Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them...

Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them? How do you feel about Islam after reading that? This means the entire history of the ottomans and other conquering Muslim nations is founded on an unislamic practice.

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Quran also forbids lending money for profit. I tried to raise that question at some sandnigger banks we have in town, always got thrown out by muh security.


>A foe which does not want to fight them
Yes, but if you have any experience with ideologues of any kind, you will know that things like this are usually up to interpretation, and something along the lines of
>They reject the word of God
>The word of God states says that he who suffers unbeleivers to live is guilty also
>Therefore by not beleiving they threaten us
>Therefore we are justified in waging war
is usually how things like this are interpreted.

>It wasn't real Islam

Notwithstanding the fact that Islam is literally impossible to follow AND that you're citing earlier part of the Quran, which were overwritten by later part whence the cult of Mohammed was strong enough to assert its authority and collect interest without being told to gtfo.

Islam a farce of a religion, meant for the Golems and no one else.

Based as fuck.

Incredibly based Hanz.

Ahmed speaks the truth.

They still make money off you, it's just a flat fee, versus compounding interest.

Nice to see Muslims are Talmudic practicer, truly kosher

Yeah some how everyone who wasn't muslim was a foe who wants to fight islam

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Source - or continue sucking the goat dung off Mohammed's pedophile dick

Not surrendering to their demands is considered wanting to fight.
Violence is the essence of islam. Anything stating differently is taqiyya

>Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them
So then why do they want to fight Christians?

Quran has many versions.
Muhammad did not exist as proven by Saana manuscripts from jewish kingdom in Yemen, that contain quranic verses long before his supposed life.
Circumcision related desert cult variants are all insanity tier.

There can be no enlightenment until we fix our land, get in shape, get busy and start purifying.

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>Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them?
Taqiya; the Islamic doctrine that it okay to lie in order to advance the cause of Islam.

>How do you feel about Islam after reading that?
Feel like injecting Muslims with pigs blood then burning them with a copy of their Quran.

>Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them?
But Mohammed attacked medina for a minor violation of a peace treaty
The quran actually states all peace treaties should have an expiry date so war can be resumed at will.

let's get it

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Tell that to the fucking Ottomans, retard

Untrue. Mohammed also fought people who were innocent civilians and killed/enslaved/raped them, including children.

Allah is subhuman.

>Did you know the Quran literally forbids Muslims from fighting a foe which does not want to fight them?
That's a lie.

Rare flag nowadays. Are you doing ok, user?