Look what they did to /ourguy/

What would the world be like if (((they))) didn't murder JFK?

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op is a faggot

JFK was the ultimate cuckold. LBJ doubled down on all his policies giving us muh civil rights bill. Fucking faggot should have blew his own brains out. Deep State did nothing wrong

more like /yourguy/ Paddy

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>op is a faggot
JFK was going to kick the Jew out of power before they got him, you have no idea that you would be living in a country without faggotry if the secret service could have done their bloody job

Bullshit. JFK was totally against everything LBJ did. The best guess we have for what he would have done with civil rights was to continue the great work he'd already done in educating blacks so they can get gainfully employed better than anyone ever did before or since. Affirmative action ad free gibs are not things he would have advocated for.

Yeah too fucking right. If your pineal gland wasn't so crunchy after a lifetime of fluoridated water, you may be able to imagine how amazing your country could have been if JFK smashed the CIA, and the kikes they protect.

A descendant of immigrants happy to welcome more immigrants to drown out the Jews and their (((WASP))) lapdogs. What a shock.
You could be living in such a great country if he had been able to destroy the CIA.

>JFK was totally against everything LBJ did.
LBJ doubled down on all of JFK’s policies. That is a fact.
>I’m an expert because I watched the movie
It was actually decent, desi

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by immigrants he meant good italians and irishmen.

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this guy fucked more pussy than you ever will

These, no one is a good guy, not even trump who went to a jesuit university and his uncle the one that got the tesla documents.

That was the day the world was saved from the biggest pope nigger we’ve ever known.

>this guy fucked more pussy than you ever will
Possibly, but I’ve smashed a good amount of puss in my day. He definitely would have me beat on the quality no doubt. Marilyn Monroe was a dime

ok where the fuck did you get this photo?

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he was cath*lic, fuck him

Fuck no he didn't lol
LBJ escalated Vietnam, while lying thru his teeth and saying "It was what Jack would have wanted".
JFK was fucking done with interventionism after the Bay of Pigs. Then learning that the CIA knew about the Russians transferring nukes to Cuba for months before they told him. He was fucking done with playing their bullshit games. He never would have let the CIA continue the shit they were doing in Vietnam and he would have never escalated to full scale war.
You're talking out of your ass you sheep, repeating kike media talking points as if it's gospel.

Exactly, the only immigrants immune to the Jew's lies.

What the fuck has Trump got to do with this thread. If you think Trump is /yourguy/, you're a fucking fool: all of his children are Jews. Trump may as well be a Jew because he's not going to disadvantaged his own fucking grandkids by naming the Jew and dealing with the problem the way it needs to be dealt with, is he? JFK was going to do just that.

>ok where the fuck did you get this photo?
You can see it in David Lipton's book Best Evidence.
When the book was published in the 80's was the first time I am aware of that it was available to the general public.

You kikes really hate Jesus and the pope don't you? They banished your ancestors, and they'll do it again once we can clear out the infiltrators from the Vatican.

Mossad must have paid a fortune to get you that ID? Joo!

His head looks like BBQ briskets.

>LBJ escalated Vietnam,
JFK sent troops into Vietnam. You don’t know what he would have done if he had lived.
The Kennedy’s were a bunch of nigger lovers. That’s a fact.

I remember googling the photos about 10 years ago.
I have found a photo of him with the brain parts on his hair, but not the OP pic.
thats why I asked, its hard to find. impossible today because of the filters.
thanks for the info :P

That's not actually JFK, that's some cop who looked like him.
He got murdered on the same day after they messed up the assassination so they could pull a switcheroo before the autopsy table, only they messed that up to and shot him in the wrong part of his head.

bring him back to life so someone can fucking
do it again, fuck JFK.


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Sent a tiny force to deescalate the situation, in ignorance of course as he didn't fully understand just how fucked up the CIA has made the country's conflict at that stage.
And slagging blacks. Fucking hell, you are a moron aren't you? The Jews want you to hate blacks, divide and conquer. And you are too much of a brainlet to resist their brainwashing.
JFK wanted to educate them and bring them up to White standards. If he was able to smash the CIA and the Jew media, we would never have had drug epidemics, gang violence, single mother households, and all the other ways the Jews have fucked over black Americans, and by extension, White Americans. The CIA literally flooded black neighbourhoods with guns and drugs. The media glorified black violence in music, art, movies and TV. That's the shit we know about. Imagine what else they did that we haven't figured out yet?


>JFK wanted to educate them and bring them up to White standards.

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>act of 1965
Oh right, JFK totally responsible for an Act introduced and heavily kiked in the two fucking years between his death and its enactment.
You are a retard. How are you this bad at connecting the dots. Did that Moghel that raped your dick with a knife during your briss accidentally give you a lobotomy too?

It was always over

Without the media it would have been easily possible. Blacks were already civilising nicely throughout the early and mid 20th century. More American blacks had university degrees, per capita, than all of Africa. They would have been fine if it wasn't for the media glorifying terrible parts of black culture, and the CIA flooding black neighbourhoods with drugs and guns.

Maybe so. You guys had a chance though. You still do too, JFK gave you the blueprint to fix your nation. You just need to elect people who are prepared to follow that plan.

You’re not all wrong. I’d admit.

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>That's not actually JFK, that's some cop who looked like him.
It was alleged to be J.D. Tippett, the corpse were switched enroute to Bethesda Naval Station where the official autopsy was performed.

What the fuck is this? Some sort of fucking gore thread?

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it was never about nam and more about the fed reserve

That's mental. Why would they have gone to that trouble only to murder JFK anyway?
Got a source for any of that?

That's not even JFK.

You got the one where the baby shoots a guy?

bump of truth

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Heres some irrefutable proof kikes killed JFK and Robert both. Enjoy.


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>That's mental. Why would they have gone to that trouble only to murder JFK anyway?
>Got a source for any of that?
I wrote ALLEGED.
You can read Lifton's book it is actually kind of hard he goes into very specific medical detail in analysing the autopsy report.
There is also the 12 part documentary on the murder and they interview the naval medical guy that received JFK's corpse.
He emphatically stated that he got the body in a standard issue military gray shipping coffin, the medical personel at Parkland hospital in Dallas stated they placed the body in the huge bronze casket that was shown in the media.
So I guess something happened

Thanks, I'll grab that book. Any idea what that documentary is called? And if it's up on archive.org or on torrents?

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