Why do niggers always blast their jungle bop at maximum volume in public spaces and not care that they are annoying people? When I listen to music on headphones in public I keep the volume very low as not to disturb others?
shitty parent, shitty upbringing
learned no manners
>t. whiteboy who got hot and bothered over a group of alpha black men playing alpha music
Realistically you keep your music down because its gay as fuck and you don't want anyone to know you listen to that crap.
A negro cannot be alpha. They’re too ugly and stupid. And their “music” is nothing but incoherent babbling with a looped drum beat. I wish they all died of cancer.
The same reason they walk in the road, they're trying to instigate confrontation
Because they're niggers
Arrogance, lack of matters, lack of empathy, they think they're god's gift to the world.
I live near niggers and they are loud in general. I've had regular conversations with them indoors and they still sound like they are yelling. It's like "I'm 3 feet in front of you. You don't have to be this loud, I can hear you." Then they say "I'm not being loud". Which makes me wonder if they are partially deaf.
probably true lel
Mind your neck.
Diesel truck, roll coal into said nog mobile.
White music
>she left me for another man, broke my heart
Black music
>I fucked that niggas bitch, ice all over my wrist
Literal alpha music compared to beta white music.
I think they have no sense of self-restraint, that’s why they eat until they’re diabetic, drink until they pass out in the road, smoke weed until they’re brain-dead, rape women and stab/shoot men at random, spend all their money foolishly, etc. They are truly the lowliest life form.
>Why do niggers always blast their jungle bop at maximum volume in public spaces and not care that they are annoying people? When I listen to music on headphones in public I keep the volume very low as not to disturb others?
Worked with someone several years ago who had 12 kids.
All had televisions in their own rooms.
Truly profound artistic geniuses at work
What niggers call 'alpha' is acting like a fucking retard. Black people aren´t fucking leaders, none of which they do is sensible. But they ofcourse insist that they are the most 'alpha' or masculine or whatever.
Whenever i hear a nigger say 'alpha' i just think ah he means retard. Because that's what they are.. Just like the worst type of socalled masculinity you can ever find is with the negros. No wonder their societies in africa are garbage, no impulse control, random violence and attempt to intimidate people etc. No competence whatsoever.
>A negro cannot be alpha. They’re too ugly and stupid. And their “music” is nothing but incoherent babbling with a looped drum beat.
Right. I've never seen a nigger being any type of decent leader, it´s some kind of larp based on some notion of being 'alpha'. Niggers somehow heard of that kind of phrase used for some animals, and then they started to larp about that in the dumbest way possible.
>Arrogance, lack of manners, lack of empathy, they think they're god's gift to the world.
When it comes to who people consider to be good leaders, you see the massive difference. Niggers are like fucking arrogant evilminded toddlers in adult bodies.
>had 12 kids
rookie numbers
Cope. Men who play black music get way more pussy then men who play faggot country music.
I have 3 kids and not once have I asked for help from anyone else. Sure, they get gifts from relatives at Christmas but that’s pretty much it. I work with one nigger who has 5 kids with 3 different mothers and is absolutely SHOCKED that he can barely afford anything of necessity because of child support.
never have a fucking nigger as a rolemodel unless you are a nigger yourself.
Whenever i hear some retard say 'alpha' i know i am talking to a dumb nigger, because those are practically the only ones who fucking say it. There´s absolutely nothing any nigger can teach me about leadership or competence in any way. I reject completely all nigger behaviour and all their ridiculous and stupid ideas.
>Cope. Men who play black music get way more pussy then men who play faggot country music.
This is perfect example, you are a fucking subhuman. I mean it 100% it´s so clear. You don´t understand anything, you are like a deranged fucking monkey.. 2 seconds away from flinging poo at other people.
Niggers are such disgusting version of humans that they should be quarantined in africa.. there´s nothing you do that is good or decent, all you do is fucking wreck things, and talk about how you iz good leaders n shiieet. Niggers think being leader is going around threatening people who don´t agree with them.
It´s like a fucking retard trying to larp a normal person.
>somebody needs to be held accountable
yeah, you
Apes who play nigger bop get trashy thots that they have meaningless sex with, but they don’t get “women”
Only men get women
Maybe it´s not your fault you are subhuman but that´s exactly what you are. A subhuman very animalistic kind of beast human, not very smart aggressive and kind of mentally defective. Not up to the usual human standard.
SO please stop lecturing others about your idiotic notions, there is nothing others can learn from you.. You can´t even run your own societies. Because your your shitty ideas in the first place.
Black genes are dominant while white genes are recessive.
Beautiful things of quality are easy to destroy, but shit is cheap and common.
Black genes are retarded. You have 1.2 billion niggers in africa right now. What are they doing, tell me? Absolutely fucking useless.
