Even if we take power and usher in a new Traditionalist age we will still be plagued by the past. White girls will grow up with an internet filled with blacked porn and untold amounts of documented sluts on social media, frozen in time for eternity. Boys will grow up with videos of niggers beating weak white men up and their people being cucked. Magazines, films, video games, books, internet. All of it demeaning the western soul forever. How can we hold ourselves with the pride we once had in ages like the imperial powers of Europe if we can’t avoid the fact our people spread our legs for the third world apes and jerked off to trap porn. We have fallen so low we will be forever stained. No amount of book burning and internet deleting will wash away the cum that drips from our races face for eternity.
Our future is forever stained
Other urls found in this thread:
Nuke the internet
All recent media will be destroyed.
You remember that time in Germany, when certain people went out, burnt certain books and banned certain art?
You could do that in Minecraft.
Normies are lazy, if you make porn hard to access most people just won't bother with it at that point, just delete most of the popular websites have new search engines block anything that is related to porn and raid any and all porn spreaders. Teach newer generations traditional values and not to become consumers, problems solved.
Don’t worry, there is always Russia with fresh white russian girls waiting for their white american allies to impregnate them.
Check the library out.
Good videos
Good speeches
Great art
It will be backed up in many nations all over the world for them to always remember and use against us.
Earth is an interesting place if you study history.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see something totally different from the absolute demoralization you are preaching end up happening before all of us kick the bucket from old age.
I highly doubt globo homo will be the order of the day even if it actually happens for some length of time. It's too sad and crushing, globo favela. It's just not in humanity to accept that in my opinion.
The eternal anglo will one day reign supreme again and control this entire planet, mark my fucking words it will happen, all the nord and med fags will submit to the eternal anglo.
Even the JEW fears the eternal anglo, we will crush them all like fucking bugs once our spirit enrages once more, nobody achieved what we did and the fucking jews will not be able to cap our expansion this time.
I feel like ‘white’ or ‘european’ isn’t good enough. We have proven to be just as weak as other humans. We must transcend our degenerate behaviour by creating a culture where people select mates for morality and eugenics would be another route. Over time we would natural become a naturally more ethical people. We did it before with intelligence and creativity, now we should do it with ethics.
NEVER delete it for it serves as a great reminder of the fragility of life, and also as a great data mine to make theories with, once the researchers are on our side once more. For if we delete the knowledge of the cycle, we may repeat it once more in the future.
DO NOT DELETE ANY OF IT. in some sense it is a blessing. To know that we can be weak, and what we must do to never be such things again. Let the archives forever remain, protected in diamond cases, strewn across billboards, busy intersections, and in forms of ads even. To forever cull this hubris that thought it was the master of the universe, regardless of its effort, or goodness.
Have you heard about Internet State of Incels and Supremacists, ISIS for short, according to jew controlled FBI it is the most dangerous domestic terrorist organization. Their combatants commit mass shootings, and when they are killed in action, their souls go to Incel and Supremacist Heaven, which looks like old soviet town, where each one of them will have 14 russian virgins waiting for them.
Actually prophecy from that South African dude is that anglo will be nuked, Russia will steamroll Europe and secret Germany will strike.
(((They))) have already won.
Jew demoralization thread.
Just continue to red pill people and normalize Fascism. I have dedicated my life to red pilling people online for the past year. I just sit in my room all day red pilling people. Right now we can't go out there and do shit. We don't have enough people. We need to first red pill so many normies to the point where there are so many rede pilled people that it will just automatically keep multiplying. I highly recommend you link people stuff like TGSNT and simple easy to swallow red pills in images for brainlets like pic related.
Here are the main things you want to start off with.
1. European demographic replacement via low birth rates and mass migration
2. Germany didn't start the war and tried to sue for peace. If Germany won we wouldn't have our replacement issue and degeneracy
3. Jews financing degeneracy and media that misinforms people and causes them to be distracted
The Hard Labour Camp Fixes everything.......
Interesting. So we turn it into our new ‘original sin’ much like slavery in the USA. Something to overcome and use to deride those who don’t live up to our ideal.
