I was too timid in middle school to ask my Lesbian 6th period teacher so please answer my questions Jow Forums
- Why was WW2 explored more than Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians and Egyptians?
- Why would they feed the Jews if they were just going to kill them?
- How can they insert pellets of Zyklon-B and have the zyklon-b become gas Instantly? They would need to have a really warm room temperature to turn zyklon immediately into gas.
- How come the nazis had wooden doors instead of vaccum sealed doors? I'm pretty sure the Nazis wouldn't be dumb enough to let dangrous pesticide into their living quarters.
- Why were jews looked down upon? All stereotypes have a sliver of truth to them so why are they so hated?
- How can you make bar soap out of jews if they had no fat? Also how on earth would someone make a lampshade out of skin?
- How did Anne Frank have a diary with her? Wouldn't they confiscate it when she got there? Also how does she write so well if she had no pen? How did she write anything at all in her journal?
- Why do the Nazis hate communism so much? Why do they hate homosexuals?
- Why would they have a hospital? Wouldn't it be better to encourage the spread of Typus in the camps to kill more jews?
- Why would they use such an inefficient method of getting rid of bodies?
- How can there be 6 million if the industrial revolution happen just a couple of decades? There surely isn't enough food to support a population of that size.
- Why did Germany invade Poland? Why did he invade Austria and Czckslovikia?
- How come Britain allowed Germany to invade Austria, Czechoslovakia but Poland is an exception?
Why was history so focused on WW2 but I learned nothing about anything else?
>Why did they teach more about ww2 than other periods of history Because ww2 and the holohoax are the foundation myth of the judeoglobohomo world
Nathan Nelson
Because the holocaust didn't happen, moron. Look up "holocaust deprogramming course", archive.org/details/TGSNT and read Mein Kampf (preferably from Avalonian Worldview's books, which has the Wewelsburg Edition).
Blake Kelly
Poland was not an „exception” for Britan. Britan did not do shit when Poland was invaded. Poland had to do dirty work for them. Poland had to help them take Monte Cassino from Nazis and Poland had to help them fight for their islands in the sky. All while being occupied and Britan barely doing shit about it.
Easton Gray
Not going to answer a goddamn wall of text with "Comment too long. Click here to view the full text."
>in middle school >open lesbian teacher What are you now? A freshman? Or did you just grow up on a coast?
Jayden Mitchell
I also shit you not she was the most kike mother fucker I had ever seen. She had a nose so long it could gauge out my eyes and had teeth that hung out like a horse. She had little receding hairline and had short hair. She also kicked people out of her classroom for conservative beliefs.
Christian Jackson
No, Sophomore as Gen Z as it comes. Born in raised in 2003.
Tyler Reed
>my teacher was a faggot kike >why didn't she tell me the truth user... I...
>Why was WW2 explored more than Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians and Egyptians? wow that's the most retarded question I've heard maybe in a year.
Jace Cruz
Well that sucks.. I thought I had it bad growing up with millennials as my peers. Now they're your elders, parents, and superiors.
These questions you've asked are an answer in and of themselves. Why do you think there are so many holes and unanswered questions?
Tyler Edwards
they literally teach us about the holocaust and slavery every year in history. nothing else. it's clear what they're doing.
Alexander Turner
Seriously though I only learned WW2 and US history was quickly brushed aside. Never learned much about Rome and Athens who founded our democracy and it took 10th fucking grade to learn about the most important civilizations.
William Ortiz
Correction "Republic" it's more a democracy now.
Lucas Bennett
I must say it is pretty transparent why they would hammer in the most (((by their claims))) horrific and overtly evil times in history to tweens and save the true origins of civilization for teens that have already lost any inclination to learn in public schools.
Luke Bennett
Asha Logos is making a series on important Euro history, without the pozzed viewpoint we're used to seeing. Good stuff, it gives you the rundown you've been looking for
would have been usefull to number your questions, if you wanted them answered (you don't)
- obviously more relevant, biggest determinent of current world order, explains all kinds of things (like why europeans don't pay for their own defence, why the US polices the world etc). portrays america as the ultimate good guys, best way to make the US seem like the most important place in the world, etc etc etc. Convenient for nationalizing propaganda (that's what school history lessons are for). - because they used them as slaves, and would only slaughter the ones that weren't usefull anymore, untill the end of the war when they started mass slaughtering to finish the deal before it was too late. - basing on an anecdote, not the primary means of annihilation. - same. Also, they didn't have an infinite budget you know. - everyone in europe that wasn't white and local was looked down upon. including all forms of middle easterners, slavs (slaves), gypsies, etc. Jews were especially hated because they were all those things and successfull as well as Jesus. - another anecdotal point. The history you learn in school is based on expanding on the sexy parts. soap bars were a marginal phenomenon. Plenty of people were killed before they were bone thin (many were just shot in rows, not gas chambers). - she didn't, the diary wasn't found on her, it was given to her father by friends who got it. She wrote while she had a pen, she didn't write all the way to the day she died. - they're puritans. The list of things they hated can go on and on (promiscuity, slavs, africans, disloyal germans, liberalism, etc etc). Communists are definitaviely egalitarian, which is contradictory to Nazi impirialist heirarchical ideology. They couldn't not hate them. - no, because they first and foremost used them as slaves for the war effort (you know, the primary agenda... taking on the British Empire and the Russian Empire at once, trying to dominate a continent.. all that jazz).