And no they are not, this is because yet again the common arrogant and violent paavement ape (insult to apes actually). Do not understand with its defective brain how dna works and how the sun creates light skin near the poles and darker skin near the equatorial uvb.
You are fucking worthless people who never did a fucking thing in history. if 99.9% of africans on the planet dissapeared right now it would actually have a positive impact on the world. What a legacy to have.
Every place you go niggers annoy people with their stupid behaviour, their garbage jewed up 'music' and their incompetence and stupid ideas and notions.
Its literally just this. Niggas watch too much tv and dont understand it not real life. They know "its not real". But they dont understand that situations are dramatized for entertainment.
They do that for three main reasons: 1: to establish dominance by essentially crowing "I'm HERE! I'm HERE! CHECK ME OUT!"
2: To annoy white people. Niggers LOVE disturbing the peace and quiet of an area because they inherently have no peace inside themselves and are offended when an environment is literally better than they.
3: They're literal selfish idiots with no concept of self-control or consideration for others.
They only feel they exist if other people notice them. They can have no effect intellectually but their vanity still demands recognition, so you have chimping out, loud noises, ridiculous dress, special names, etc etc.. they are kings and queens in their own tiny minds. "Notice me, notice me!" the black cries, pathetic as an unwanted child.
Seething. This is the beauty of black music, it makes the betas upset. Black music is a feeling, and only alphas will understand that feeling. If you're a beta man you will be upset and moan about it because you don't understand a true mans music.
Any time I see a skinny ass uppity nigger playing jiggaboo tunes I deadass look them in the eye and tell them to shut that shit off. My forearms are bigger than most niggers legs and I don't put up with nigger shit.
Occasionaly you must pat the nigger on the head, smile and say, "I see you, you exist", then he will happily ooga booga away.
Bunch of incel cuck loserd ITT. I play my music loud all the time and it has nothing to do with other people like you insecure losers assume it does. It's as simple as music sounds better when its loud. If you're not playing your music loud then youre listening to shit music that isn't good.
>Notice me, notice me!" the black cries, pathetic as an unwanted child.
Then when their poor behavior is noticed:
>man deez crackahs ain't never mindin dey own business!
Exactly it´s just mass production of shit. People who don´t even provide for their own children just have 10 kids, and then we pretend they are going to be some brilliant people. If you just do the opposite of what niggers do you'll actually end up doing extremely sensible things.
And niggers keep pretending as if they are leaders and 'alpha'. Fuck that person who taught dumb niggers that word. This whole retardation of them. Everytime niggers hear some stupid word it spread to the other niggers like wildfire and they start larping about things they don´t understand. So ofcourse the nigger version of a leader is someone who fucks everything up, never does anything useful or has good ideas, don´t know how to do things and don´t even know how to organize or delegate things, has no empathy whatsoever, and thinks being a leader is just attack or kill people who disagree with him.
It´s like the most retarded fucking larp ever. And only reason they even do it is because they hear something about women like leaders. Yeah, real ones not fakers nigger.
If you listen to nigger music you are a fucking failure already.
Best thing niggers could do is shut their fucking mouth and start following example of actual men/other people who actually can run their societies. But they don´t.. Niggers aren´t barely fucking men. A man isn´t someone who go attack another person because he doesn´t like him. A man is not someone who fucks some woman and leaves her. That´s a pathetic cowardly spineless little faggot. Doesn´t matter how much you go to the gym. You have no spine or integrity whatsoever you should be laughed at. But as usual niggers never recognize their own errors. They think their errors are great instead. They think their errors are good things. Always with niggers it´s upside down. It´s so fucking easy to know you are talking to one, because they are like retarded clones of eachother.
Niggers have zero inhibitions and are incapable of thinking "hey, what I am doing - will it affect others"?
>getting this upset over black music
Oh dear.
>durrrr *drooL* me likes loud music! the only person that matter is me and my feelings-fuck everyone else!
We know perfectly well that you don't care, Jamal. Thank God your life expectancy is far lower than a white man. :)
Because white women twerk their asses to it. Go to any party and it's rap. Hell even a shit ton of white women go to twerking classes. Every day hundreds of amateur videos of white women taking BBC. Just think of all the ones who aren't filming it. Every day thousands of white women are blacked by bbc. ...and you write the N word on the internet like the impotent, meek, and cowardly whiteboy that you are.
I think leafs may be the worst fucking posters on this board.
>Seething. This is the beauty of black music, it makes the betas upset.
There´s no beauty of black music, it´s not music, it´s just a nigger with a defective brain which the arabs also described that blacks have. That tries to fake intelligence by talking really fast. With some idiotic background beat. The lyrics are nonsensical and stupid. And it actually sounds like shit aswell.
>I play my music loud all the time and it has nothing to do with other people like you insecure losers assume it does.
This is why you should be clubbed by police for indecent behaviour. Since your nigger father probably left you as they usually do. Nobody taught you how to behave. So then society needs to train you as the dumb nigger you are.
