The Turkish Question

As a Turk, This always intreges me. Where the fuck did these Arabic Sandnigger Muslims calling themselves Turks come from? Turks are not Arabic or Muslim. They are Mongoloid and Tengrist. How the fuck does this happen? Turkey is claimed to be the home of the Turks while everyone there looks like Arabs and they all believe in Islam. They have brown shitskin and they follow ISIS. These Turks make me so sick that I just want to twist their heads and burn them all. Is there any sollution to the Turkish question. How do you kill 70 million Turks from Turkey efficently and how do you make the Mongoloid Tengrist Turks prominenet again. Turks from Turkey are as bad as Kikes and Negros. Please Jow Forums I am going insane on this. I just want to know how Turks have become so demonic and Niggerized but before that they where Mongoloid Tengrists. I am so sick of this. I feel like a fucking Khazar. The Khazars saw their Turkic race getting fucked up and so they converted to Judaism to remove their Turkish Identity and their slow conquest by Islamofags. If there was a big genocide on Turks from Turkey, Jews, and Negros, I would kill myself just to make sure there are no more Turks from Turkey. They multiply like the demons they are. How does anyone solve this. I just want the great Mongol Pride in my blood and the rest of the Turks blood and I want these Islamic Turks removed from the face of the earth along with Jews and Negros.

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>a fucking roach

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>How the fuck does this happen?
Because aside from Attila the Hun, Tengrists sucked at war and were conquered by Muslim armies.

Ever heard of Genghis Khan?

I would love to see the Turkic peoples abandon Mohammadism & worship Tengri once again. If your people were to overwhelmingly reject the Semitic lore & replace it with your traditional beliefs I would consider that honourable & based.

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turks and gayreeks are the mutts of native anatolids, armenoids, syrians, maghrebis, slavs, actual turks from central asia, and other filth from the caucusus.

Now look at this gayreek cretin and tell me where he can fit in other than brazil

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Do you think these are Turks? They are Arabic Muslims claiming to be Turks.

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Thats fucked up. I have never heard of such race mixing in my life.

Cockroaches fucking ruined that whole region with their boy fucking aids

Fucking dumbass. The British are White.

It's true. You also have to remember that gayreeks were buttfucked by persians in antiquity. And don't forget that alexander the great cuckold wanted to create a hybrid race with dravidian shitskins he conquered in india.

Gayreeks are the original mutts

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I suppose it is not too different from 1/16th Irish Americans claiming to be Celtoid...or Pretendians who have like 1/512th NDN heritage demanding reparations and restitution for residential schools.

The Anatolian region was always Gay. If only Genghis lived longer and Europe would have see what it means to be a Mongol. Their disgusting Judeo-Christian Inbred "Culture" would have been Mongolized and finally fixed. Europe would not have been this degenerate. Those Ottomanfags would have never arised.

diaspora nigger, your time is coming. reminder this is how whites really see you

White US Marine sends shitskin Greek he "mistook" for an arab to the hospital

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I'm not Canadian Dumbass. I have no ancestry in Canada. Just because your born in a country that does not mean your from the country idiot. You have to have genetics and ancestry there. I have no Anglo Saxon Genetics in me or Ancestry in me.

Of course Greeks are the original mutts. They are the original Whites. Whites are basically mutts. They are just glorified Jews.

The Ottoman dynasty was actually Jewish, the Ottoman Empire was a conspiracy to debase the value of Aryan Turkic identity. We won, your people are now Sandniggers, enjoy

Um, I have practically 100% European heritage.

I just so happen to find the Steppe cultures of the past; Scythians, Massagetae, Huns, Mongols, Sarmatians, and the much earlier Yamnaya culture to be rather interesting. Before some of the Steppe cultures were Islamiciszed they were rather based, read up on the Mongolian Yassa, as it tends to be cooler and more based than most other legal codes of the time.

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Oh its that diaspora shit. Listen this may be another topic of debate but even if your in the Diaspora that does not change your race at all. That is one of the most ignorant claims I have heard. If your in the diaspora your from the same race as from your ancestral homeland. You have nothing to do with that "Diaspora" and it is just a temporary resting place. It means nothing to change your race or culture.

shut the fuck up you smelly, greesy, curly headed olive nigger. you look like a quadroon and belong in a gas chamber.

