How to decalcify pineal gland?

All the shit I find on google is hippy garbage telling me to buy expensive ass supplements and other bullshit.

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pls help me you damn bastards

Vitamin K2.

take iodine lol

if you're not prepared for this decalcifying your pineal gland will lead to demonic infestation. you could end up in the mental hospital.

No wifi
No fluoride

Worked for me

so dirty teeth and no porn .... sounds lame

There’s toothpaste with no fluoride, and porn is poison don’t be a Cum brain

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Reminder that Nikola Teszla was Hungarian

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Fermented Skate Liver Oil. I can't vouch for it personally yet, I just started. But this is the best lead I've read about.

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Distilled water

Suck an Asian mans cock

You have to make yourself enraged to the point of near death

I love you user

Your on a chan..

Still uses google..

Has learned nothing..

This sounds like it might legitimately achieve something

Don't drink too much

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why would you want to decalcify your pineal gland?

whats your end game op,


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I don't know. Fluoride free tooth paste, meditation, water filters, no antiperspirant, very restrictice poo in loo diets while away from cellphone towers.

Take a LOT of acid

pray to the Lord and ask for His Spirit to be with you and study His Holy Writ that you may have a clear and sober prospective of all things

Binaural beats, yes really.
Sound waves are used to break up kidney stones. Calcium is calcium.


do not listen to satan.


it just takes time and not putting fluoride in your system. Your teeth have evolved for millions of years to survive without fluoride, you don't need it.

Is there any proof that pineal glands have been decalcified? Any before and after x-rays to prove it works?

Careful with this. Distilled water will rob your body of minerals.

>Turmeric and black pepper supplement DAILY
>Never drink or shower in tap water unless you use a fluoride filter. Showering especially. Hot top water in the shower absorbs more fluoride into your body thank drinking it.
>Iodine daily, don't exceed 125% DV
>Lots of cardio
>fasting 2-3 times a week
>Nofap/semen retention. Your body naturally decalcifies your brain but if you are constantly ejaculating your body stops decalcifying.

Buy a home water distiller. You can make 1.5 gallons in about 4 hours.
Vitamin C
D Aspartic Acid. Pick it up at Vitamin Shop or online. Think of it as a cup of coffee that lasts all day and doesn't give you the jitters. Read up on it before you start taking it. It is a secondary cellular messenger amplifier. It can help reset your pituitary and hypothalamus.
Niacin. 500mgs a day will do. Go up to 2grams a day for the full effect.
Meditate. Deeply. Use binaural beats for assistance after you understand the basic concept.

But, ask yourself why you want that pineal gland cleared. Once you open the third eye, you cannot go back.

no floride, no alcohol, nofap, get sun, get healthy food, bineural beats, meditation. dont get scared by sleep paralysis and the "demons" you will encounter at the beginning

>Stop drinking tap water
>Don't use it for cooking
>Stop using toothpaste in fact stop brushing your teeth, destroys your gums
>Do teeth "pulling" using coconut oil instead, it takes some getting used to but it works.
>Eat seaweed every day, konbu if you can get it or else some other seaweed with high Iodine content (your PG needs Iodine uptake)
>Consume squid ink or cuttlefish inks for Iodine
>Eat fish at least twice a week
>Don't eat sugar, helps overall well-being which helps the PG
>Minimise alcohol but meh
>If you have a high IQ and are geniunely open minded, then take psylocibin shrooms every now and again to kick start your PG's connection to higher consciousness states.
>Don't take shrooms if you are a tard, they will fuck you up.
>Don't be degenerate
>Live a good life and pray to your creator.
>And don't forget to vote for Trump

That is about all.

smoke dmt

you have just upset every Serb and every Croatian by posting that

This all day

If the jews did it then it cant be good


Voting doesn't do anything in the USA, though.

and psychedelics stop your consciousness from expanding. I've tried many of them multiple times, they're a waste. They just make it harder to reach states of bliss and epiphany while sober, they stun the mind.

I second intermittent fasting, eating tamarind (tamarind tea is fine too), drinking non fluoridated water, using fluoride free tooth paste,

Problem solved. Done and done.

What’s the proof

Exception to the works of Mel Brooks.

Nikōro Te Hera was Maori


That's not how they work for everybody, frendo, just you. They're not for everyone, only those with shamanistic tendencies.

He was Ugarian. You fucking Magjar larper

Iodine, Vitamin K2, and tamarind

Masturbate in the moonlight on a Monday while listening to a foreign rap song.


I fucking knew you lurked, Joe Rogan

kill yourself, the worms will eat all the calcium

THIS. Underrated.

Also, I believe "calcification" is a myth. The effects of fluoride upon the pineal and endocrine will be reversed almost immediately upon removal from daily intake. That has been my experience, and vivid dreaming returns within only a week or so.

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Praise president Trump!

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Redpill me on the third eye

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CBD will rewire your brain, not sure of pineal gland, but I have much vivid dreams taking it.
It rejuvenated my old dog too, so it kinda works to some degree.
Probably a combination of right diet, iodine, vitamins and some healthy kardio activities to help the hormones to renew the body would do as said.

Dude, it's simple. Essential oils are essential. Get them before they are banned.

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Huf paint thinner

>Careful with this. Distilled water will rob your body of minerals.
I always hear this, but what if a person just eats more foods to replace their minerals?

>millions of years

Never mind decalcifying. Only kundalini energy truly activates the pineal, unlike psychedelics, which minorly and temporarily energizes it.


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Is that literal snake oil


Horseshit, he was marketing and selling the image of good or based jews.

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Skates aren't snakes.

>liter snake oil
no, literal skate oil

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Tesla was beyond based

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pro tip
Apple cider vinegar, teaspoon with honey daily

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>Apple cider vinegar, teaspoon with honey daily
I know plenty of people who do this and are literally braindead. That might help Alkalize an acid system and increase your lifespan a shitton I don't think it'd help this.

1) Start eating and drinking more natural.
2) Exercise(stimulate) your 6th sense regularly. Researching conspiracies and making an effort to notice synchronicity/deja vu.

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>And don't forget to vote for Trump

Stfu shill


kys, kike!

How does it penetrate to the inner layers of the brain without blowing out your eardrums?

Unironically infowars X2 nascent iodine. Seriously. Take as instructed.

You're retarded if you take anything from that site.

Seethe more faggot

>Nikolaus Tessel
>not German

He's the cornerstone of our scientific pantheon

I take away a hefty hatred for jews so it's not all bad.

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Sleep paralysis is the worst, scares the shit out of you if you dont know what's happening

If Tesla was a germ then how come he was the cornerstone of our scientific pantheon?

1. Pull all teeth
2. Bi-neural beats, but NOT the Cia or other mindbender beats.
3. Don't ever drink water (you'll ded)
4. Watch Opera while thumb up 4th eye (brown one.)
5. Get a part from a sub Saharan al-bi-no, wear it around your neck.
6. Walk only backweird from now.

It still can scare the crap out of you even when you do know what is going on. Can take a bit before you finally get to move or make a noise again even if you recognize what is happening and think you're awake.

Does it matter whose teeth you pull?

Dun matter to me, might matter to the Pope (Jesuit)