
Ever seen these types of niggers before? They take WE WUZZIN to a whole new level. I saw one today wearing a gold necklace.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gold necklace like this. Some Egyptian symbol.

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He was similarly dressed like this, but had a black robe on with the necklace.

Attached: King-Hotep-ms6pmmx1wzlzi2v5wmeoeubougirf7sn64k037vc2w.jpg (860x484, 37K)

Question is, what is their endgame? Are they just we wuzzing to the extreme?

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that's a Teletubby

but user.. they actually wuz. look up the facts

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>ree was kang's an shitz

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Funny this thread appears suddenly right on cue after a red wave of blacks show up on Twitter supporting Trump and reaching out to whites to help vote him back into the WH in 2020. Many were wearing ankhs and one was nicknamed Hotep.

Egyptian ankh casue we woz kangz

Attached: teletubbies.jpg (1200x675, 127K)

Don't believe it? Go to
It's happening. Someone wants y'all and them divided and thus powerless, who could that be

This is the black version of fat neonazis draped in Nordic shit.

You're the usual version of a jew

Nope just curious kek. I saw one today you see, and didn't imagine to see them. Especially in the UK. Most niggers here are involved in gangs instead.

Fucking kek.

Impossible, I have a foreskin and no money.

Nah, you're both Anglo jews and this is a D&C thread, don't suddenly pretend that it isn't. How many shekelot are they paying you over there in Airstrip One to try to keep Americans against the left divided?

moortugal is literally the highest you can take WE WUZZIN
>Spain and Portugal have a history of fervent Catholicism, but almost a third of the population now turns out to have a non-Christian genetic heritage. About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.

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hand rubbing intensifies

We wuz kangs & shieeet

What are you on about? Isn't Trump a kike puppet anyways?

What's your interest in keeping America divided?

There were a lot of hoteps jumping on the trump bandwagon during the election. They seemed like sort of black civnats, or black nationalist lites. Many tried to integrate with the alt right. I’m basically a WN so I want nothing to do with them, but I will say they seem to be pretty adamant about not acting like wild niggers, taking care of their families, not going to prison for rape, etc.

We see you.
Sort yourselves

t.Alberto Barbosa

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The timeline has shifted and this is a different day. Your usual tricks no longer work on us. We're done discarding possible allies. The true enemy is you. Watch Bibi fall.

The ones over here are usually a few years behind the yanks in whatever retardation is flavour of the month.

Hmm sounds based compared to the feral niggers. It's just the fact they have to we wuz which makes it a lot worse. Well comedic actually.

Only to keep myself warm, it gets chilly in temples north of the border.

True. All that rap shite we have now has come from the US.

You're far behind what's really going on behind the eyes of the goyim. We're not stupid any longer, David. Log off and go vote. It's over. Bibi and Israel and you are about to become relics on the ash pile of history.

Lame boomer jew tier humor. Log off and cast your last dual citizenship vote because Israel is about to vanish.

Implying your uncle doesn't run a magically funded grime label somewhere.

Are you a hotep, may I ask?

blacks are a parody of a human

>Cups ash in palm
>Blows it in your hooked face
What's the matter, isn't it okay for one of your grandparents to give you a kiss?

See Jow Forums they aren’t based negroes jewing the Jew. They are just retarded.

Do you suggest there was some form of advanced thought behind this? Anything beyond 'monkey see monkey do' cannot be applied to anything the american black does. I am not being funny.

Certainly a hotep would be able to use proper English grammar.

>Make a song about how you like stabbing people and are going to stab someone
>Stab that person.
>That person then makes a song about how they're going to stab them back.
>Stabs them back.
Around and around it goes, apparently never once causing violence and we're all bigots for thinking so.

Are you an Ashkenazi, may I ask? But why waste the typing effort? Of course you are

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I encountered one at work. She was actively in the process of buying land in Africa with the goal of building a house and living / farming there. Probably the most based black I've ever met.

I see. Why do you we wuz, may I ask? You weren't Egyptians.

>Make a song about how you like stabbing people and are going to stab someone
>Stab that person.
>That person then makes a song about how they're going to stab them back.
>>Stabs them back.
>Sign nothing but nogs knowing they do it
>Promote the nogs who do it
>Ruin societies with it
>Make shekels off of it
>When accused of the above, cry about anti semitism
Around and around it goes, apparently never once causing violence and we're all bigots for thinking so.