Owen Ward
oy vey
Luke Robinson
Holocaust was a lie, but Mein Kampf is a fucking snooze fest
Blake Thompson
(cont...) - anecdote. Most were buried, or left to rot. - the industrial revolution started two hundred years earlier. this is a truly juvinial point, the population of europe was already in the hundreds of millions with Jews a small minority. - liebenzraum. or to put it another way, while the rest of europe were building collonies around the world, the germans realized being almost totally landlocked as they are, and dependant on other countries to let their ships out to sea, their only way to have an empire of their own is to spread into europe, and east is eisier than west. - how come Britain lets the EU push them around? because they rather not get into the european mud if they can. Also, Austria and Germany arguably were full of Germans, so it's not such a big deal, Poland was an obvious land grab. Also, the Brits had a more stirn agreement with the Poles. - it's a shame you learned so little about other things. School is primarily there to babysit and indoctronate you, not educate you. however, if you go back through history, nothing has been so significant since ww2, the cold war was boring (and humiliating in some parts for america), and ww1, which could be argued to compete with ww2 in significance, is not well documented, and generally confusing as to why it happened. Too difficult to explain to school children.
Brody Hughes
most Jews are conservative. It's just that the liberal ones like to live in the US. Also, it's not very likely your teacher was actually Jewish.
Aaron Fisher
Yeah now that I look at it I should have numbered the dashes, but I'm glad you responded to my post with an educational response. In middle school I never got to ask these questions because the feminist bitch would shame people in class for disagreeable opinions.
Jaxon Bailey
appreciate it, and perhaps I overjudged you. Most likely your teacher shamed people with disagreeable opinions because she doesn't have the intellect to deal with intrigue. This is typical for teachers (espeacially public school ones). That's not to say she's not going by dogma - she is, but she's not really driven by ideology most liketly.
I think hitchens was fond of say - never attribute to malice what can be attributed to simple stupidity.
Samuel Baker
Be careful, if you say things that can be publicly attributed to you, they might ruin your career and livelihood for you and your family. They write the history books, and anyone who speaks out gets put on the "wrong side of history"
Charles Turner
Hey since we have you here can I ask you some unrelated questions?
I'd like to know what people in your country think about that Iran-Saudi stuff that happened and what y'all think about china.
Jeremiah Sanchez
like who?
Bentley Stewart
Also very educational, didn't know when the industrial revolution was I had thought the 19th century was the start of the industrial revolution.
I would say she is very driven by ideology as she critiqued communism as "they only wanted everyone to be equal" she said this when we were going over slavery and how the US communist party supported Martin Luther's movement. She also said I that she was a feminist and had many posters like a gay flag in her class.
Camden Taylor
If I wanted to sell out OP to the system, all it would take is their identity and the words "anti-semitic", emailed to the ADL, to ruin them forever. Journalists do this all day, they have a "hate hotline" for this
Blake Ortiz
alright. Excuse me but I'll start by saying - Israeli's are about as far from uniform opinoins about anything as you can expect such a small population to be. Different Jews - different opinions.
Having said that, if I can try to describe the zeitgeist re Iran-Saudi: This is all part of a war that's been going on between the Shia and Sunni for over a thousand years, so it's not too much to be excited about. I don't know if the recent oil field bombing is going to be a turning point. To be more interesting - we know all about Arab culture, and their tendancy toward aggression and honor games, persians are a bit less hot-tempered, but still not as calculated as what you'd be used to. We're also very aware of Russia's role in all of it. perhaps what's most different to say a decade ago, we know the Saudis don't see us as a threat anymore, and some academics are already talking about how actually the saudis are happy we're around because if Jerusalem loses it's significance in the muslim world that only benefits the significance of mecca. The Iranians don't really care about Israel, and to the Shia Jeruaslem never was holy, it's just another chess piece in their historical attempt to be more muslim than the saudis.
