguns

No need for that many handguns in a shooting war. Handguns are strictly a backup weapon and once you're at a point where you need to use one (say, because you are out of rounds for your rifle), you are usually fucked beyond salvation.

To scare a state and its Kevlar clad ZOGBots you need large calibre rifles (pic related) with enough oomph to penetrate said armor. Luckily most states haven't realized that truth and chose to regulate the living shit out of handguns, not rifles.

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> not going melee

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Speaking of ZOGBots, when do you think will the government try to replace the police forces here with strictly diverse migrant goons? Or has that already begun? Can't have a 'law' enforcement that's sympathetic towards the native population.

Touché, so let me modify my statement slightly: A pistol is for when you're out of rounds for your rifle and your bayonet has dulled to the point where it endangers your ability to keep them at two arms' length.

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*sides have achieved escape velocity*

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and THIS

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you won't be laughing when sitting in the bunker and shitting your pants thinking whether you caught it or not... does remind me of similar situations, unfortunately THAT situation turned out with negative results




I think it is actually a good thing that I am no incel and do perceive a purpose in my life. Now I wonder how many less ... fortunate versions of me are actually out there ... creepy thought ...

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>glad not an incel from the pic
mfw we will never see kike eradicating ethnovirus

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let this tired, joke of a thread die in peace today...

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*sits on your German face

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>... dient dem Führer!

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Valhalla awaits you, fren!

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i want to become a hunter but its so expensive

> chilling in bed
> reading some Schopenhauer
> think
> feels warm and comfy
> sudden explosion outside
> false alarm
is this how life slowly descends into a civil war?


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There's a reason I'm not a city dweller anymore. Why have you remained one?
On an entirely unrelated note:

> reading some Schopenhauer

You wrote that left handed.

>There's a reason I'm not a city dweller anymore. Why have you remained one?
dunno, maybe baiting another nervous/mental breakdown?

>>You wrote that left handed.
what mean?

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>what mean?

Do you really need that spelled out to you? Fair enough, here goes. Only a wanker who is insecure about actually being an intellectual namedrops the classics he is currently reading in conversations they have no relevance to. A true intellectual would use quotes from the classics he reads in conversations where they actually fit. I for one have never seen you do that. So my conclusion is that you are a fake intellectual who faps to the fact he reads Schopenhauer. But worry not, it's a common malady amongst German "intellectuals", so you are in numerous - if not good - company.

>city dweller

Welcome to the jungle ...

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>tfw witnessing Krautism in its purest form

No I am NOT fixated on bodily fluids!!!

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>Do you really need that spelled out to you? Fair enough, here goes. Only a wanker who is insecure about actually being an intellectual namedrops the classics he is currently reading
the text I am reading is not considered a classic

> in conversations they have no relevance to. A true intellectual would use quotes from the classics he reads in conversations where they actually fit. I for one have never seen you do that.
how often have we met? also can you point me to any self-description or indication of myself to aspire to be an intellectual?

>So my conclusion is that you are a fake intellectual who faps to the fact he reads Schopenhauer.
no, I read it as a supplement for Kant's first Kritik

>But worry not, it's a common malady amongst German "intellectuals", so you are in numerous - if not good - company.
I am neither German nor an "intellectual"

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Kek! Mit Mäusen fängt man Speck ...

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>Kek! Mit Mäusen fängt man Speck ...
*submits ban request*
you will never ever bother reddit DOT com again!

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Srsly, this general suffers from severe groundhog day syndrome :D

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baits are attention, too!

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Yeah, since my more "insightful" posts (outside genetics threads) are usually ignored (not only here) I might as well go for the cheap (you)'s

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>Yeah, since my more "insightful" posts (outside genetics threads) are usually ignored (not only here) I might as well go for the cheap (you)'s
just do pretendposting and be 80% of your time on Jow Forums you will eventually become retarded to be able to finally enjoy the Taylatanon interaction

Speaking Of Tay, where the fuck is she?Been waiting all Day.....

maybe becoming an intellectual to impress you?

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Or maybe she is cucking you with Kerstin who knows.

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maybe they're planting bombs together

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There are people who really like that interaction? I prefer my interactions with Kraut, because I like the idea of sticking them in chambers and then milking them like cow and then boom, stick the sperm in a little prototype uterus. We do this for a few million times, raise the babies on farms, and then boom, next generation Germans will be Hitler lovers.

1000 bucks is still affordable

let's check what this webm is about

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clearly an advertisement for birth control ?

>Kek! Mit Mäusen fängt man Speck ...

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wow proof my farm is going to do great things for this world.

only the nigger wears red

I love you all so fucking much, frens ...

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I think you can see a vagina on the very first frames ^^

Christian BBC fertility dance

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They had a genetics thread yesterday ... that was fun! The good old days ...

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You better start a human farm yourself, or you'll be used for onions green products.