I'm SO important like OMG

Oy vey you goyim cattle can't tell I'm ... God's chosen™, but my satin jacket and my hat shows it very clearly. Ha ha.

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Even other jews think Hassidic jews like op pic are faggots.

Idk dude

Take your meds schizo

How dare you ? You are a jew like me . 1 million jews went to Ovadia Yosef's funeral .

We will sit like an effendi and eat while white goys do manual labor as slaves.

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Have sex, incel

My looks slay pussy everywhere. Feel and fear my Alpha.

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gas all the fking jews

How dare you ? I'm a wonderful genius jew who isn't clever , doesn't do any wonders , and aren't even really an actual jew . Shame on you ! I turn my back to you.

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Don't libel the shtreimel, goy

Fuck you kike, I'll do as I want I'm a jew.

Shtreimel meimel it's a glorified asswipe for kike faggotsim , fucking yid genetic trash.

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Reminder you're a mongol.

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"God's chosen people"
>Why would God make Jews a Genetic dumpster fire?

>Genetic dumpster fire
What exactly do you mean by this?

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lol these fucks are retarded.

How dare you, despicable goy. We want the World for jews only , we will kill you goys , all of you.

Tikkun Olam means to repair the world and the only Good World is a globohomo one run by jew bankers and newscasters.

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Hehehe goyish scum

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>blood diseases
all due to inbreeding in order to keep the lie going.

The resurrection of Christ and your failure to recognize him made you the only group that isn't God's Chosen.

Oy vey shut this down.

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looks like hitler's mustache on his head

lol nah I like Hasidim. They're basically proof that even our "rednecks" are a force to be reckoned with.
White man fears the Haredi Bvll

-butthurt goy


Christ victorious.

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Always btfo's jews with Him fren.

The real truth is that jews are mid level, they are bankers to the real power (church and monarchist families) and they benefit immensely, but they are also the scapegoat whenever someone needs to be put under the buss. They are the niggers and gypsies of the elite societies, they are just the bankers for the real men behind he curtain.
t. one of men

Gene Simmons looks worse than that with all the Botox. He looks like Steven Seagal's older brother.


He probably is that since they're all inbred.

Yeah right , the bankers are jews, fuck you kike .

They hide gold there.

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