>you need to be killed because you disagree with kikes selling severed baby heads and stockpiling body parts in their houses I've had it with this fucking piece of shit
Dylan Green
「I love Trump and I hate gun control」 Call your or other people's representatives and senators at federal and state level you niggers. Email them, write letters like the boomers do which apparently works, and screech at their offices autistically. I don't think anything will come out of this, but it's better to be safe than sorry now isn't it. It makes no sense for you to come down here and whine impotently like how jews do about how one faggoty failed Austrian painter supposedly killing millions of their kind. Also read this: amp.usatoday.com/amp/1916451001
Mitch McConnell has repeatedly blocked gun control legislation in the senate because he's smart enough to realize how stupid that would be. Also, please do the same to the White House. Trump more or less likely has interns here watching us, but fill up the lines. Let him know how you feel about this pretty bad idea.
The fact people fail to understand that, considering the people manning the federal government (the blokes answering phones, for instance) are the same as 40 years ago and trained by the same as 80 years ago, no wonder that THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK FOR INTERNET OUTRAGE. But clogged phone lines? That get forwarded very fast to representatives and the executive as feedback from their base.
The NYT is literally just rerunning the story about the woman who doesn’t remember anything happened, she was just “convinced” it did. She also is an old Hillary lawyer
Jeremiah James
The only kind of judge that should ever be close to a the supreme court is one that went to an elite blue state university. Trumpniggers from rural retard states need not apply
this fuck isnt even a blue check why should I care for his opinion on anything?
Connor Torres
She doesn’t remember anything. She just thinks it happened.
David Sullivan
>226662316 >implying he's losing his job >implying he's going to jail >implying It didn't work the first time, why the fuck would it work now that he's already on the SCOTUS?
So I found out today these these czech hedgehogs barriers don't even stop vehicles. They're held in place by chains welded together. Anyone can just remove the weld and then move a section to then drive through. The media says this is a fence that is just being refurbished with a 30 foot bollard barrier.
This is what the media doesn't want you to know that the current barrier is completely ineffective
> trump is turning blacks against illegals > turning gays against trannys > now he is turning diaspora against zionists He wrote like 5 fucking books explaining how he does this and they still fall for it every time
Pretty much. From what others said earlier, the dems probably just went through the year book trying to find someone manipulate into this. Seems like they found someone
Ian Gonzalez
Reminder that twitter has verified accounts for God and Jesus. It’s a joke.
Ryan White
I don't even know what the fuck is going on today. Why are jew shills in maximum overdrive mode. Is it because the false flag didn't work and Iran's about to wiped off the face of the earth
Joseph Davis
Fedora is a glownigger agent provocateur who's trying to make more Terrants happen.
Why not? Debt slavery has a bad habit of turning into real slavery. I don't see why discouraging reckless or predatory loans would be bad for this country.
Hudson Carter
>This is what the media doesn't want you to know that the current barrier is completely ineffective
Of course and on the flip side these areas are heavily trafficked and the fake walls were window dressing....you will not find a border Patrol agent who doesn’t saybthese fake walls being replaced are vital...
Biden is sinking the party and their only strategy is to bitch and lie so theu can claim Trump has no path to victory and scream CHEATER RUSSIA when he wins again
Hudson Bailey
It means something is happening in the background. These shills are always the canary in the coal mine.
>we can totally unite fags, niggers, spics, muslims and feminists! Good luck with that. >discouraging reckless or predatory loans That's not the same thing as "debt forgiveness", brainlet. There need to be regulations on usery, but taking taxpayer dollars to wipe out individuals' recklessly-accumulated debt is asinine.
In what way? Innocent until proven guilty, Schlomo.
Lincoln Evans
It would be stupid not to do background checks. The vast majority of Americans support them and it really doesn't hurt anything.
Ayden Bailey
>SEATTLE — Homicide detectives are conducting their investigation after one man was shot and killed and two others wounded by gunfire inside the Link light rail Westlake Station Friday night. Fucking niggers, that's the nice part of town normally. I guess that's what happens when the light rail runs along the middle of MLK Boulevard in Renton.
Dominic James
reminder that you got your bleeding cock sucked by your rabbi lmao no wonder jews are so psychopathic and gay
I think anything that can get redditors to stop whining about muh debts and start paying attention to the sheer amount of fuckery going on is a good thing
The smart answer is that all college denbts should be voided
This clown Cruz almost got whooped in Texas because he’s the most unlike able fraud in the Republican Party outside Mitt...now he has six years to be a bigger jerk with his constitutional conservatism schtick
Gavin Flores
Reminder that GOP will run Cruz in 2024 HE IS A CANADIAN RAT CARSON/CARLSON ‘24
Isaiah Martin
You know trump isnt the mastermind behind any of this. The establishment Republicans are in charge. That's why the economy is booming. Although now that paul ryan isn't around anymore trump might nigger things up