If one person fully red pills 3 people. And those three people truly understand what has been said. Then those three people most likely will red pill another 3 people plus more. It will continue to spread. The memes we create here are legendary. Remember when red pilling normies and babies to use easy to swallow shit. One of the biggest blockades we have faced is YouTube censoring important videos that reach millions of viewers.
This seems like a demoralization thread.
shut up retard
pretty much yea. Perhaps one of the greatest problems of us is our huge hubris, as the chinese are surpassing us, the white man thinks that he is still hot shit because he is white and did some things in the past, not realizing that its a continuous effort to self improve, and to stay in the game. A good reminder of that is needed that greatness comes from great work. And degradation comes from staleness.
the internet never forgetting is a good thing long term for everyone.
Maybe people in the far future will use that wisdom to avoid future mistakes.
nuke yourself cunt
The Internet is based and it needs to be this way.
And also this degeneracy is not unique to our people, no one has escaped this age looking clean. We need to find our soul again
Your idea is good an it's honest work to which I salute you, but you won't have a lot of success with that approach instead you need to do in two steps. First you need to have accounts that are dedicated to shit on white people as much as possible, like the average liberal and twitter checkmark reporter already does, but also accounts that redpill people like you do now. It has proven to be way more effective than just shouting at people to take the redpill, be an annoying liberal that screeches at centrist that they are white nazis and racist, it will push them further to the right, when they become slightly right wing, start redpilling such people. This works better because it's way easier to trigger people and then to redpill them, then to try to explain the ways to normie NPCs, try doing this at places such as 9Gag, call out Germans that they are "literal nazis" and that they need to take in more refugees etc. And on places like r/advice give redpills and create a following with good advice, then give people the idea to start reading books and suggest red pill books on fascism etc. best of luck user! And trust me this works the conversion rate is much better I've tried it first hand.
Hows Kiev today Mykola?
and for that reason, let the weak who cannot bear the burden of reality kill themselves. If you allow their hubris to exist now, their children will have it, and theirs as well, and they will need continuous protection. And they will be continually weak. I really dont like book burnings. The whole world will not advance if we simply delete everything. People need to know what went wrong, in order to become right. Too much information obviously is not very great, but some archives of rough outlines are a must have. And perhaps, must generic information, related to genetics and whatnot, which we did not have in the past, will be applicable for ages to come still.
Nuking anglos would be suicide in general, if Germany nuked us they'd kill themselves as well, hell they'd suffer a worse fate since they'd suffer from the fallout and kill off most of Europe as well.
Russia cannot invade, if they could they would've already blitzed Ukraine, how do you think western jews are getting away with backing literal NatSocs there, Russia is in an extremely bad position at the moment.
You don't actually have much to worry about until the lonely males realize that mass communication means most men won't get regular access to sex. THEN you can start freaking out.
We should treat it the way the modern liberals treat national socialist Germany. They don’t hide the footage or ignore it as a period of history. They make museums to it and documentaries, giving it a negative slant of course.
At least someone really understands how far we have all fallen. I will say it again, and again for all that are here and are think as we do. If you are not prepared or willing to turn his world up side down and for an ocean of blood to be split forget all your fantasies of a prosperous future. I'm talking about ending the world and reshaping it and for that we will need many many people to die off.
Your post reeks of Cumbrain
OP is a fag
We'll go hungry soon user, and hungry whites don't have much time for degeneracy. I hope.
I don’t know, maybe I’m being to utopian about what we can be, maybe we have always been this way and it’s just now in our age of mass communication and media we are always confronted with it on a daily basis
"We", "us", "our" fellow whites post. You can wish it, pray for it, but we're not going anywhere. Maybe you can convince yourself "it's real in my mind". That line seems to placate your rapidly short circuiting psyches when it comes to other things so it might work for you here too.
It looks bad. But that's what warnings are supposed to look like. I hope it looks worse before it gets better.
Destroy the internet. Destroy every electrical device from 1980 forward. Forge a new class of man, the machanicus, to work with the internet of information and technology, anyone else gets branded a heretic and sent to forced labor camps.
