Religious Revival

Why are so many Zoomers rejecting the secular progressivism pushed by their parents in favor of Christianity?

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Women are irrational. Go figure.

This young man has virtue and grace beyond his years. Praise Christ for letting him see the truth and the way.

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It's no surprise that many are going back to religion. We live in a degenerate society where everything is relative, life is meaningless and is looking increasingly hopeless. I've only recently moved away from atheism. There is a God. Though this is only an intellectual understanding I'm going to act on it soon. Atheism does not build healthy societies

Read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. Great book from going from the intellectual acceptance that there is a God to the truth of the grace given to us through Jesus.

Thanks, I'll check it out

Christcucks should stop making memes. It's too much cringe and autism.
>chooses to be virgin till marriage

So degeneracy and sterile sex are virtues of strong men?

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>Implying adultery is somehow a positive behaviour

Fuck off schlomo.

Thanks for the recommendation, user. I will be sure to read it.
The more partners one has before marriage the larger the chance that their marriage will end in divorce. Fornication is destroying the foundation of society. The true chad saves himself only for his lawful wife knowing that he will be building a stable family due to his patience

That specifically says millenial, not zoomer.
Zoomers have rejected the kike on the stick, and have opted to follow paganism like Varg.

Ancient Greeks killed adulterers, Ancient Aryans in India killed adulterers (read Laws of Manu), Jews used to kill adulters, Muslims still kill adulterers

It’s time to kill adulterers and punish the fornicator

ive accepted the chirstian lifestyle
>rejection of porn, drug etc
but im struggling with my actual spirituality

I would agree. There is a God and atheism is shit. However, I don't think literally worshiping Yahweh is a mistake we should make again. Whites should leave Christianity to the shitskins and build something better.

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Seconded. That book helped me return

>but im struggling with my actual spirituality
The first thing that helped me immensely was to learn about the various arguments for the existence of A GOD, not a particular deity. I watched a whole lot of debates between Christians/Muslims and atheists and weighed the different arguments, plus I read a few books like Yujin Nagasawa's The Existence of God that really changed my view. It was mainly cosmological arguments that brought me to a more deistic point of view, but long before that I had gotten depressed over the view that everything is meaningless and relative, which led me to explore the idea in the first place. For me I couldn't even start to believe in a specific religion unless I could accept the idea of a Creator in the first place, let alone ascribe to it any specific claims. Good luck user, I'm still on my journey as well.

Don't be afraid to talk to a man of God, regardless of denomination. In many cases they've dealt with those like yourself countless times and can provide good insight

It’s not Christianity. It’s beliefs outside the system of scientific atheism.

This runs the gamut from secular middle class Anglo-American guys suddenly becoming Orthodox Christians (and reminding you in their winter bios through emojis), to Classical pagans, Gnostics, occultists, astrology etc. it’s a philosophical generational shift away from secular humanism, atheism and so on, in response to the social and moral failures of Liberalism and capitalism, whether people are aware of that or not.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. God is back from the dead, and he’s pissed.

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The reason for this is incompatible with a Christian universalism. You’d be running from governmental to spiritual Liberalism. We can’t just larp as odinists across Europe and the Atlantic, but we will necessarily build something new. Tens of millions of people will die and be displaced in the now peaceful occidental countries, during this century.

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Wotan returns!

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Whites all across the world could convert to some form of Germanic neopaganism one day, in theory. It's a crazy idea now, but it's not as crazy as all Whites worshipping the Jew's ancestral god. Mark Brahmin thinks Whites should worship Apollo, which would honestly make more sense than Wotan. Look him up if you haven't.

based, we can't be too universalist either because modern christians just see each and every shithole citizen that happens to say that he is a christian as a brother welcome in his society

I think you hit the nail on the head. People want some form of cognitive mapping, something different to the consumerist nihilism thats seeped into western culture (and the world i guess)

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