Why do they hate Iran so much?

So, supposedly the last fight, and probably the biggest reason for the split between Trump and Bolton was Iran.

I honestly find this to be fascinating and I am so happy Trump fired this faggot.

But the question still bothers me: Why are they SO FUCKING BIG ON A WAR WITH IRAN?

Iran doesn't bother me the least bit. I find Saudi Arabia to be worst than Iran.

Can someone shed some fucking light?

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Oil and Israel wants more control over the middle East.

Seeing Iran whip the US' ass would be great

>Donald "King of Israel" Trump and John "Guardian of Zion" Bolton argued over Iran actions

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Iran went as far as to deny the Holocaust. Of course they want them wiped off the map, it literally undermines one of the foundational pillars of the modern world.

Shouldn't you be dilating?

Iran is the only real threat to Israel in the region, still standing.

It's really that simple.

Trump wants to pressure Iran into negotiating a new JCPOA deal, so that he can have a foreign policy win going into the elections. Bolton just wants to use the US military as the Israeli foreign legion.

The stargate in Iran was infiltrated by negative aliens and put into a reversal signal. Evil.
This is why.

Both Israel AND it's semite cousin Saudi Arabia are at odds with Iran. They poor millions into the pockets of our politician's various reelection programs, foundations, campaigns ect. so naturally we're going to address this "threat" to us.
There's a whole multi-national industrial sector of the world economy that relies on controlled-scale wars with some target of said hypothetical war, and Jews/Crypto-Jews looking to protect their interests while making coin.

This the reason we can turn a bunch of iliterate goat fuckers, hiding in thatch huts and caves, touting around rusting soviet stuff they found up in some cave, into these perceived ultimate evil threats to our very existence and then proceed to throw trillion dollar sums at them. Because yuppy crypto-jew fatcats, oil-laden sand niggers, and Jews make huge shekel giving boomers their fireworks show they can clap their hands to while spouting praise jebus.

Because we all hate them too:

C_A = Central ____________ Agency
Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.

>You attack those who threaten you the most
The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.
"Big Satan" America against "little Satan" Israel.
[Source obscuration is cyber 101]
(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))
So they're using useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is PROJECTION.
You really thought they'd let everyone keep knowing who they are?
Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~
Especially when all this is Ch_nA trying to force America off of Asia.


israel does not control all banking in iran yet

John Bolton
I know personally through the seething hatred of our enemies, how great a Man you are.
Thank you for cleaning out evil.
I'm sorry I acted without clear Intellegence, I didn't know walrus was an entity/name they had for you.
I really should've put that together before.

Godspeed Sir o7

Should Trump and Netanyahu let Iran get away with doing 9/11?

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Iran is constantly threatening Israel. Iranian-backed militias are in Lebanon and Syria, right at Israel's border. I'm not saying this is good or bad, I'm just saying this is why the US hates them.

Iran is China's niglet
Norks were
Russia was

Iran is a pretty shitty country. Why dont hate Iran? Why dont you hate all shitskins?

iran is redpilled and not arab(stoopid)

Israel views Iran as the last road block to their hegemony in the Middle East.

Thats it. Thats the reason.

All our problems with Syria and Russia go back to their alliance with Iran.
Netanyahu is obsessed with Iran, and has been for over a decade.

>Iran is China's niglet
hmm, elaborite

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BasedPilled AF

yes iam confused that americans know this xD

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Funny story - Iranian and US special forces cooperated against the Taliban towards the beginning of the war. The US repaid Iran by declaring them part of the "Axis of Evil."

Iran is a (more blatant) mafia state (relative to rotw)

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Regional enemies, it's just good old geopolitical game
They're natural enemies because both try to control the same sphere, and both have enough projection to do it if no one opposes them. Besides, some are retarded kikes, and the others are retarded muzzies, so of course they're going to be at each other's throats.
Now, the US has vested interests in Israel as an ally in the Middle East (as a way to control the region because of oil and strategic positions, we're talking geopolitics here so I won't include the overrepresentation of jews in American governments which of course makes the Israel and jewish lobby the most powerful in the entire US) so of course they're going to try to diminish Iran's influence, they're enemies of their "allies" which makes them an enemy of the US.
America shouldn't give in to the kikes' bloodlust, but that doesn't mean Iran is good. The US should either take their nukes and leave them to duke it out or just glass the entire region and make hotels there. Maybe a Trump Tower or something.

