You become the king of Sweden in 1700, what do you do to prevent it from becoming the islamic hellhole it is today?
You become the king of Sweden in 1700, what do you do to prevent it from becoming the islamic hellhole it is today?
Kill jews. Also based quads.
Fuck russians even more, so that european influence reaches Afghanistan.
Genocide all nordniggers and replace them with Med chads.
Take Novgorod as it's rightful Finnish land.
Import crusaders and Catholic zealots from Vatican. Then, encourage Swedish people to attend churches, and enact the law which is about banning all pagans in our holy land. Do you agree with me? Cucked Sven?
>meds in north
i'm sure it would work great
It seems it's time to show sourtherners how non-manlets fight.
Hey guys it's an asian larping as a white person.
I don't agree with any cucktholics so no. Go back to kissing african (christian) feet.
whatever you say gook
surrender to the rightful king in the North, at the time King Frederick iv of Denmark-Norway, and apologize for being Sw*dish
>average finnish men 183cm
>average greek "men" 172cm
The whole african continent used to be influenced by Europe. Now it is back to shithole. Same would be with afganistan.
Just don't let jews and leftist into a power.
1. Fascist leadership
2. Nationalize banks, mines and all key industry
3. Unite people, build a lot of new public works
4. Raise birth rates and instate mandatory military training
5. Annex nearby Norway and Iceland, form a single state while raising the population rapidly.
By the year 1900 the country would have a population of around 100 + million. Unified while being a power rivaling the British. They could ally with Germany during the 2nd world war.
Create a series of immovable laws to assure no immigrants and in the land we own all minorities are expel, I will allow other Scadinavians since we share the same blood.
Invade England, thus defeating the Anglo threat and saving humanity once and for all. Then kill all Jews
>By the year 1900 the country would have a population of around 100 + million. Unified while being a power rivaling the British. They could ally with Germany during the 2nd world war.
Lol no. Assuming Sweden annexed Norway and Denmark, kept Finland and Annexed the rest of the baltic countries. We would still only have a maximum of 20 mil in 1900, if our birthrate was amazing.
Sweden can't be saved from becoming a progressive feminist lgbt cuckhole
So what do you do then? You're still King.
Create mass propaganda and something similar to masons aimed at the nobles to create a series of values to be inscribed trough the generations.
Kill every Jew
And bang every Swedish women
Convert to Islam and invade the rest of Europe.
You must be Somali rats, you retard.
Lack of Catholic makes Swedish girls be whores. Your fucking sluts should know about “purity and virginity.” Absence of religious lead your girl to open their fucking legs to heretics. NECK YOURSELF, you filthy nigger
Well since its 1700 you're already fucked. You're surrounded on all sides and bound to be gangbanged in two month.
Cede to Danmark and make sure they avoid this future.
Yeah because S of Europe and S of Latin America are not known as epicenters for prostitution and whores.
Fuck you Swedish chef
Im Catholic and my gf is Swedish, taking my Roman Catholic cock
Sweden was great when they were Catholics
Because latin american and poland aren't known to be prostitutes kek. Poland is the leading prostitute creator
Nordic countries have the least porn actors or whores in general in Europe. Don't believe all the memes. Just because we fuck often it's not the same as being a real whore. Incel.
literally kill all the swedes
Sweden was shit when they were Cucktholic. Sweden was at its best, Norse
Burn Copenhagen to the ground and seize Denmark. Annex Norway later. Introduce mandatory conscription and two years' military service for all men. Fortify the gap between Denmark and Scania and sink any ship transiting that isn't yours or doesn't pay a toll. Ally with France to take down Britain before they become too powerful.
400 years of protcuckism and all you have to show for it is atheism and your females riding somali cock
Expel the jews, ban Roman Catholicism for real, and declare the Turks an enemy.
Later, assassinate Peter the Great so Russia can be conquered by Sweden. Then exert influence all the way to China.
Vikings sold euro women as sex slaves
While Catholics were slaying Muslims
not fighting (and getting BTFO) with Russia and better make a good alliance. all countries who fought with us now are utterly cucked beyond any limits. coincidence?
