

Attached: hypocrites.png (558x846, 440K)

South Europeans aren't white. Who would want to be a white cuck anyway?

>not being a hypocrite
This is the future you chose.

Southern Europeans WERE white
bad gook meme

>x isn't White

who benefits from this divide and conquer?

Attached: 1564399926658.png (680x428, 112K)

Jow Forums thinks White people all look like Dolph Lundgren. Jow Forums is a collection of fucking retards who literally think 90% of Europe is not White.


ameriturd education strikes again.

Attached: roman genetics.jpg (1766x741, 302K)

>Jow Forums is a person meme

I literally said a COLLECTION OF RETARDS. Your post proves my point

How retarded do you have to be not to realise there is a prevailing opinion/mentality in almost every community?

According to Jow Forums, the superior White Anglo is this.

Attached: GettyImages-1142274225-4718a63.jpg (620x413, 52K)

>what are phenotypes
I thought you dog eaters were supposed to be intelligent

Attached: greek_blonds.jpg (614x354, 86K)


Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

>appearance is the only measure of a people
No other people throughout the world have come close to achieving what the anglo/saxon has

Attached: fudge brownie.jpg (1200x967, 182K)

Replace pol with varg

Oh hey.... It's that brown subhuman SHITalian user that lives in Korea. I remember you.

whiter than you, amerinegro.

Attached: my feet.jpg (582x437, 16K)

Its twice as retarded to pretend one side of an active point of contention within a community is its zeitgeist

same thing


FFS we can only tell if you're white if you post your soles. This is really basic stuff come on.


Attached: john oliver.jpg (1200x675, 48K)

NEET shitalian. You're so easily recognizable at this point.

kike cocksucker

Shut up and post your soles right now

Attached: tumblr_mtdd29ZAI31sg96flo1_400.gif (400x225, 776K)

Attached: my feet are italian.png (645x446, 522K)

Attached: 1567613887390.jpg (306x306, 20K)

whiter htan yu

Nero the original neck beard

You don't know what soles are do you

That pic is like 3 weeks old at least.

i took it in december