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Do you want some Zyklon or some spears in your head you no soul kike. I know the Ottoman Empire was a conspiricy you dumbshit. The Khazars showed how gay Judaism is. Judaism is basically Turkism from Turkey and Turkism from Turkey means Arabic Muslims LARPing as Turks.

Original Whites were the People's bearing R haplogroups.

Greeks are not even truly white, but a hybrid of different groups centred around the Mediterranean.


user is doing this in retaliation for the ">greek>white" kike.

im not reading your autistic hellenic drivel. smelly armenoid nigger

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Then why are you using a leaf meme flag?

Shouldn't you be using a different meme flag?

They where literal Spartans and Athenians. The Whites of their stock. They where as White as Germans. Saying Greeks are not White is dishonest.

I am stuck under this gay ass proxy.

They want to be thrown back into the alleged Masturbation Machines.

What are you on? Armenians are White you actual fucking retard. So are Greeks. If your that retarded then there is no hope for you. I'm not Armenian or Greek. If I was that means I would be White.

>Armenians are White you actual fucking retard. So are Greeks
really reaching there, faggios shitskinoplous.

reminder this is the average gayreek dna test. pathetic.

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I never use a Leaf flag because to do so would be an abysmal act for a Western Canadian secessionist.

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Its sad the "Holocaust" never happened. If it did happen I would be the one rounding up the Turks and sending them all to starve and burn.

My ex was part Armenian and she more or less looked like a HAPA.


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It did happen, it just happened in places like the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Hungary, Poland and other countries afflicted by the disease known as communism.

The good old days of cutting open pregnant women and dangling their fetuses from spears and raiding the neighboring tribe's womenfolk to avoid incestuous dead ends amirite?

Ok thats impossible. And you know it. I am not Greek. I am a Turk. My father is a Turk. My GrandFather is a Turk. My ancestors worked in the Ottoman Empire (Sadly) My Great Great Ancestors where involved with the Golden Horde, Crimean Khanate, and Mongol Empire. I am more Turkish then many of the Turks in the World. By Turks I am talking about Central Asian Turks. Although I may not look like them, I am more closer to them Genetically then any Greek White Devil or some Armenian White Devil.

I'm talking about the "Holocaust" in National Socialist Germany.

America has sucked at war the last few decades as a result of letting members of the merchant tribe shape their foreign policy and no longer fighting wars to achieve victory but to instead achieve long term conflict sustainability.

(((They))) killed General George S Patton because he saw past their deceit and trickery.

Pretty sure t*Rkey is a mixture of native Anatolian with occasional Greek or Arab influence. The Mongoloids were conquerors that gave their name, but had little genetic effect.


Are you talking about some kind of Eurasian? Mixed with Mongoloid and White Genetics?

gayreek, turkroach, alboid, armenian, levantine, doesn't matter. youre a disgusting armenoid shitskin that looks like this.

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At least they knew not to interbreed unlike some peoples.

Consanguinity is a massive problem within the Islamic world, as well as some Merchant communities...such dysgenics should have never been tolerated...they should all have been put to the sword.

Lol he is been doing it a long time before the butthurt britnigger appeared you dumb newfag

That was a response to the Marxists attempting to destabilize Germany after the First World War.

Yes, she had European features but Asiatic features as well.

If I was Genghis Khan I would have ordered the slaughter of all Anatolians and most Europeans and I would give all of North Canada to the Eskimos. I would have killed all the Kikes and all the Negros from Africa. Genghis Khan never had a true Warmode. If he did then most of the world would have been Mongoloid and that means pure Genetics.

If I was a hapa then I would have looked better then what I look like now. I look like an Arab.

Oh ok your retarded then.

The Jews destroyed Europe 1000 years Ago. Europe back then was gay. But now it is much more gayer. Kikes destroyed Europe so now it is an autistic version of its older self. Its older self was autistic too. But you get what I am saying. Whites where never good. Europe was never good. But now it is much worse then before.

Genghis was reported to have "Cat eyes" & red hair, at least according to some accounts.

you're a sub-80 IQ shitskin armenoid that lives off of canadian welfare.

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nice numbers, too bad you are retarded

Those Hispanic Explorers are liers.

European culture isn't gay, it has just been heavily compromised by globalist initiatives.

