Discerning If Recasting DJT as "Zion Don" Is Just A Psy-Op

So we've all been seeing the Zion Don memes and content for a long while now. I'm still conflicted on if it's true, though. There are very active demoralization campaigns now, and so I've also heard that it's possible that he is being attacked from this angle by those people as well.

What is really going on?

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Hes a fucking kike slave muppet

Hmm I wonder why he's called Zion Dion... must be another Clinton conspiracy!

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>What is really going on?
See rule #7

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If you are conflicted on if its true you should watch some of the Know More News guy. He well dispell any confusion as to what Trump is aligned with. Hate to break it to ya but hes right. Trump is a Zionist first. He always has been. This isn't new. They buried they are took advantage of the pro-zionism propaganda they have been pushing in Christian churches for years. In other words, you've been duped

have you ever heard of a billionaire who wants to save the white race?
what is the most likely, that he's a 170 IQ secret antisemite superhero who will save us in the end, or just one smart and cynical jewish mafia money-laundering asset?

>good for Israelites
>bad for their government
Trump has lost nearly every kike donor he had in 2016, goes to show he's doing something right since they usually back Republicans without question.

Every president does the wall touch.

Maybe look at the actual arguments you see in favor of certain things. If you never see any arguments you can safely ignore it but I think there's quite a few people posting arguments regarding this.
If he's not an ethnonationalist and he supports jewish influence, is it incorrect to call him zion don?

>Every president does the wall touch.
Because they are all ZOG puppets, genius.

Attached: trump jewjewcum.jpg (560x292, 35K)

>Trump has lost nearly every kike donor he had in 2016, goes to show he's doing something right since they usually back Republicans without question.
Do you have a link?


>back Republicans

You are retarded or trying to confuse people.

Put in one column all the giveaways to Israel.
>embassy in Jerusalem
>end of Iran deal
>maximum pressure campaign on Iran
>recognizing Golan heights as Israeli
Put in another the anti Israel actions.
>54D chess

These are how the scales are balanced. Nickname Zion Don did not come falling out of the air.

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"Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail. If the tail were smarter, the tail would wag the dog."

It's all one giant show if you still don't know by now well maybe it's best you don't find out.

“All the world's a stage,/ And all the men and women merely players.”

In all ages the people of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted words for deeds, for
THEY ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance. Therefore we shall establish show institutions which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress."
Wag the dog, goy.

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>Wag the dog, goy
You are going to choke and die on those words with a stupid look on your face.

>recognizes Jerusalem as capital of Israel
>is he a zionist or...?

Attached: JNF TRUMP PLAQUE.jpg (1200x1600, 313K)

>potatus memes
Post more, they're kinda endearing.

I don't have em on hand to give. Startpage or jewgle still shows it though.

Republicans are synonymous with religious freedoms, so yes they more often gravitate to the right but that's not to say they aren't making money hand-over-fist using the left. Silicon Valley and pedowood are prime examples.

>Trump is in a 24/7 non-stop state of kissing Jew ass as Jews in the media and Congress shit down his throat
>"I'm still conflicted on if it's true"
Goddamn you are stupid

"Trump brings up possible defense treaty that could boost Netanyahu's re-election bid"

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There's such a thing as true propaganda. The "Zion Don" meme is obviously being deliberately pushed by some "non-profit" or intelligence agency, but they have undeniable facts on their side. Trump is probably the most pro-Zionist president in US history. He often criticizes his opponents as anti-Semites. There are a lot of Jews in his administration. He hasn't accomplished a hell of a lot in terms of policy. His daughter's a Jew. That doesn't mean that he's a literal Jewish servant, but there's a lot of material there.

Fuck you Mossad. You can try but I will kill you first.

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Seems a bit odd to focus on honestly given
>Past president including obama gave far more to the jews.
>Trump never ran on some anti jew platform, he praise israel in most campaign speeches.
>Every single day we kikes in the US and Europe bitching nonstop about drumpf.
Yet threads like this spam cringy try hard memes desperately trying to convince me that Trump is somehow especially traitorous. The fact is Trumps trade war with china alone does more to harm the jewish agenda than anyone else has in decades. Its all a bit heavy handed really. A desperate attempt to appeal to Jow Forums using antisemitism to spread demoralization.

>What is really going on?

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It's the worst kind of psyop: the ones with too much truth in it (think clown world, NPC, manosphere, MGTOW,...).
Thry usually are based on truths but behind the back are pushing something else (a democrat candidate, distractions, demoralization, divide and conquer...).

>Trump never ran on some anti jew platform

Yeah exactly, the guy's daughter is a jew for Christ's sake, so I don't quite understand why there are a bunch of shills on Jow Forums acting like he had made us promises to start a RAHOWA. That was never the case and everyone knew that going in.

>including obama gave far more to the jews
do name them
jews were seething about obungler, King Bibi even came and gave a speech to Congres just to spite him

>do name them
If you believe that our military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya were designed to help Israel, then Bush and Obama certainly gave the jews a huge amount of help

He's clearly pro-Zionist and majority of christian whites voted for him, which means they can use his dual loyalty as a weapon to ridicule him.

>the ones with too much truth in it

SOMETHING Donald is doing is bad for Jews, but it's not the wall touching, it's something economically

You have to go back boomer

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I honestly don't believe so. Israel was better off with neutered Saddam than with the Shia crescent that followed it, and Afghanistan and Libya are of no concern to them. Unless you believe that it's all a big conspiracy to make Muslims migrate to Europe causing the Jews there to come to Israel so they can achieve the conditions to build the Third Temple or something of that variety. That seems far fetched. From the outside all that can be observed is that Israel is a basic bitch ethno-nationalist state trying to expand its lebensraum at the expense of Palestinians, and fears the existence of peer competitors in their neighborhood. They manipulate US politics to achieve that, Trump more than others (via his son in law most like).

>>Trump never ran on some anti jew platform, he praise israel in most campaign speeches.
This isn't supposed to be an argument in favor of being a traitor but about never being on the right side to begin with

>never being on the right side to begin with

Alright, then why do we get all these "former Trump voter here" crap? If we already knew he was jewed and voted for him anyways it is no surprise he continues to be jew, that's what aggravates me about this kind of shilling

Obama gave Israel a total of $23,637,234,000 over the course of his presidency. Yes, over $23.6 billion. He fucking LOVED kikes.

They didn't know he was jewed, they ignored it because they wanted to believe or they fell for the trick that he has to be good since hillary is bad

Money is cheap. At any length, all US presidents do this, it's not exceptional (unlike say recognizing Golan and Jerusalem as Israeli).

Nope. Im voting socialist next election just so i can benefit from the coming poverty.

>TRUMP does it for free

All Hail President Kikesucker, Jared the Snake and that slut, Princess Ivanka.

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It's all blackpilled retard 8gaggers working with shills. Just wait for the dems to pick a candidate, then all of the shills will be forced to defend Warren or whoever

>m-money doesn't matter!
You are really bad at shilling

Golan was already under kike occupation, recognizing Jerusalem did literally nothing because likewise was also under occupation. Israel is being cut-off for being a warmongering shithole.

>Trump says nice words about Israel

Touchstone Pictures, and Right Wing Productions present...
This thread. Rated G, for Goy


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