>Oy Vey!!! If you do not support more war for Saudi Arabia and Israel then you must be a discord tranny!!!
Back to the synagogue you go kike

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This nigga really kept Botlton around just so he could shit on him

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Trump's banter is always on fucking point, shame about him liking jews so much tbf

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if iran liberates them, they will be more happy.

jews are good people. but very stupid when it comes to politics.

>jews are good people
your ancestors are WEEPING, Hans
the average jew might not be that bad, but their elites sure have a knick knack for being fucking parasites

as if staying alive in the middle east is easy-peasy

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They hate Iran because they don't want it to become influential. Iran already runs Iraq by now, and Syria. Sunnis and Jews don't want a Shia dominated Middle East, so Iran is depicted as Nazis.

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>jews are good people.
damn the war was hell for your people

Germans are good people, but very stupid when it comes to Jews.

Iran had a democratically elected government, but they wouldn't sell us oil as cheaply as we wanted them to, so Eisenhower orchestrated a coup that installed an American puppet, the Shah of Iran.

He was awful. He had a secret police that terrorized the country, and an elaborate network of torture centers. The people rose up and overthrew the Shah, and an equally awful theocracy took over.

America still feels humiliated that their boy was kicked out, and wants to "get even." (This is the same reason Dubya Bush invaded Iraq: they humiliated his daddy, and had to "get even.")

So, here we are.

Thank you, CIA.

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This time it will be different. People have had enough. Also, Russia has Iran's back, while Iraq had no one to have its back.

Kikes and kike lovers suffer from Iran derangement syndrome.

Its really not that complicated.

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Iran is the last stranglehold of the cabal. Try to keep up.


1 Belt 1 Child
We're just barbarions to them..
4000 year old empire, and America's the new kid on the block in their eyes.
They used us like a pedo uses a kid, exploit all the Life while its young then chop 'em up and start again..
China, the child rapist stalking America, is a paper tiger.
Their whole economic model depends on exploiting other nations, because surprise, communism doesn't produce capital.

Worth 43 minutes of your time.
The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

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>Can someone shed some fucking light?
Hezbollah. They are the only serious enemy of Israel.

Here, here OP
Have you heard about the petrodollar?
USA made deal with Saudis, biggest supplier of oil in the world that they will only accept US dollars in exchange for oil. For this deal Saudis get truly stupendous amounts of money (on top of oil sales themselves) and it props US economy massively, because if someone wants to get some of that oil (that whole world is basically addicted to) needs to indirectly prop up US economy. This is why USA remains the only country where you can measure time in inflation. US treasury prints fuckton of money but it still doesn't devalue as much because US currency still finds buyers around the globe as there is such high demand for oil, so there is demand for dollar. It's basically golden standard but with oil. Linking dollar price with oil price was truly a genius move. Hovewer, this plan is not without its disadvantages. Mainly every country willing to sell their own oil in anything but US dollars is a massive threat to US economy. That's why you can see USA meddling in affairs of every country that has oil. Venezuela collapse wasn't socialism, it was USA. As soon as Chavez died (the only guy that knew how to keep USA at bay) it all went to shit. Not only that but every alternative energy technology is massive threat to US economy also. I seriously believe that because of this deal we're being held back in terms of technological advancement in like 30 years at least and it will only grow.
By eliminating Iran USA gets rid of another major threat and Saudis are happy that another oil supplier bites the dust. Israel also plays a role here but not as big.

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The "Pivot to Asia" wasn't Obamas plan it was the 'deep state' and trump is continuing it because China is the only real threat to western hegemony. Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Russia are all incidental.

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Why didn’t Trump hire that moustached faggot to begin with?

Why is he so bad at selecting personnel? It’s almost as if he is retarded and has shit judgement, but i’m not an expert.

Iran is a bitch of Ch_nA so, you're wrong there~

addendum: this petrodollar thing is probably the biggest thing shaping world politics in current age and will probably remain so until Saudis finally run out of oil.

Im fucking sick of the americans. Crazy country filled with crazed, rootless freaksund. It is time the actual nations of this world finally finish this shithole before it spreads its globohomo ways across the entire world.

yeah. If there really is manmade climate change, it's because of America and their deal with Saudis.

Bolton had connections.

just giving some more attention to my post so you people can appreciate it better

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i'm not impressed by claims about the petrodollar

you'd have to also believe that financial elites in zurich & dubai & beijing and a hundred other places are too dumb to figure out how to move around oil and shoes and mangoes and fuel injectors without involving US currency (or at least making its effect on their profits near to zero)

if not too dumb, then too afraid that the cia will murder their families

so i think its shit-tier CT