Facsism is a Homosexual Fetish

The leftist view of homosexuality from the Marxist-Leninist view. In the USSR of the 1930s, homosexuality was illegal. It was considered a mental disorder and was treated by therapy with varying levels of success. Marxists such as the writer Maxim Gorky associated homosexuality with fascism.The correlation of perverse sex and fascism was not unfounded. In his book 'The Pink Swastika' Scott Lively argues that most high ranking members of the Nazi regime were practicing homosexuals.
- Gerhard van den Aardweg, a Dutch psychologist, who has successfully rehabilitated thousands of homosexual patients, has said that “wealthy organisations''are promoting homosexuality in an effort to destroy the last obstacle to the total commodification of mankind: the family. He has also stated that the homosexual agenda is a form of Nazi fetishism. Many of those 'wealthy organisations' promoting homosexuality are funded by billionaires such as George Soros. According to Lively, the violent and pathological nature of homosexuals was considered useful for an offensive murder machine like Nazi Germany. Officially, the Nazis were opposed to homosexuality. But Lively argues that they only persecuted OVERTLY EFFEMINATE MEN. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Schutzstafel (Protection Squad,SS) complained that urnings were flocking into the SS.

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muh pure aryan ss defenders of europe

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Communists are not liberals. The dictatorship of the proletariat requires the repression of the bourgeoisie and its degenerate values of greed, egotism, deceit, exploitation,violence and perversion. From Ancient Greece to the present day, homosexuality has always been a sexual perversion which proliferates among the ruling class. Therefore, in a socialist republic homosexuality would be greatly reduced and rare cases would be treated through adequate therapy.Schizophrenics do not have the right to celebrate their schizophrenia by murdering people on the street. They do have the right, however, to compassionate and comprehensive treatment for their condition. The same would apply to homosexuals in a society liberated from the scourge of exploitation. A socialist society would provide free and compassionate therapy for such individuals, not encourage their disorder.

The notion that homosexual rights are part of a progressive agenda is one of the greatest lies of our time. In part two I shall argue that the hijacking of labour movements and the left-wing intelligentsia by Trotskyism, anarchism and liberal leftism have obfuscated the Marxist-Leninist interpretation of sexuality. As our children are now being inculcated with a hefty dose of pseudo-scientific, bourgeois nonsense about sexual orientation, it is high time to rap the rotten closet of political correctness with an iron fist and let the scientific and socialist analysis of homosexuality make its 'coming out!'

Soviet psychologist Igor Kon once remarked that American and Soviet right-wing views of homosexuality were similar. The former saw homosexuality as a communist plot against 'the free world' while the latter viewed it as a capitalist conspiracy against the proletariat. Kon was to a certain extent correct. But he failed to point out that, far from being right-wing, the communist view of homosexuality was the attitude that prevailed in the USSR when the proletariat and the peasantry dictated the country's polices through the soviets, while the 'left-wing' communist plot was not a communist plot at all. Communists never recognised a condition called homosexuality. It was promoted, however, by Trotskyites, anarchists and other petit-bourgeois, leftist theorists of pseudo-Marxism.

In the Soviet Union homosexuality was seen as one of the many perversions promoted by the bourgeoisie and their petty-bourgeois opponents– a ruling class phenomenon of social rather than biological origin. The communist understanding of sexuality has, since the counter-revolutions in Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the USSR, been conveniently buried and forgotten. This series of articles will defend the correctness of the communist view that sexual perversion and class domination are inextricably linked and that communists should not only critique uranian liberation but oppose it.

By the 1920s, Berlin, raped by foreign banks under the Treaty of Versailles, had become a cesspool of prostitution, drugs and sexual perversion.

Marx was no more flattering of homosexuals than Engels. Johann Baptist Schweitzer, an urning and follower of the social democrat Ferdinand Lassalle tried to persuade Marx to support Lassalle's opportunistic, reformist movement. Marx described Schweitzer as a 'warm brother'- a derogatory epithet for a homosexual man.

Many right-wing anti-communists like to claim that decadence thrived in Berlin when the communist party was hegemonic. That is a lie. Decadence thrived under social democracy. The German communist Party(KPD) followed the Marxist line on sexuality. It was the refusal of social democrats to join forces with the communists which enabled the Nazis to seize power in 1933. Social democrats are and always have been class traitors.

In his book 'The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State' Engels argued that Ancient Greek pederasty and homosexuality were the consequences of the male oppression of women. We still live in a society what oppresses women. Most women cannot afford the luxury of spending time with their children, as they have to work outside the home. Many women are penalised and harassed by corporations when they apply for maternity leave. Women's liberation is a myth. No one is really free under capitalism. The stress and anxiety generated by such an inhumane system are leading to the warping of human emotional and intellectual development on a scale never seen before.

The Majority of Right Wing guys with fascistic views are lowkey homosexuals. Not all of them, but most of them. They would gladly purge all effeminate gay men (The ones you see on pride parades) But they are OK with homosexuality as long as the man is masculine and the homosexual act is done on private and not bragged about.

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Negative societal pressure against homosexuality = increased birthrates.

