Do Jews not consider themselves to be white?

In Casino when Billy Sherbert is explaining to Rothstein that they have to keep the cowboy sheriff's nephew working there despite him constantly screwing up, Rothstein says "Is this guy just another dumb fucking white man or what"

I always assumed that Jews themselves pass themselves as white in America and Europe and that most normies see them as white yet in this scene he is using "white man" in a context that suggests he sees them as different from himself (a jew)

Have they historically seen themselves as white in white countries?

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they only identify as white when it's beneficial to them to make woke anti-white twitter posts

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but deep down, they know

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jews and italians dont consider themselves white in america. i grew up in nyc. they will say they are white or not depending on what is advantageous at the time. hispanics do this too.

thats not true though jews 100 years knew they were legally classed as white.

Jews see themselves as human and everyone else as animals.

I heard mulatto Puerto Ricans do that in NY too. Identify with their white side when need be and black side when they want to be involved in rap or be a victim of racial oppression or whatever.

It's funny, I recall the episode where Elaine is dating a mutt and there's some question over the ambiguity of both their races, when they declare themselves White I burst out laughing.

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Jews identify with Italians, Irish and other European immigrants and vice versa. They all despise and envy anglos and protestants because they're historically honest hard workers who are self-sufficient. We don't have to live in cities like parasites sucking the wealth of a host to survive.

Jews only identify as white when the situation calls but in reality, they see themselves as humans and everyone else as animals.

Watch this clip where Larry David thinks he finds out he's not Jewish. It's very illuminating to see how Jews view gentiles.

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Jews are incredibly tribal everywhere. They will only claim to be white when it's convenient to them or when making statements like "we white people need to make amends and open our borders" for maximum subversion.

They hate Catholics too.

So are Hispanics and Arabs in the US. That doesn’t make them white and any normal person can distinguish between them. 100 years ago whites could tell if someone was a Jew and would have grouped them in the “other” category just the same

This is actually pretty based. Larry seems a lot happier as a gentile

But he's mocking us at the same time. Jews despise how honest, polite, hardworking, and self-sufficient we are, and they seek to destroy everything that is good about western culture.

When it is convenient for them to do so, yes

they flip flop when it suits them.
>shapeshifter meme

Attached: CaesarWojack.jpg (803x960, 70K)

Does this guy resemble any of your relatives?
Then there's your answer.

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