Did you hear about that nigger rapper in Sweden advocating to kill white people the other day?

I eat pork and have a foreskin so I'm not. Sorry to disappoint.

You lack reading comprehension, Moishe. I'm white and see what you're doing. Rather niggers and us overthrowing your kind together than a single day more under yid control.

You're running out of time, you know. The goyim are not as stupid this time around.

You can't help but disappoint, Mordechai. Your smell disappoints everyone you walk by and your "nation" disappoints the entire world.
>Blows ash in your face

Pretty based. They just look funny to me, but they seem to sound better than regular nogs.

I know of the "French" one, but having it happen in Sweden too doesn't surprise me a bit.

>You're a queen not a hoe
So romantic.

Black ppl r funny

Read right here how they infiltrate this board and plant slide threads about niggers and traps to divide attention and discussion from the real issues, such as
>Bibi on suicide watch avoiding Bat Yam
>Israel about to be destroyed by its neighbors
>All Americans waking up on the JQ
>RBG about to die

I give it another two years. Israel won't exist after that.


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Someone post that gif with the kikes slapping matzoh mats on their thighs while riding on a hebrew cartoon wagon

Avi, Ari, Freidel and Meidel
Right here on Jow Forums typing behind VPNs

French one? Either way, I don't really care. Just a shame youth here listen to that ooga booga shit.


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Hehehehe a classic.

Niggers just larping as XCLAN members

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drop the sauce
and for those who want to read about Sweden:

Ungrateful sods. Wasn't for us, they would still be eating mud cakes and have no wheel.

He's a Runner!
Calling all Sandmen!
Calling all Sandmen!
We have a Runner in Arcade!

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Why do non white start hot step threads at least once a month?

Came here to post this

This was actually used by the pharos to shagg of thier dick.not lying

>blocks you're path

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Black Israelites are trash tier RL larpers. They are all overweight fleabags.

How do you insult American education and know know what an ankh is? Seriously.

Maybe you ought to have considered the consequences better when you were helping Dutch Jews carry the negro from Africa, then Thurgood.


No user, the fucking ancient Egyptians distinguished themselves quite handily from Cush and other sub-Saharans. Back then, even Libyans were light-skinned.

>has used the word larp ironically for so long he forgot that it mean Live Action Role Playing
I've seen them in Philladelphia but quickly sped around them as to not invoke their ire.

If you saw a white man walking down the street looking like this you’d call the police and he’d be locked in an insane asylum

I have that hammer, it'd bretty gud for the price.

I would pull that faggot to the floor by that thing.

This is a hugely positive movement among young black men, they preach literally every single thing you fucks demand of them to repair our society. Support this movement fully, every chance you get.

Forgive them if they over-compensate, young black men have been told that they were shit from birth, and these dudes "power up" with some serious self-delusion sometimes, but good things are happening.

Positivity radiates and this is a positive movement.

Hoteps are bros, they are red pilled on the JQ and can focus their chimp out inner force into productive things.

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>Stealing culture is a positive movement


Imagine being so vapid youd fill your head with ANYTHING just to fill it
I fucking hate niggers

Steal all their women worth having, GELD any remaining men, and GENOCIDE the rest-with the zionist jews

>replacing with their shit culture with superior culture

quit being a black and white autist, this is a good thing.

Classic coonery


Young niggerfaggots are PRAISED for zero reason their entire lives and their delusional egos arethe fault of you white guilt losers

I dont care to uplift niggers because they are my enemy
You can get tilled under with all the rest

It isnt better

They are replacing their shit culture with lies, not a better culture

Id lmao and upload it here too

Yeah, like attacking whites and only whites like all of you woke niggers do

Isis never attacks israel, al queda never attacked israel

Just like antofa never attacked the government, just other voters

I work with one but hes actually pretty redpilled aside from being obsessed with claiming hes a kang which nobody gives a fuck about.

While it is pottery, its also pretty bad ass

It’s called an ankh.

Black Israelites are literally Jew haters though

>Literally everyone is a Jew but me

>we wuz

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How come Mexicans don't do this? Why don't they wrap their dead ones in a giant taco?

The only thing I know is that some Puerto niggers have their dead dressed up a nig wearing shades and all in the dining room. Fucking spics. Even they think their loved ones are like animals.

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