I thought the browning of America was just a racist conspiracy?

i thought the browning of America was just a racist conspiracy?


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holy shit when it reaches 100% all whites will just disappear

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Its a reality and only racists care. Deal with it faggot.

Why is it bad to keep America white?

it's only a racist conspiracy when YOU point it out and try to stop it, otherwise it's just part and parcel living in a nation of immigrants

america was never 100% white, the southwest used to literally be mexico

Why shouldn't we let non whites join our country?

Because they're all live in utter shitheaps. It's like asking why you shouldn't let the local bum who lives in a dumpster be your roommate, do you think he's gonna suddenly get better in your house?

Because multiracialism leads to conflict. At the very least we need segregation/balkanization. We are already seeing Democracy devolve into identity politics. I could go on, but welcome to Jow Forums

Liberals honestly believe he will.
>A shave, a haircut and a fresh set of clothes. He's like a new man!

Because they destroy everything they touch with the exception of asians.

But he's still a low IQ junkie with shit impulse control.

goes against he Constitution. 14th amendment, suckers.

B..but muh new man. He just needs to be given a second chance!

Why do you care? You're not racist, are you? What's your name?

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Why do Europoors think they are experts on American history? 99.999% of the land was uninhabited frontier that nobody had set foot in. The little that was established in Texas and California, such as San Antonio was done so by White Spaniards.

Imagine thinking the constitution is relevant in 2019.

Feelings of trust, safety all go down. People stop helping one another and volunteering. People check out of civics and politics. It's not just whites it's every one, all positive societal indicators go down as things grow more diverse.

Only Mexican state that had a population was texas, but the other's were empty deserts

Diversity has never been a strength, it is by definition the opposite of unity. And the only way to get "diverse" populations to work together is to introduce a GREATER diversity threat for them to overcome. For example, Irish were persecuted in America until other immigrants came in with even less shared history and values.

Nothing wrong with other cultures. The problem is that in the 1950s and 60s the goverment decided it was going to integrate American society by gunpoint. We see the results of that this week in Minnesota. Blacks are attacking whites every day and the society of "professional" journalists are pushing a false narritive. A house divided cannot stand therefore we need a space for every race.

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Look at south Africa as the canary in the coal mine. Unfortunately they did not have a large body of water to protect them from diversity.

>*includes hispanics