They are weak cucks
Their women need Roman Catholicism
have sex
Stop faggots from brainwashing children
What is it with americans and love-making, involving fair women and gentlemen of the dark variety?
Roman Catholics killed Turks and drove them from Europe Dutch nigger
We sold slav(e)ic women, not euro ones.
Rule nr 1: dont invade Russia
>assassinate Peter the Great so Russia can be conquered by Sweden
these wet fantasies allways end bad.
you never learn. never. and that's the way you fucked.
No, the Russian empire did. And even if the Ottomans conquered Vienna, the Protestant German states would've reconquered it.
genocide all sw*des and replace the population with based danes, icelanders and norwegians
have Asatrú be the dominant religion, establish new kalmar union and establish danelaw in all of e*gland
>King of Sweden
Your best king was ruling at that time. He failed Sven. Not his fault the Swedes just can not be uncucked.
This was the swedish kingdom between 1592-1599. Scary
>yfw Karl X literally walked an army over to Denmark in the winter across the sea
W-we wuz.. e-empire b-bros. Remember the good days? Du gamla du fria..
and then invite Turks to rule over you
Can i live?
I guess go full islamic in advance to keep the women in the home.
>alliance of Russia,Poland,Denmark and Saxony
how about not being enemies with every single surrounding country?
So, you get btfo argumentatively, and resort to shitposting?
pure larp
gas jews in Swedish pomerania and level Stockholm to the ground
and not many know about this battle
and not many know that through the history of fighting against nomands and turks we were hugly outnumbered.
Gustav II Adolf was the most based Sweden king
Swedes became godless and that’s why they are being replaced
We still kicked their asses pretty hard
hakkaa päälle pohjan poika!!!
This pic is what truly saves you. And deport all illegals.
it is
We were never with god. We were always norse believers. Wee never asked to be converted.
You must be a fedora (aka a pedophile), no sane person could spew such drivel and not expect their ancestors to spiritually disown them
Build a close relationship with the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia. Mediate between the two and work together to counter all Turkish influence. Send troops and advisors to all conflicts with the Turks.
Finance voyages of exploration and establish trade missions across the world to increase wealth. If possible establish colonies.
Work to grow closer to Denmark Norway, with the intent of forming a new Kalamar Union.
i would most likely convert the nation to Orthodoxy or some religion which is more conservative,thus orienting the country on a safer path.
That argument would carry a lot more weight if Denmark weren't full of muslims already like all g*rmanics.
Invade Russia after the battle of Narva instead of letting them regroup whole Sweden invades Lithuania-Poland. Completely alters the course of European history. Russia doesn't become superpower to Germany in WWI. Germany isn't as unified a country because the northern German states would have stayed with Sweden. WWI might not happen at all. 30 years of European genocide known as the world was wars probably don't even happen. Consequently there no white guilt used to commit self genocide.
But fucking Charles didn't do that and instead he fucked all of us
Oh yes, the conservative Russia
>invade Poland
>start killing jews
>very young blonde Swedish girl waves homo flag
>adult nigger struts by with flowers, then suddenly turns and hands them to this really young girl
they're promoting interracial pedophilia
this is an act of war
>this is your average atheist poster
Thanks for justifying your own genocide
>said the shart in mart while his mother is being creamed in by a group of nogs, muds and wetbacks in the next room
Didn't you guys sink your own fleet to spite Hitler?
You're literally worse than a jew, you're a traitor
You're overthinking it. Just a dude appreciating fans.
Problem is experience. Sweden never fought jihadis, but that didn't stop them from making a series called Arn larping like they did.
At least I'm actually white
Dont trust hohols
Rate me guys
>the swede feins autism as it gets btfo on Jow Forums
You're not gonna make it Mohammed
You're not white, jewrat
Literally just kill the khazars and they won't even get a chance to immigrate to America, and thus preventing marxism and communism from ever existing.
Nice pipe dream fag
Catholics saved Europe more than once