Is it true the kikes only hate us because theyre jealous
It cant be that simple, can it?
Kikes hate any race with any hint of nationalism and self-sufficiency in their culture.
They hate white people because they have been expelled by every white Christian nation and culminated into forced labor camps and forcibly removing their wealth during ww2. The hate white people for taking away their dignity.
>these digits
>those lies
Youre right user, just like Hitler was elected for no reason whatsoever Christians have also kicked them out for no reason whatsoever. 0.02 shekels have been deposited in your account.
they hate us because we are not subservient to them. They thought they had us under their thumb in Rome with Christianity but then we turned it on them and told them to fuck off- pound sand. So they did everything in their power to fuck Rome until it was dead. The Moorish invasion? The Jews caused that- because we would not submit to them.
Last time I checked it was this board that spends all day blaming all their problems in jews. While jews are doing the whole world a favor and bombing the fuck out of mudslimes
It's even simpler than that. Jews don't hate you, even if you hate them. Jews are pushing the leftist agenda out of a naive belief that it's the right thing to do
they're smaller and weaker than the average white. so their only option for survival is trickery and fear. that's why they find their ways into key positions of power: to have some agency in the world through manipulation instead of strength. the media hype surrounding every single fucking thing that happens is purely to keep the unaware on the ropes, to make them desperate and afraid. fear is the only weapon of the grabblers
That redhead is at least an 8/10, but point taken.
It's several other things too but yeah, kikes are extremely jealous of whites, especially when they have their own land and ethnostate.
Those actions were the consequences of their own deeds. Fuck kikes.
Show that to the vets who fought your war in WW2. Show then what kind of a loser you are and what you have saved on your computer.
"Our" war
Leaf youve gone full retard
Why don't you show them the demographic trajectory of their countries.
Jews are just Polish people who did a good job at claiming the throne. Its just hidden history. Do your research. They arent real the real Jews.
Everyones gonna shit when they realize that todays "Jews" are just a white as you English fuckers.
Kikes hate whites because their cultural spirit is that of Satan.
Checked on both.
Understanding the psychology of jealousy and how it makes people behave and how difficult it is for them to overcome this brutal compulsion to destroy those you secretly fear are your betters, is the key to all of this.
It's why you get White liberals too that suddenly become "anti-White", but I digress...
For the Jews, they are generally a supremacist people that believe themselves to be "chosen" or special in some way. Above others, perhaps even destined to rule over all other races as their masters or priests.
For them, the White poses a serious threat to that idea.
Why is this? Well... just look at the data and look at history. I need say no more on this.
Be warned though, none of us are immune to jealousy. We've all probably experienced it and we are always a set back away from falling victim to it. Jealousy makes you a disgusting person, so wrathful that you would destroy the world rather than be second place in it.
Consider this.
>pic related
Neither of those two is "architecture", but this, unfortunately, is :
Keep believing the [[[GNOSTIC]]] lies.
nice oven
I cant stand that "chosen people" crap. Pride isn't for your race. Pride is reserved for something you actually DID. Being proud of your race is the stupidest shit ever. Its a given. You didn't do shit to be proud of.
If anything you you be thankful for being the race that you are... not prideful.
Just be thankful for the experience.
Ppfffttt... be jealous of a another HUMAN race? lmao
Its so laughable.
Inferiority doesnt intimidate or scare me, it inspires me to try harder and succeed more
if St. Peter's Basilica, literally the greatest building on the planet, is 2/10 what the actual FUCK is 10/10
They hated Europeans before they became christian, still butthurt at Romans sacking them.
You do know that certain Gnostic texts denounce the Jews as being a people created by Typhon after his battle with Zeus?
Making them the product of a volcanic demon being whose sole purpose is to subject all of creation to slavery.
You cunts never had any. If you did you wouldn't lie and cheat your way into expulsion repeatedly.
Jews don't have many architectural or engineering achievements and a seriously lack of inventions to their name because they have mediocre visual-spatial intelligence. Just like women.
No it's the germans fault. It's always the germans fault. Every jew that causes po problems descends from the reformed sect of the Jewish religion, which was started in fucking germany. The Zionists and orthodox jews just want Israel.
Deez nuts
based and vegetablepilled.
Israel has america by the balls. This isnt a matter of their sovereignity, its one of ours
Succinct point, really made me think