>giving it a negative slant of course.
half the world would find the most horrid examples negative by default lol. China, russia etc. would be the first ones who with such a museum could already be disgusted lol. I once worked as a volunteer for a russian group in the west, and went to the cities with them, and they were indeed kinda disgusted, at the rainbow crossroads, and generic shit you see outside.
Many polack workers still feel the same. I dont think we need to give it a negative slant still. It would even be better if we just presented it as it is. The lightest amount of wholesomeness will find this shit already disgusting lol. So in a way I am glad that we have the internet, and our archives. Millions of shitty families will be completely ruined for ages to come, as they deserve. Yet out of us, millions more will get some redemption as our offspring, if we ever get so lucky, look at us resisting this filth, from the future. Knowing how difficult it must be to resist a civilization decay cycle. With only pure willpower, where other civilizations have failed before.
You may not know it, but we are on a stage for the future. Playing our roles. These degenerates reprobates who think of no such things, god, the future will increase the disgust of them a million fold.
Reminder OP is a sexually frustrated hapa in the UK
>we can take back power with 8% white world population but we can't ban the internet
This is a browncel thread? How the fucking hell has he not been banned for spamming off-topic threads for months on end?
The Imperium really would be the solution to clown world.
right wing ideology is dependent on censorship, just like leftism. its just another cuckold ideology. you're a cuckold
truth user, it will exist in context and serve as an example of depravity, the natural and normal disgust reflex will return with only a little distance
That's bollocks mate and you know it! Do you know why when we look out into space we see no signs of our galaxy teeming with life? Well it maybe because we are the only life forms in this entire galaxy or one of just a few. We may even be all that there is and until we find evidence to the contrary we ought to assume that we are the only planet harboring life. What that means is that we are the first and that our mission our purpose is to seed the universe with life and create a dynamic living universe with the earth as the seed of it.
If can not learn to live with nature and control our destructive ways we have no future and no purpose and all deserve to die for giving up a defining purpose for petty temporary sensory pleasure afforded to us by the modern world at the expense of tolerating what we ought to despise.
Damn that girl is cute as fuck. The cutest ones het blacked, thats what hurts
Must be behind a wall of proxies. And he's been doing it for like 2 years now. That's the power of a hapa dicklet incel
kill all jews and make sure they can never do this again.
>sexually frustrated hapa
Saying hapa is enough.
It would be a huge help if it was banned from this site. This site always influences the internet and thus society.
Have sex, but unironically.
What will we do with Africa, a billion and a half Chinese and a billion Indians? What will we do about the mutts and mongrels in South America, the US and in Europe? What will we do with all the idiots of this world?
starve them in the span of a year
How do we take away their nukes? How do we destroy their food without destroying the environment? It's not what they need that we must address but what they are. The human must go but the environment must stay the same.
It's survival of the fittest, that's how it's always been
Don't think goy just wank.
well that's a bit melodramatic. If there is one thing I've learnt it's that what you think is completely impossible is likely just around the corner.
So we must wait on the impossible to save us from further decline? Doesn't sound very promising.
Designer babies will be the game changer. Even the richest of black and asians will want more white features in their kids.
>What will we do with Africa, a billion and a half Chinese and a billion Indians? What will we do about the mutts and mongrels in South America, the US and in Europe? What will we do with all the idiots of this world?
Whites can actually fight against outside forces without the jew in our societies. We will never be able to take on the chinese, africans, etc, as long as the jew is in our society sabotaging us, backstabbing us, and manipulating the media against us. Jews must go in order for white to fight off the others.
Jews do not want white people to succeed and prosper, in fact the want us all dead so another Hitler does not happen. We cannot allow anti-white jews to live in our societies. They want us to lose, and we cannot allow people that want whites to lose to live in our societies any longer.
The worst part is how deep the agenda is at the top to keep promoting it. There's not only no going back it only gets worse
You need NS to return the culture to normalcy.
I just nutted to a white girl eating cum from the ass of another slut and felt just like this.
Burn the servers and gas the porn posters i guess