You're a beta loser that cares to much about what others think. That's why you'll never reproduce or be happy in life. Women know you're a better that keeps his music low as to not "bother" others.
>it has nothing to do with other people
But it has everything to do with it. Your preconception of others' thoughts about you is your primary drive.
I can tell your crush is dating a black guy.
>iffin it ain't BLASTING BASS it be bad music, yo
Such primitive ookings.
Please strongly assert your opinions with cops too, they'll "respec" [sic] your strength.
Ofcourse because jews promote it all over. Starting from jewnited states of america. Because they know nigger behaviour lowers your intelligence.
Nope, that's how betas think. If you don't give a fuck about what other people think, then you can live as a man. Only women have your mindset.
Why do Canadians love niggers the most of all Jow Forums flags?
>just be an inconsiderate, low-IQ nigger too, user.
No, kike larping as a nog. A real nogger wouldn't answer back, or spell as well.
Why do white people claim to be tough yet something as simple as black music upsets them so badly? Just shows how much they envy us in secret.
> Muh jooz is why white women prefer guys with bigger dicks and fuck better waaah fucking jooz
Pathetic cope
See it´s always the same stupid little nigger logic. This fucking defective subspecies should have been sterilized long ago. There's fucking nothing niggers do that are any good.
They're anti-social retards, their intention is to disrupt and annoy.
You don´t realize you are the problem do you nigger, you think it´s everyone else. It´s typical for niggers and their defective brains.
>klik klik klik
What's that? Khoisan rap?
It's funny to see idiots on here have their life ruined and be beta because they are to worried about what other people think. Something as simple as wanting to play your stereo is a problem for white men. The absolute state.
Fun fact: Wherever a nigger does literally anything that wasn't possible 10,000 years ago, he is culturally appropriating another race.
Did you know that fun nigger fact?
Niggers have this impulsive desire to be noticed and recognized. It doesn't matter if the attention is negative attention, the nigger brain just identifies people giving such negative attention as "haters". Perhaps it's some genetic callback to tribal life, where the nigger with the most shit stuck to his head was considered the dominant male and therefore the most desirable to breed with.
It's not just music. I can't tell you how many times I've been in nice restaurants and "Jamal, party of two" gets called to their table. Despite being at a nice restaurant, "Jamal don gib a fuk" and has put on his finest combat fatigue pants and World Star shirt while his date is equally impressively dressed. Watch as Jamal and his date eat nothing but bread, order two drinks and an appetizer (to share) while he Facetimes with one of his nigger friends to show him "how we livin' up in here" while holding up a single crab cake. This is all being done out loud, with no regard for anyone else in the restaurant.
You're just a beta who has shit music that he can't play publicly
Arabs and Indians invented the number system. Do they tell you to thank them everyday when you use a number? No, cause it sounds stupid.
>Just shows how much they envy us in secret.
lol we thank God often for not being low-IQ sinfully ugly niggers. Your "music" sucks and you only play it to try and be the dominant buck among your does. I'd call you animals, but animals have more consideration for the relaxation and rest of humans than you do. A deer has never woken me up at 3:00AM with:"PUNCH DA BITCH IN DA FACE, THEN STEAL DA PO-LEECES MACE-NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NICKA NICKA NICKA!"
It's the sound of them blasting shitty synth music over tiny speakers.
White men are fragile. It's why their women divorce them , white women never had proper dad's to keep them in line because whites are hardly even men, just beta pink cuck boys
Niggers are constantly doing annoying, anti-social things. Always to piss off White people.
You're just a sensitive beta who gets upset over black music.
>wypipi be all fragile n shieeeeet
>white people please help wiff my job application!
Everything you've ever "achieved" has been given to you by Jews because you're a dumb pawn.
A lot of it has to do with how they were raised too. Have you ever seen how your average ghetto sheboon raises her brood with the help of her mammy?
It goes like this.
>ignores child
>*child acts up for attention"
>continues ignoring child
>*child acts up even more*
>keeps ignoring child
>*child does something absurd/dangerous for attention*
>mammy gets mad
>whooops child
This is dead on.
They don't care how they do it.
They will do anything to turn heads toward their direction.
No different than a gorilla beating its chest.
Wow you guys must have been total fags to be in their servitude for what 300 years.
You guys moan like unpaid whores when I have the police break up your parties. And I have gotten many of you fuckers arrested. :D
It's always the top tier white women that go towards black men to, all this anger and frustration in this thread stems down to the fact that they will never be able to get the woman they want, and some black male did. This thread is sexual frustration at its finest.
they know what theyre doing
White women prefer alpha men and most alphas are black. Stop coping you shrimp dick whiteboi
Good fucking God, what is up with Canadians and nigger obsession?
My experience they dont even use headphones, they just blast it from their phone speakers.
because they're niggers?