French niggers

French nigger get's angry at train for driving on train tracks.

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Got any videos of niggers getting run over by trains? That's preferable.


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Now rail tracks is a "no go" zone

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>our strength

What are all the French’ replies saying? I see a lot of niggers doing laughing and crying emojis

>mdrr ptdrrrrr

Ooga booga bix nood muhfugga en francais

There's been some based responses (and this was before I posted the link)

Attached: basedd.png (594x403, 357K)

>Its the trams fault
>people are sick blaming skin color
>black people are never wrong

His next video gonna be on liveleak


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If he were any more based and redpilled, he'd be physically removing those niggers from his country

pick one

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French women though truly are more masculine then the french men.

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Baguette niggers can't even fucking type right.

>says a litteral 49 percent

Why won't the French eject those wide-nosed, bald-at-14-years-old apes? You can bet your life that the nigger wasn't punished at all.

Meanwhile you trains are stopped by niggers lol

What’s up with niggers... when a nigger does something horrific for example the thousands of videos out there of a group of niggers randomly brutally beating a white person... you see hundreds of replies like “ YOOOOOOOoooo that’s brutal” and tell white people who object to it to “chill out it’s not like he was murdered it’s just a beating”

Then when a white person does so much as crack a joke about a multimillionaire American handegg player kneeling for the anthem then all of the sudden they can’t take a joke and act like the most entitled princesses on the planet.

In France we say quotient intellectuel

I know this place.

Chemin des Reniers

t. Polak living in France

Because they are predators


mow that's some high level niggardry

Attached: theydontthinkitbe.jpg (963x1280, 262K)

If I want to experience real France I'll watch the original theatrical version of Superman II because it's more accurate of real French culture and I refuse to travel thousands of miles just to see pavement apes that I can see if I simply stay and travel 10 miles in my own city.