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It was actually a Persian who made that claim.

I may look like an Arab a bit but I also do have Mongoloid features. I am glad I have Mongoloid non White features. Also I am glad I am living of Canadian welfare. I wish to keep on doing that. I am not an Armenian too. If I was though that would mean I am White which is something I hate. Keep trying.

During the muslim invasions of Europe and the crusades a lot of armies went through there towards both Europe and middle-east so I imagine the native women got raped a lot over the centuries.

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the entire east med is populated by e1b curly haired armenoid mutts. you're no different from an armenian. cope

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Are you joking? Europe was and is a shithole. Before it was full with Jews in Denial (Christians) who fought against the Mongols, It was not even a nomadic society 1000 years ago, now it is plagued with ultra judaism and fagotry, most people who are White in Europe are ignorant retards, ETC.

>lives of welfare
Checks out,you try to differenciate yourself from Arabs but that is like arguing if dog shit is better than horse shit. Your shit either way cockroach.

Armenians are the same as Greeks and Greeks are the same as the Slavic and the Slavic are the Same as the Germanic. They are all White. I am not White and I would never want to be White.

Mongoloid People are better then Arabic Shitskin Muslims and Arabic Shitskin Muslim are bascially lower then White Europeans.

Europeans at least in the modern era have more or less rejected Christianity, Turks are still largely embracing Islam...what is more gay?

The sooner all the peoples of the world discard the Semitic shackles, the better.

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If your White or if your Brown. Either way your a pile of shit.

greek faggot is an anti-white kike, just like you

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dog shit is the same as turkroaches and roaches are the same as gayreeks and gayreeks are the same as pontics and pontics are crypto-armenians.

you look like this now accept it

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Well honestly they are almost as gay as each other. When Turks use Islam, It makes Islam look a bit more gayer then it is. I honestly hate both. Also the Central Asian Turks that embrace Islam are under the shackles of Mohammed. They need to break the shackles of Mohammed and return to Tengri and Sky Worship.

My skin is a bit more lighter then that and my teeth are broken but yeah you get the picture. Thats why if I orchastreate a massacre on these Anatolian Turks, At the end of it I have to kill myself too.

Don't tell me you believe that nonsensical Gypsy shit about their god placing all men into ovens & white people being under cooked, black people being over cooked & people who are lighter shades of brown being just right?

That said, a god placing people into ovens is kind of a lulzy notion.

Also, don't you know;

It's Okay to be White.

Also shut the fuck up you dumbass. If your White your as low as Dogshit and if your Arabic your as low as Dog shit. I am a bit higher then Arabic because I have some Mongoloid features like somewhat of an eyefold and a small nose with a flat facial structure. You can tell that my ancestors where Mongols but you cannot tell that the guy you post there had Mongol Ancestors. There is a difference between my skin color and features and his. Also keep whining. All you want to do is seperate Greeks and Armenians from your race. Greeks and Armenians are White too and if you do not except that your retarded as shit.

I am in total agreement with you regarding Tengrism being a preferable belief system to Islam.

My father has spent some time working in Mongolia; he hated their food, but loved their horseback riding, knife smithing, bow shooting, wolf hunting & wrestling ways. Mongolians will be valuable allies in the likely event of a global conflict involving the PRC, seeing as that Mongolians & Chicoms fucking hate each other.

I know what it means to be White. I am infact 30 percent Albanian. My Grandmother has Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes along with Pale Skin. The reason why I followed my Turkish side is becuase I always had the dream of being Mongoloid and I found out that Turks where Mongoloid. But the more and more shit I hear here the more I feel like I was wrong. If I can never be a Mongol like my ancestors then all I am is just an Arab mixed with White and waiting for my end. I am waiting for the day I can orchastrated a massacre on Turks. If I ever can. I always had a hate for Turks. I hated Turks before I can remember and before I could talk. Turks where always my number one enemy. The only reason I sided with them is because I thought it would bring me more close to being Mongoloid and becuase my Turkish side is more then my Albanian side. If my skin and features never devolope to look Mongoloid then its over.

i'm not reading your autistic mumble jumble. you look like this. a hook nosed, curly haired, shitskinned manlet with an identity crisis.

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You can't find copies of the original as far as I know.

