Is she right, Jow Forums?

Is she right, Jow Forums?

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Why do people that complain all these things about the US, still insist on living here?

She isn’t living in the U.S. She’s Canadian.


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/rm3gvRS - le coomers

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>doubles connoseiur
also checked

Looking for the meme with Macron and Bolsonaro concluding that Anglos aren't huwhite, plz

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I know. But there's tons of sentiment that the US should be more like Canada here.

Honestly, if the US had only 1/2 the population they currently have and NOT fund military for Canada, we could easily have all that and more. Canada needs to step up and pay 30% of their GDP to the military. As well as open up borders so we can send the Hondurans and Guatemalans to their cities.


you know the brainwashing worked when the peasants defending corporations over the working man/ their class neighbor

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thank youuu

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> Get taxed oppressively to pay for lifelong obesity surgery and meds of some ice gook you don't even know
> "Healthcare is free"
Yeah, nah

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>tanned Barbie thinks her opinion is worth something online


Always on time.

this country is retarded

Fuck you kike "coomers"

Shit meme faggot

The problem is that the U.S and Canada have vastly different populations. It’s like comparing an ocean to a lake.

The Canadian inferiority complex is one of my favorite social phenomena.

Let's look at this a little more closely:
>Our healthcare is free
No it isn't. We pay for it with higher taxes on literally everything. The instore prices are insane.
>We don't have 50k student loans
Yes we do. Maybe this bitch got a free ride for being a darkie or something but university is expensive as fuck and most people who go have to borrow.
>Weed, abortions, booze
Yes, it's easier to be a degenerate here
>Trump is a racist and U.S. police kill black people
Maybe according to professional race baiters, but I wouldn't know.

Loads of people in Canada have $50K student loans.

Weed in the U.S is technically legal too, it’s just handed out to people who actually need it instead of retarded stoners who wanna kill their brain cells. No one cares about the legal drinking age outside of pussy 12 year olds and I’m pretty sure Canada is fine with after-birth abortions too.

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How much does she have to pay in taxes and insurance? Also, is Canacuck school really "free?" I don't think it is.

I can smell your hurt from here.


giving women any rights: not even once

Also we dont have black people.
We have niggers. That is a huge difference.

I still can't believe how powerful the media chirping is. Trump wins the NAACP awards for promoting racial equality, years prior, and he has been constantly known as a great boss that provides opportunities to minorities and women.

But in the short not even 2 years, the media completely tarnished his reputation claiming he's racist and a bigot. Even worse is that the masses actually believe it. You can't even claim he's not racist anymore. It's so embedded into people's belief system that trump will never shake it off. Even if he donates all his fortune to a single black family. It's amazing.

>bragging about living in a commie hellhole

>Our Healthcare is (((Free)))
>We don't have student loans at age 18 because we get the fees a year after graduation as a big "fuck you"
>"Medicine" aka prescriptions are (((Free))) under 25... because at that age it's always extra-strength offbrand painkillers or antidepressants
>"Lower drinking age is good!" - Roastie
>Le racist police meme

She’s Canadian, so no.

>medicine is free for youth under 25
Is this true? I'm 22 and I pay for my medicine

>marijuanais legal
Our government is so fucked it can't even sell dope right

>free abortion
Cool my tax dollars go towards killing babies

I don't really get this whole "Canada is so much better then the States"thing

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It's a reflection of what would happen if we voted hillary instead of trump.

So do people like this even like in Canada or are they just super privileged and never have had to deal with shit most Canadians have to deal that?

90% of canadians on Jow Forums are self-haters who claim they pay 90% of their income on food, either they're liars or mega idiots

She's probably still in highschool. But the whole "Canada is superior to the Ida mindset is one a lot of Canadians fall into.

Canada's healthcare is abysmal. the average wait time in emergency in a US hospital is 30 minutes. In Ontario it is 16 hours.

Anyone who suddenly hated trump for his “racism” starting in 2015 should review how many of their core values are determined by what the tv says.

Super-privileged fuckwits who will only ever talk about blankey-topics and never specifically talk about the individual subjects because they are clueless mouths.

Ask yourself how that is a good thing, though
>taxes higher than Pablo Escobar's harem
>young people stoned without no studies about long-term damage of weed
>abortion is literally easier than buying bread. safe sex is thus just some weird thing
>drinking at 19 is still too high, though. I prefer the German system

That guy is clueless. None of it is free. Someone pays the bill. Taxes exist for a reason. The scandal is how the health industry leeches people in the US, it's not merely about public vs private. You can go to a private doctor here too, but you'll never see a medical bill even remotely similar to the weirdo billing that goes on int he US.

Orthotics, dental, and vision are expensive as fuck and they are the only "health care" i use, while 40 percent of my cheque goes to the government. And if we do use this "free" healthcare, we have to sit in the waiting room for 12 hours or have to wait years for surgery and die while waiting. This person must be a welfare queen because she has no idea what shes talking about.

Liberals in the US and apparently in Canada as well literally dont understand that things cost money.
That is why they always demand free shit and then act surprised when it has negative consequences like Commiefornia.

Also, curling is more exciting than baseball

After hearing how "police kill blacks for sport", I'm more inclined to go to the USA and to watch it, like a Caesar at the Coliseum.
I hope they have the fortitude to die in only the most graceful poses.

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