Well, Jow Forums? Care to explain?

Well, Jow Forums? Care to explain?

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Because freedom and such. I don't believe in a minimum wage either. You should get paid what you agree to.

Red pilled American here and I really have no answer for this. I don’t think another human being should have 80000x more quality of life than me when I work 40 hours a week despite health problems not taking any government handouts. Also most wealth is ancient and familial so no one has earned anything in two centuries.

clearly not

No one has earned more than I have in my 26 years on the earth. Prove me wrong. You can’t.

If someone is smart and well connected enough to make billions, what right does anybody have to say he doesn't deserve it? It is fine and natural to envy these winners, but that envy should drive you to aspire to higher things, not to try and bring better people down to your level.

I think it ultimately boils down to an overpopulated planet with too many rules

How will (((they))) control the world without money.

>Red pilled American here and I really have no answer for this.
Because you are as red pilled salt.
>I don’t think another human being should have 80000x more quality of life than me when I work 40 hours a week
Do you own the company?
How much money, and time beyond that 40 hours have you given to the company?
Does your personal life take a backseat to the company?
How much of your own money is invested, and if you screw up does the company suffer from it at all?
The OPs image looks like the usual hand me stuff faggot that will never achieve anything more than whining how he is not getting his fair share.

Good point let's get rid of minimum wage

good point
we should get rid of the minimum wage to make it fair

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Because hurting your feelings is not illegal

No one has made billions in years and years. Billions exist and are withheld by and traded throughout families and the businesses related to them. Only the elite will remain elite within your lifetime in less they squander it. You will never be a self made elite.

>Yeah duuuuuudee maaan like maximum wage duuuude woooo my mind is so blown right now

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The better question is why is life so shit. Answer: because it is.

Half the population isn’t getting their fair share. Half the population eats trash and fake vegetables because it’s all they can afford. 1% of the population doesn’t work and eats gold and laughs at you and me. Their children and grandchildren will have the same lifestyle and your children and my children will eat trash and fake vegetables.

and who do you think created that job for you? another 40hr/wk wagie?

because smart people (rich people) will find a way around your childish rule. also minimum wage is a gift from the 1% to people who would be much more poorer without it. you get what you deserve.

....??? helicopter ride for you and your family

1 post by this id
stupid question

Because it's bad to limit profit if you want your society to stay compettitive

Not everybody works wages

>Their fair share

No such thing.

because theres always someone that wants the bigger dick

Someone’s family 160 years ago when resources weren’t scarce and there wasn’t a barrier of entry for everything. It probably doesn’t belong to that family anymore. It was probably taken over by a Jew or Indian with familial wealth that has made it harder for me to get raises and promotions and altered the business model to pocket more for themselves.

You may not be motivated enough to feed your children better, but I promise it's possible.

I'm in favor of a maximum wage. One-trillion dollars per hour. You with me Jow Forums?

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I agree. The concept of a minimum wage is retarded without including the concept of a maximum wage into the equation.

Only if there's no minimum

Yes Mr. Shelelstein, I’ll work harder to pay you $80,000 for my degree for my $11 an hour starting position two years of experience minimum and Masters degree preferred. Thank you for the opportunity.

>working for any amount per hour
You're the one selling your time to the Jew.


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the bluepill is wanting higher minimum wage, the redpill is realizing that earning 2m a month makes no sense and should be capped.

I say Fight For Fifty. Then everyone can afford a home, two cars and a mistress.

The Walton family employs over 1 million people a year. If they were to make 1 penny an hour for every employee their company employs they’d still make more in a day than pretty much everyone else alive. Do you think that’s exploitative? I don’t. How about 10c an employee? A dollar? I mean it’s really hard to enforce things like maximum wage when talking about huge scale.

So people will be as productive as possible instead of just doing the minimum amount to earn their maximum wage
Now ask me why there shouldn’t be a minimum wage

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>but the wealthy will leave us
fuck them, we dont need them, we never have.

>redpill is realizing that earning 2m a month makes no sense and should be capped
That's very blue pill. If capitol is capped by some arbitrary amount then there would be no room for expanding. Imagine if Bill Gates was capped at, say, $100,000,000. You wouldn't even be posting here now.

That is a monopoly and is a symptom of our dying unsustainable society.

On the same token, why is there a minimum wage?
>Raises cost of labor
>Minimizes jobs
>Raises cost of products
>Raises cost of living
Why would you want a minimum wage?

Ok there jeff bezos. Oh no wait youre not bezos, youre insignificant and have contributed nothing of value to society.


