What makes the SAS so much better than any other special forces in the world?

What makes the SAS so much better than any other special forces in the world?

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Damn, they must've been all sitting at the same table or some shit. Or he was rocking a semi auto. Nobody cycles and acquires that fucking fast.

Shut up faggot.

Fuck you nigger :)

Shotgun nerfs when

>5 isis fighters
more like killed 5 civilians having dinner

Anybody got the 4 bong greentext from the American army man serving with brits?

Shit tickles me to death but cant find it.

i dont know

>sas kills five newborn babies for their israeli masters
gj britain you saved kikes once again

>Or he was rocking a semi auto
Because that's just unheard of

They're less likely to feel bad about murdering civillians.


Islamic apologists are the worst
We all hate Jews but pretending Arabs aren't a savage race of carbombers just because they hate Israel too is silly

if you let subhumans live in their subhuman caves they wont bother you, they want to be left alone. On the other hand kikes...

Used to run around one shotting in battlefield 2142 with a shotgun. =FATAL=

This isnt spetnaz, its SAS. So a family that said bad things about muzlims online, or not paying for a loicanse!

No reason to hate them for living how they want to live in their own country.
The only carbombers that should be feared are the ones already inside your country.

80% of them are low IQ Nepali Gurungs and Rais who don't hesitate to shoot or get shot at.

yeah which makes them extra worthless, they probably invaded the house because they thought a british citizen was there posting undesirable things online

Obviously fake. SAS helps ISIS.

They're not. They're a bunch of leftist faggots who kill civilians.

meanwhile, his wife is getting bred by some negro back home

>mutt promoting interracial fantasies

some things never change

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They get a lot of civilians to practise on

Amerimutts seething that they obsess over guns but bongs know how to use them better lmao

Naw, quick and clean.
>SAS Flashbang through window
>bust door down
>get sight on computer
>notice something odd
>*squints tactically*
>see guy on Jow Forums as his wife makes dinner
>*Tactical gunfire noises*
>report back to mum (queen)
>we got'm, mum!

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dont you have a dog to go fuck?

>no video
fuck off you disgusting paki cunt

they were actually five german tourists sitting in a hookah den/coffee shop

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>good at anything
They didnt even bring the tank, amateurs...

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Woah there. We use the term "human shield" when talking of dead civvies, that way we can kill all the civilians we want to while accusing the other team of being the evil ones. Get your terminology right.

Maybe it's the same kind of intelligence and intensity that your tyrannical government has preventing you from walking around with a plastic spoon in your pocket.

>meat sheild
You mean acceptable casualties?

>our trained soldiers with spy satellites and aerial support can defeat random dudes in a shed
Holy based. Nobody else can do this!

They're acceptable casualties before the attack and human shields afterwards.


Were arabs ever a problem in europe BEFORE Israel was created?
What happened to europe for europeans, africa for africans, etc.
What happened to "Tree of Liberty must be fed with the blood of tyrants and patriots"?
Are you saying americanism is barbaric?

Jow Forums really turned its back on Britain didn't it? It won't even offer praise when it is due. Now bongs must know how it feels to be an Indian on this board kek.

No before the attack, they are unkown hostiles, after is acceptable casualties.
This might just be an american thing then...

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semi-auto shotguns are super OP, watch those range trials that rednecks do

When functioning properly a semi auto 12 gauge shreds.
The recoil impulse is dampened so its easy to pop from one target to the next, especially with a red dot.
I have a V12 and my favorite thing to do is mag dump slugs like the Bolter irl.

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Strict requirements and rigorous training.

Post AAy-12

V12 is exponentially better than that AA12 meme trash.
The SAS probably used a Benelli.

The last phase of training I think is a 60km march in 24 hours with only 2 litres of water with like 40kg of equipment in the middle of summer and people have died doing it


American "special" forces have killed more allied SF personnel then enemy troops have since 1945.
In both Gulf Wars American forces killed more allied forces in "blue on blue" incidents than died in Fallujah.
Imagine going into battle with the yanks anywhere near you.
Absolute pottery.

Why am I supposed to believe this was real and not propaganda to ramp up anti-Iran and anti-Muslim sentiment away from Jews? Why are governments allowed to make claims without any kind of evidence? Because the mob perceives and accepts whatever comes from what’s feeding them and allowing them to live comfortably.

> Were arabs ever a problem in europe BEFORE Israel was created?
Well, yes, between invading the Iberian Peninsula and Eastern Europe
They can stay in their shitholes, Israel can rot in hell, but mudshits aren't the innocent lambs you faggots think they are

>Were arabs ever a problem in europe BEFORE Israel was created?

I'm pretty sure they had lots of issues in much of southern Europe for centuries.

your government wouldn't lie to you, would it?

Seriously he'd have to have been among the best of the best or something

This is more like it.

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The muzzie cum that leaks from their asses act as oil slick.

youll never know who the best in the world is because the best wouldnt need or want to brag

Dont forget the slave trade that was never squashed.

This. Suicide vests are fashion accessories over there.