Positive societal inclusion of homosexuality = reduced birthrates.

It's simple population control. Not too bad considering we're 7 billion plus people. (((Weird))) that it mostly only happens in the west.

Oh hey everyone has an inclination towards homosexuality. It's just a conscious choice whether you open your backdoor, or keep it shut.

This is actually universal. Commies also have the potential for full fledged homosexuality, if they weren't capable of this they would not be able to figure out how homosexuality works in the first place.

People in the west should close their backdoors a bit more, if we wish to preserve our peoples.

>Nazis were opposed to homosexuality. But Lively argues that they only persecuted OVERTLY EFFEMINATE MEN. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Schutzstafel (Protection Squad,SS) complained that urnings were flocking into the SS.

Fascists will purge effeminate gay men but are ok with masculine intellectual homosexuals who keep their perversions in the closet.

... Which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that shaming homosexuals steers people away from becoming permanently perversed from inside onto the path of homosexuality. By shaming them and keeping homosexuality private (you can't eradicate homosexuality, it is part of animal nature), you increase the odds of male on female reproduction, thus improving the birthrate of a population.

I wonder why, with 8 billion people on the planet, this is pushed. Hmm...

And with "this is pushed" I mean lgtbq+ or whatever

cope harder

OP is based

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I don't think this is true across the board.
But it's not exactly wrong either.
Faggotry happens. And white male faggots have contributed much to Western Civ.
But it shouldn't be glamorized.

Eh your attempts of "subversion" falls flat once you have the knowledge.
You expect to demoralize the white supremacists by probing at their potential for homosexuality. But you also say that National socialists are pretty much all homosexual.

Don't you see the irony? If national socialists are gay, and you attempt to put people into a position to consider their potential for homosexuality, aren't you just making national socialists which you are against?

If you're actually far right, gut gemacht

Now sound off against homosexuality.

No one can call himself a communist and support the reactionary LGBT movement. There will be no rainbow flags in a socialist state but the red banner of the proletariat!

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I am not attempting any "Subversion"

stfu leaf

Women are useless aside from reproduction. They fucked your soviet union as they choked the former GLB movement with mentally ill trannies who do nothing but whine whenever their presidents decides against them. If there's something you should keep out of political life it's women and faggots who give them the red carpet treatment, not gay men. Get bent commie trash.

What's your point then?

NATO Winning the cold war was the worst tragedy to befall mankind

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>It was considered a mental disorder and was treated by therapy with varying levels of success.

if by "treated" and "success" you mean tortured till they started lying to make it stop then yea i guess it does "work"
just be honest and say you want to beat the fags back into closet , dont give me this "i just want to cure them and do whats best for them"
we were always here and queer so all you can do is learn to accept it

you smell and gay

Sexy african men turn the straightest man gay

Rethink What you just said

My point is that a lot of Fascist Movements are compromised of Homosexual Perverse men.

cope harder


commies and antifa are full of flaming fucking faggots. prove me wrong.

I thought Lenin decriminalized homosexuality, and Stalin then made it illegal again.

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Homosexuality accounts for about 3 tot 8% of a population. You are saying that in nazi germany 98% of people suddenly became homosexual, because they voted for national socialism? Since 98% voted for Hitler.

Communism thrives on the ignorance of the masses. You seem to promote this self-destructive ideology, which is why you are subversive.

Gayness is all about being attracted to men not being a limp wristed white knighting cuck acting like a girl for the sake of attention, it goes without saying natsocialism and fags get along. The greek and roman Empire lasted so long because they knew how to keep women in their place while your shitty joke of an union lasted barely a century and was fucked all over by letting women gain notoriety in politics. And if that's not enough women are pushing in droves for female supremacy and constant promotion of feminine bodily attributes. This is why we've got hundreds of failed men taking refuge into transgenderism by the fucking day.

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Your stupid ass argued against this pic yesterday, now today you are agreeing with it.

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>I'm not subverting anything
>Lol if you like fascism you are probably gay lmao
>Communist hated faggots because of degeneracy
>What is the Weimar republic

Current Leftists and Antifa are reactionary and will get gulaged

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>Homosexuality accounts for about 3 tot 8% of a population. You are saying that in nazi germany 98% of people suddenly became homosexual, because they voted for national socialism? Since 98% voted for Hitler.

I never said that the masses who voted for Hitler are homosexuals.

- I Said that there was a disproportional amount of Closet Homosexuals in the SS and the higher Ranking members of the Nazi party in Germany.

Rethink again. your Stupidity is amazing

I agree comrade keep preaching the truth! True Communists must defend the traditional family from borgeois commodifcation, and homosexual fascist perversion.

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cope harder

Well at least they're on the right side, they've got that going for them unlike you

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What's your stance on the Holodormor? Was it intentionally perpetrated? Was it incompetence? Combination of both?

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It is Complicated. I would say that it is a mix of both.

>Well at least they're on the right side

Whats the point of being on the right side if you lose?

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I would have to disagree with you on race mixing comrade. I however do support your revolutionary crusade against faggotry.

