South Europeans aren't white. Who would want to be a white cuck anyway?
>not being a hypocrite
This is the future you chose.
Southern Europeans WERE white
bad gook meme
>x isn't White
who benefits from this divide and conquer?
Jow Forums thinks White people all look like Dolph Lundgren. Jow Forums is a collection of fucking retards who literally think 90% of Europe is not White.
ameriturd education strikes again.
>Jow Forums is a person meme
I literally said a COLLECTION OF RETARDS. Your post proves my point
How retarded do you have to be not to realise there is a prevailing opinion/mentality in almost every community?
According to Jow Forums, the superior White Anglo is this.
>what are phenotypes
I thought you dog eaters were supposed to be intelligent
>appearance is the only measure of a people
No other people throughout the world have come close to achieving what the anglo/saxon has
Replace pol with varg
Oh hey.... It's that brown subhuman SHITalian user that lives in Korea. I remember you.
whiter than you, amerinegro.
Its twice as retarded to pretend one side of an active point of contention within a community is its zeitgeist
same thing
FFS we can only tell if you're white if you post your soles. This is really basic stuff come on.
NEET shitalian. You're so easily recognizable at this point.
kike cocksucker
Shut up and post your soles right now
whiter htan yu
Nero the original neck beard
You don't know what soles are do you
That pic is like 3 weeks old at least.
i took it in december