DAVID HOGG is my cousin!

Be me, absolute Jow Forumstard...be related to David Hogg! What do?

Attached: oh FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.png (671x277, 17K)

>pretend to have interest in meeting up with long lost relative
>meet him once to figure out where he is at
>figure out daily routine
>GTA 5 online his ass with a sharpened spoon
This is satire ^

Tell him u need a kidney

fucc his boipucci and film it + post the webm here

Marry your cousin as are the customs in Murrica

based and redpilled


He is a FED no way that fucker is like 19. Obviously you are related to the fake genetic profile they constructed

Attached: charity bump.png (224x237, 20K)


6 months ago

Attached: hogg.png (986x460, 32K)

Cozy up to him and try and grub some of that sweet crisis actor $moneys$

post his dna ancestry faggot. bet he's at least a quadroon

See if you can get a crisis actor gig. Maybe you'll be on TV!

Attached: 1568345255889.jpg (500x984, 92K)

In minecraft.

>Go to his school under the guise of being "family"
>School up his school
>See how he reacts to a REAL school shooting

glowie as fuck but I still kek'd. thank you FBIanon

You should kys because that means your a kike

Someone said boipucci?

Attached: 1534975753710.jpg (742x537, 88K)

>not fucking his ass until he becomes daisy

Try getting him to put on a dress and then fuck his tight, tiny little hole and post video of it to Jow Forums

>What do?
blow the whistle on his father's arms dealing and his relatiionship to the Kasky family that bumped off Trump's casino executives in 1988

Is that pic supposed to be serious or satirical?

>Obviously you are related to the fake genetic profile they constructed
Or collected from some poor guy with no immediate family who died

Oh shit OP I'm your third cousin

Bunch of inbreds

Satire faggot

That sucks