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Dignity, integrity. Wheter it's a win or lose. At least you'll go to valhalla

user.. NatSoc isn't Fascism.. i-i'm sorry you have to live as a retard

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> HAHA You Shitskins believe in Allah, a Non existent god!

also Pagans

>When I die I will go to Valhalla

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Oh look, you posted it again.

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Animetards are not human. neck yourself

Eh both the 77 virgin promise and Valhalla amount to the same thing, to consolidate the motivation to get rid of the strand of creeper that is your ideology and its roots


The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. Der Freien were all various stripes of licentious sexual weirdos. Every few years there is a new hive of "True Communists" who have the exact same talking points as you that within a few weeks all turn into oppressively pro-gay and pro-trans.

Your entire narrative is that "The Nazis" are secretly pro-gay in their own minds because of their aesthetic idealist approach to politics (what one might be called "Western Civilization") only establishes rules based on outward expressions. Which is to say rules which can actually be followed and aren't subject to the whims based on the internal psychologising of possible motives based on behaviors not being actively expressed.

As opposed to the Jewish moral inherent to your thinking where expressed outward behavior and the internal "soul" are radically separate and it is almost exclusively the latter which must be policed by a caste of special 'soul knowers' who of course happen to reap enormous material benefits from this position of being able to manage everyone's status based on criteria which are secret and unknowable to everyone else.

Your "logic" in it's attenuated form is that "The Nazis" are gay men that exclusively fuck women and "The Commies" are straight men who may fuck catamite temple prostitutes at synagogue in a totally straight way while practicing their religion which is actually spiritually speaking also atheist and so doesn't need to be banned unlike the religious practice of all of incipient "Nazis" who might spontaneously turn gay from impregnating their wives if not properly oppressed by the totally spiritually straight but empirically about 40% non-straight special knowers of the truth of everyone's souls.

What are you Kvething about? Speak English Please

That's a roundabout way to say it.

Gay = bad. Nazi's are gay. Therefore nazis are bad.

Straight = good. Communism = average gay instead of disproportionally

therefore Communism > nazism, according to commufag.

That is not what I said

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That's correct. You implied it.

this is actually a good and informative thread

I will never be a communist, but I respect the effort that you put in here and find the posts very interesting.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that the Communist critique of homosexuality is based on a proto-Sexologist psychological categorization. As in "men having sex with men" and "having a homosexual identity" are totally separate categories (which is basically a uniquely Jewish framing). That under Communism having lust for boy ass and actually fucking boys are only tangentially related. German men fucking their wives are "homosexual" secretly because the ideology only requires the pruning based on behaviorism and doesn't gulag people based on the rabbi's dream interpretation.

The Communist critique of basically "Western Civilization" which they rebrand as "Fascism" is having a rule like 'putting weird things in your butthole is wrong and we will punish people found doing butt stuff' is itself an inherent "gay" paradigm because it isn't policing the interiority of everyone's mind. Which is a religious Jewish perspective that undergirds mind/body dualism. The tranny ideology of actual Communists that exist IRL and not exclusively on the Internet like OP are logically extrapolating from Communist doctrine wherein "science" has declared that the well of souls which dispenses identities from the metaphysical aether has misfired into the wrong sexed flesh sock. The "Fascist" system of using empirical data and preference for rule following will lead to the proliferation of secret gays whereas the Communist system will license all of the gays as spiritually straight.

"Science" in the USSR (and now the Anglo-America empire) just happens to teach a metaphysic which is identical to that taught (at least exoterically) by Judaism. Nazis fuck women in a gay way and Commies fuck other men in a straight way is the argument. The former have 'gay souls' because their civilizational milieu rejects this radical bifurcation of body and 'soul' and strictly observes and polices outwardly expressed behavior, which is obviously a huge hazard to Jewry.

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>Pretends to be me

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quality post
there is a lot to unravel in it

Hey look it’s the faggot that gets ass blasted every day on /tv/ and when he’s losing an argument or defending literal zogged media, starts posting how all nazis were trans and shit. Did you forget to dilate today sir?

Then it means criticizing fascism is homophobia and thus a hate speech.
But in all seriousness, this sort of argument is so lame.. Like those calling Hitler a gay Jewish tranvestite with one ball

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I get the identity part, that once you convince someone of his/her gay identity, you can build upon it and lock it in place, but after that you go from one subject to the other, talking about lust for boy ass to mind/body dualism, metaphysical aether ("science") to communists can't be gay and nazis are gay per definition because of empirical evidence.

Yeah I fell for your tricks by trying to understand your gibberish in the first place. There is nothing to understand, just the intent to confuse and further your communist agenda.

By all means, enlighten me.

Keep it simple, if you're so inclined.


That metaphysical aether post is not mine, the guy who posted it was pretending to be me

Stop pretending that you are me

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No he wasn't, I responded to with post , to which he again responded with post . I understood you were different persons, because of your ID.

Or are we different, in the aether of tangentially related wrong sexed flesh socks?

What's wrong with racism?

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>everything I don't like is homosexual
>surely the entire world is stupid enough to believe me, if I sleep in class and get a "psychology degree"
>then I can tell people what's normal and what isn't, and no one can question me

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