Not fast enough, Soap. Run the course again.

he also forgot to switch to the pistol

>drop down, position one!
>position two, go!
>flashbang, through the door!
>position three
>position four!
>sprint to the finish!
>that was good soap, but gaz still has the record
>soap 12.1 seconds
>gaz 12 seconds
>mfw have to run the course 7 more times

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Fuck mate. I bet hes got a hulk dick. Prolly dickin down countless pakis as i type this.

I do that for a laugh sometimes. Pass all the Saturday And Sundays crawling along with Bear at their head. The difference between SAS and other soldiers is that they can run further, and probably shoot their guns more than once per year.


>gets cucked by freestater army in shooting competition

>gets cucked by faulty rpg shot by ira

>english media larps like shit even though the sas doesnt even release anything about their activities which have been in the service of globohomo and israel

That's why they are all coming to Europe right?

Based and reppilled. Thank you strong warriors of freedom! Fuck sand niggers! We must keep Isreal white and keep it safe!

>We all hate Jews

Speak for yourself, faggot

Still salty about the muja poteen our lads wasted on gib then tattyboy?

English media is the most self-flagellating in the world you silly paddy. If anything they'd be looking for reasons to make the SAS look like shit.

Came here to post this

Fuck off Jew.

I doubt they had a shot timer recording the event so I'm going to take the 5 second tally mark with a grain of salt.

Also why the fuck would he be clearing a room with a shotgun? Sure, some times a shit happens and the breacher might have to use it in a bad situation, but that's not the go ahead when you have a squad of dudes stacked up behind you.

I doubt the fuckers at the daily mail even know what a shotgun looks like

>t. Army shenanigans

>1 post by this ID

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>muh ISIS
good job goy-slaves. I'm sure mister Moshe Sheckleberg id going to be very gratefull for taking out his local competition

>dont you have a dog to go fuck?
I think you mean eat. That’s definitely a chink

You poke their hive. They are here because your wars for Israel.

>amerigan edumaction

Jesus Christ you're embarrasing.

>too right mate
based SAS

Britain set up the state Israel, dont blame us for the eternal anglo


i understand that you may have some military experience but you questioning the tactics of the SAS is like a random football fan wandering onto the pitch and trying to asking the team why they're not doing things his way

>invades another country and kills in the name of an abstract concept
Sounds like a fucking murderous monster to me chief but whatevs

>this is a perfect thread to plug some racial division

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>What makes the SAS so much better than any other special forces in the world?

Regular inspections for cleanliness.

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The SAS are the biggest BULLSHITTERS in any military unit.
They haven't been worth a wank since Dave Sterling.

I was born on a Dublin street where the Chieftain's drums did beat,
And those loving Papal knobs they came all over us,
And each and every night when me father came home tight
He'd belt me ma blue till she cooked for us:
Come out ye whites and Aryans, come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders,
Tell them how the IRA went and flogged drugs all the way
down the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra.
Come tell us how you planted them poor taters two by two,
Like the turnips they had leaves and roots and marrows,
How you bravely placed each one to get 16-hours of sun,
And you frightened them poor Ir*sh in their barrows.

>lets just let these jihadis keep making bombs which will be used to stoke international conflicts

I have a question. Now that foreigners are allowed into the British military, can foreigners make it into the SAS? I heard even Muslim refugees make it in

They wouldn't need to if you didn't invade them and destabilize their nation but idgaf

just pointing out the absurdity of bragging about killing shitskins
while that same chaos they're causing is driving the shitskin invasion of europe


he was probably duel wielding.

did he at least 360 noscope anyone?

>international conflicts
citation needed. oh, you fantasize that you are the world police, I forgot. pls don't drone me

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A Jew would be whacking off while gasping about how much they deserved it and then climax with images of dead Palestinian children flashing through his mind

The US doesnt care about the mid east that much. Only zionist indoctrinated boomers and the israel lobby do. If things keep going this way after that whole structure expires then we can start saying the US is the cause.
On the same topic the debt structure brings them in just the same. War time asylum is just a political media tool to justify their migration. A real war between the US and the mid east powers would be over in a month and israel would get slapped back into place.

I get it. It looks like the US is power playing. I understand how it looks from the outside.

Prove it you snaggel toothed fuck stick

>weak south gook that constantly steals other cultures
>lost a war because you are utterly pathetic, now under constant threat of nuclear annihilation

The DM is weird. They're cucked on guns but when shit like this happens they love describing the kit in porno detail. All wrong. They had the m82 down as an anti helicopter rifle that need its bipod cos the recoil would knock you on your arse.

Oh I'm not questioning tactics. Just so happens that no modern day military teaches room cleaning/close quarters shit with a shotgun as your go to blaster. I understand the brits teach MOUT a bit differently than us yanks (hell dynamic room clearing is being taught differently now compared to my time), but carbines are the bread and butter of every modern day military.

Not to say that this SAS bloke decided he can do what he wants (I know our SF are granted a lot of leeway in regards to uniform/gear), but I highly doubt it.

>is feeding 12gauge freedom pills to 5 snack bars possible in a few seconds?
>are there better options regarding ammo capacity, follow up shots, and accuracy?
Fuck yes

Yeah mate I regularly pluck helicopters out of the sky with it. Nothing to it: just aim up after you've deployed your 6 foot bipod, aim 5 miles in front of them (assuming fair weather) and 7 miles above, then you've got them.