The Chinese are fucking rats. They are the rats of Asia. Infact I do not just side with the Mongol Empire where my ancestors came from. Since 2018 I liked Imperial Japan. I was interested with Mengjiang. A state that connects the Imperial Culture of Japan to the Imperial Culture of Mongolia. It interested me a lot. Figures I look up too are Genghis Khan,
Emperor Showa Hirohito, Demchugdongrub, Plaek Phibunsongkhram, Aisin Gioro Puyi, and Atilla the Hun.

The only Turk I fuck with is a turkey sandwich

Would you shut the fuck up you homobot. All you can say is bullshit. How about you shove role of toilet paper in your mouth and shut the fuck up you dyslexic faggot. I do not look like a kike. I do not have curly hair or a hooked nose, If anyone has a hooked nose its you talking behind your meme flag. There may be someone else talking behind a memeflag but at least I can tell he is not a Jew. But your the most Jewish faggot here. Now shut the fuck up you worthless pile of shit. Go post your gay shit on the random board.

autistic schizophrenic armenoid. you look like this now accept it

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Nice one

T*rks are ultra mutts, only outdone by Indians.

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Ok now your pulling things out of your ass. I do not have black skin. I am not Armenian or Armenoid. I am Turkic and Albanian. I will not accept lies put on by a kike. This is what you look like now that I broke your retarded and gay "logic".

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Those are the fake Turks your talking about. The Real Turks who are Mongoloid are not "mutts". Infact being Mongoloid is one of the best things imaginable.

nice cartoon, kostas. you legitimately look like this, now look in the mirror than go sit in the nearest oven

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Blame it on the Ottoman empire.

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Not that user, but I do not typically consider anyone from south of the Danube to be white, but I find the term "white" to be one of those terms implemented byvth merchant tribe to diminish the differences in various European cultures.

That is not to say that the Med & MENA cultures are invalid, but to lump all of the European tribes as a singular collective entity of "white people" is the type of cultural erosion that the lampshade tribe have been attempting to implement.

There are Danes, they are Norsks, there are Rhinelanders, there are Normans, there are Saxons, there are Polskis,there are Prussians, there are Carlogians, there are Lombards, there are Etruscans, there are Finns, there are Gaels, there are Belgae. Each of those groups is different from the next as the cultural attitudes between such tribes differs greatly. Case in point, most Norwegians look at Swedes with disdain over said Swedes being too stupidly altruistic.

To lump all Europeans together is no different than lumping all MENA region Saracen, Bedouin, Hellenic, Armenian, Turkic, Jewish & Phoenician peoples together and to classify them all as Arabs or something.

I recommend looking into population genetics.

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Your not even White lol. If you where White I might tell you to go sit in the over. But since your a Kike the Oven is the thing you depend on. You need to be burned you actual fucking retard. If you looked in the mirror you would break it with your big nose you rotten kike.

The only Ethnicites and races I care for are the Mongoloid Race, Central Asian Turks, North Asian Turks, Southeast Asians, The Japanese, the Manchus, The Uyghurs, The Eskimos, and some Pacific Islanders. The rest could go fuck themselves.

why do you look like this?

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I would say it goes back even further. It goes back to the Seljuks. But yeah the Ottomans too.

Fine with me. Still, just saying, what is the defining positive factor in these ...

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Whites are Europeans. Europeans are White. How hard is it to see that? If your from Europe your White. No mattter where from Europe. Even if your Albanian, Romanian, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, or Bulgarian. Your White. The Jews did not empose this logo on. Infact the Jews are trying to take away this logo by saying simular things to what your saying here. I am not calling you a Jew. I know your not a Jew. Your just a White who is using bad logic.

Ottoman decay in the end allowed for the erosion of the non-Middle Eastern elites. Always the same story btw after a while when steppe nomads conquer inferior agriculturalist societies and become sessile. Been in Western Turkey a lot recently due to business ... not all is lost but the situation is dire, especially since globalist degeneracy is slowly encroaching on the few that do still uphold resistance against the terminal Arabization of their people.

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What are you doing, Hakan? These Nazis still won't like you. Have some self-respect, you spineless worm.

I am telling you I don't look like that Kike.

There are "Nazis" and there are National Socialists ... difference being that the latter have a Weltanschauung.

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