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Literally ask for a raise or get a better job. Your employer sounds like a shitty one user. If they need you to work there somebody else much cooler than them probably does too.

You didn’t disprove anything that I said. You just really want for a few to have everything and most to have nothing because you either have everything or think you can have everything. If you don’t have it right now you never will. Try again.

>hey, based on your work past year you deserved 1000 bucks for this month
>oops was dat? maximum wage?
>here your 150, thanks for your hard work
>no bonus

>I demand getting paid a fixed amount of money AT LEAST even if it's higher than the value I produce!
>I also demand that people don't earn too much!
In a way, this entitled cunts make me sick. But in a way, seeing what the mega-rich do with their money... Although most of them didn't earn it as a "wage" but rather speculation.

Bezos wasnt born a millionaire. If yoy want it, working 40hrs a week isnt enough. Thats part time work anyway. I make more than the rest of my family combined. Me and my ged. Making enough money that your children will never have to worry about money isnt hard, youre just a faggot. Produce something you consumerist cattle

I agree with that statement only in terms of ethnically homogenous nation’s that care about the overall health and prosperity of each individual to ensure the entire population is able to be happy and evolve in functional nuclear family units.

This is not to say that I don’t believe that a human being should be worth a million times better then another human being. I believe that very much on a global basis. I don’t give a shit if a nigger in Africa is a million times worse off then me that’s not my problem I only care about myself, my family, my people and my nation. In our nation we shouldn’t have extreme inequality but on a global level, I repeat I don’t care. It’s up to every individual nation/people to work towards elevating their own respected societies.

Because there should be no limit to what an individual can achieve, you beta cuck onions boy.

Most wealthy people didn't make their millions or even billions through intelligence, they made them through (legal) theft. Being rich doesn't dependent on intelligence it depends solely on your morality.

>Be smart enough to steal and get away with it
>Not smart according to meme flaggot

That’s why the Jews are gonna get murdered as this acceleration continues. We’ve all made our choices.

I can think of two ways to help this problem
We could ditch money and use a barter system, or we can demand people spend all they make or confiscate what they don't spend. The reason is to disincentivise hoarding of money

>raises cost of labour
More tax dollars for jews (higher salaries = higher tax brackets)
>minimizes jobs
Hurts small business and helps monopolize giant Jew corps even further
>raises cost of products and living
Promotes inflation (hidden tax on the goyim)

Hmmm I wonder why jews promote minimum wage increases so much!

Crybaby loser spotted.

Every game has rules. Some can be bent, others can be broken (Morpheus)

You can either play the game and win, or sit on the sidelines and complain about how unfair it is.

>Half the population isn’t getting their fair share.
There has never been a fair share at anytime in history.
You just by being born does not mean you deserve anything. Just by your whining about your fair share, and you deserve more for your whole 40 hours a week tells me all I need to know about you. You are sounding like the: I show up on time, do my minimum, and should get my fair share for the company type, I bet there are people at work who move up faster than you, and you are pissed they are getting more. Most likely they see you as that warm body slug that merely fills a spot, and could be replaced by a dindu off the street. You have to work hard to get noticed, and make more.

Don't bother with rational arguments. The entitled think that just for being born, they have the right to everything.



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half the population are subhuman niggers with IQ below 60

In the United States an explicit maximum wage is unconstitutional as it would infringe on private property rights established in article 4 of the constitution, and protected by the fourth, fifth, and fourteenth amendments.

A practical maximum wage could be instituted by way of a 100% marginal income tax rate. But this is economic suicide for obvious reasons.

TL;DR - There is no maximum wage because the people making policy aren't dumbass hippies.

>I’ll work harder to pay you $80,000 for my degree for my $11 an hour starting position two years of experience minimum and Masters degree preferred.
Looks like you make bad choices in life when it comes to making a living.
I have not seen $11 an hour in forever. Even as a lowly laborer I made more. I operate heavy equipment, and have been in the 5, and 6 figure range for 15 years. I also did not have to pay to get my certifications, I got paid to get them. I swear the Unis, and government can really see suckers from miles away.

>Also most wealth is ancient and familial so no one has earned anything in two centuries.
people actually believe this

Read Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.

Creative Destruction is awesome.

I don't object to individuals making huge sums of money. i object to how they do it:
1./ Outsourcing the entire manufacturing base of a nation to some corrupt third world shit hole or totalitarian dystopia to benefit from slave wages thereby robbing your countrymen of decent jobs and livelihoods
2./ Importing third world scum into your nation by the millions to depress wages for the remaining job sectors left in your nation
3./ Pushing easy credit on the demoralised population so they can afford the overpriced crap they manufacture in the third world and profiting from the aforementioned usury
People and corporations who engage in this behaviour are spivs,nation wreckers and traitors who are as damaging to the nation as their counterparts in the left - who they now sponsor with lgbt/pro-diversity/feminist/mass immigration campaigns. Fuck these rats and their ill gotten gains. These are not the entrepreneurs and industrial giants of a bygone age who had a sense of social responsibility and loyalty to their nation eg Ford, Cadbury etc etc.

>Don't bother with rational arguments. The entitled think that just for being born, they have the right to everything.
Yeah well maybe their single mommy never told them these truths in life.


Community college degrees with practical applications are the way to go. Or trade schools.

Too many idiots getting degrees in economics and working as bartenders...

You earn what you are worth. No one is forcing people to buy over priced iphones and make CEOs rich. Supply and demand. If people stopped demanding the product, the ceo would not make the money he does.

Their single mommies told them that they were perfect the way they are. Even if they want to be trans at 5 years old, etc.

when the fp is also the bp

I support minarchism where both employee and employer have many options. Ultimately, choice is best, as long as it's not hindered by globalcorp/shadow governments/monopolies and their enforcers.

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inb4 retards scream about the CEO getting too much and fucking the workers

>degrees in economics
imagine paying to be indoctrinated by cato institute

maybe the money should go to the kids making the iPhones instead of the CEOs and shareholders desu.

You're an Idiot. That would wipe out doctors in private practice, artists, contractors, and the whole housing market. Bezos, on the other hand, would go on earning 80k a year and laughing his way to the bank.

>Also most wealth is ancient and familial so no one has earned anything in two centuries.
So would you rather be able to save up and give your kids a better life or have it all taxed away on death to pay for Shaniqua to have 10 kids who never work a day in their lives like their parents?

>calls people cattle
>working 40 hours is part time
At least your (((boss))) loves you

Because there is no maximum value one can provide.

To be fair, not all economics degrees are created equal. Hers clearly wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.

I have a really bad scribble but this faggot can't write for shit

But there's a minimum? Please explain.

>I don't believe in a minimum wage either
This. If you are so fucking useless and incompetent that you can't convince somebody you are worth at least $7 an hour then you are hopeless. Even basic retail jobs pay like $12 an hour. I work at a large clinical laboratory and we pay people $13 to $16 to just open the fedex and UPS packages of samples mailed to us. The job is literally just opening packages and putting the contents in a bucket on a conveyor belt. When thr carboard boxes build up a lot they take them to the compactor. The people we hire are total idiots with no education yet they make about 2x minimum wage doing a super easy job.

The kids making the iphones in China are absolutely being exploited. If they were made here in America, the laborer would have protections against unfair business practices. The employee also would not be under any contract and could leave whenever they wanted to. The business owner supplies the investment and capitol to build and staff the factory and cost of running the business while amusing 8,000 times the risk if the business fails. They hourly employee invests basically nothing to punch the clock and earn an hourly wage. If the business goes under they just get a new job somewhere else.

Better that than indoctrinated by liberal college professors.

It's called taxes and rich people own stock.

Can you really learn rational economics in an American college these days ?

in bongland it is

coming soon to usa

>rational economics

No you are too busy memorizing all 10,734 genders and their appropriate pronouns.

No one ever disproved anything I stated. Another day in clown world.

>I don't believe
Then you must enact it, right? You don't shop at Amazon or Walmart because you don't believe in enriching them, surely. Or do your beliefs melt away in the face of convenience?

I dont support a minimum wage either. Every service, idea and product provides a different value and there for should demand a different price. Implementing artificial price control is just bad.

Cash in hand = no borders faggot.

Get a job and stop using trees to express your stupidity.

I want to buy the $100+ New Balamce sneakers made in USA but it is probably just a bunch of illegal beaners and pajeets at the factory.

You just need to BAN FUCKING USURY. Thats fuckin it. With this, you get an honest money supply that maintains a stable value indefinitely. You dont need minimum wage/maximum wage endless debate faggotry.
An honest money supply will LITERALLY solve 99% of problems in society.

Pol (the most redpilled place ever) cannot into economics tho.

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THEY are, not me.

I know two genders and their respective pronouns.

Oy vey antisemite

From my niece's online (non-profit state) university

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not really. free thinking > free market

Still better than buying Colin Kaepernick backed Nike and their made in China stuff.

I made the switch a year ago.