China? not a huge thing. People want to have economic relations with them, but also are beginning to get creeped out by them. I don't think Israelis think about china all that much. Which is a shame, because it is very importanant. We were well on the way to developing big economic relations with them about a decade ago when the US gov told us that's a no no and ever since then there hasn't been much going on on that regard.
Logan Bailey
It's ridiculous that you can ruin someones life for "anti-semitism" the truth doesn't throw you in jail for "wrong think".
Connor Morales
Perhaps. I suppose what I mean to say is that she's probabably not conniving to lead you astraty one way or another, she simply holds whatever dogma she can handle and her peers deem acceptable and that's what she pushes on to her students. Teachers tend to be leftists because they are, by and large, payed by the state, are female, and deal with "fareness" rather than the reality of the market.
Cameron Powell
can I haz an example? someone who lost their career simply because some random user said they are anti-semites? please go ahead
Daniel Ramirez
Yeah, I knew this wealthy oil type that explained USSR occupation in Iran and a whole lot of history during the 80s. Anyway, I've always thought that the reason America supported Isreal so heavily and its importance was that we don't have very much influence or allies in that region of the world, so it made it an important ally. The stuff people say on here makes absolutely no sense and coorelation not being causation and blah blah, I just ignore it.
What's your countries goals at the moment? Like what are politicians running on?
Isaiah Peterson
>someone who lost their career simply because some random user said they are anti-semites?
I'm sorry, Moshe, let me find an example. Here's an innocent podcaster, reported by his "brother" (not sure on that one, it could have been reported from a different source that had his info privately). In a FREE MARKET, this guy wouldn't have been shut down.
In the US you can't get arrested for anti semitism but your boss may be pressured to drop you because of the attacks and insults towards you and the company. In the UK, you fall under hatred and discrimination and can be locked in prison.
Jordan Cox
I missed the part about china. Yeah, I wrote articles about their expansion into the seas and their purchase of a former military port controlled by the US in Australia, before it was a bigger issue in American media like it is today. I used to like reading foreign news often. I like to use Pol as an opportunity to ask people like you questions like this.
Evan Richardson
>Why would they feed the Jews if they were just going to kill them?
I feel like playing devil's advocate so here's a brainstorm
1) to lull them into a false sense of security so they would not resist
2) to give them strength to walk into gas chambers under their own power so you don't have to carry them in
Of course... once you lock them up, the best way to stop them escaping isn't to give them tasty food (they'll still hate you and want to escape) it would be to starve them so they lack the muscular power to dig holes and climb fences.
Isaac Powell
An example of this is the guy who was arrested for his "Nazi pug".
Ryder Hill
Holy fuck. I can't believe I've been lied to my whole life.
Henry Morgan
absolutely. US - Israel relations started after 1967 in the context of the cold war - the Russians supported the Egyptians ans Syrians, and the Americans saw the Israeli's will get the msot bang for their buck.
I've been saying for a while Israeli politics is really boring these days. There's no revolution around the corner at the moment, Bibi's been doing fine, no major wars, economy is humming along, so no big changes afoot. The left just tries to vilify him and say he's corrupt. The big debate used to be about giving back the west bank to the Arabs - which used to be the mainstream completely, but these days is actually becoming almost taboo. Israeli's don't see a point in it anymore, and some right wing parties are even saying it's time to declare the settlementes as officially part of Israel. One of the big reasons Bibi is so supported is that he's so obviously successfull diplomatically - meeting with arab leaders, having good relations with Puting and Trump as well as most of the european right, not to mention the PM of India. It's obvious that the he's sailing with the wind. It also used to be that the left was always on about "what will the europeans/democrats think" about something or other, but again, that's out. There isn't much worry about that. Bibi's big contender is a center right ex-general who's really just running on not being bibi. I'm afraid these are not the most interesting times in Israeli politics.
love how there's nothing about Jews or Antisemitism in that. Try again - your dillusion won't reaffirm itself.
Blake King
The jew in this thread should serve as a reminder that the nation of Israel (and especially the ordinary people there) are far from the heart of our enemy. We let ourselves get too distracted sometimes and we forget, the upper elite would have no hesitation sacrificing Israel for the sake of their world empire. If they weren't so tribal and willing to ignore evil for the sake of their group, 'not all jews' would be a reasonable position.
Jaxson Howard
Say do you think there's any way we could stay in contact. I think I would rather enjoy talking to you further.
Ryder Perez
In the US you can lose your job for not supporting BLM, not being a feminist, saying things against muslims, being rude to gays, sending a naughty message in highschool to girls etc...
In the UK you can get arrested for talking too loudly in the street, and people have lost their jobs for tweeting against trannies.
Benjamin Smith
It would also be unrealistic to expect an Israeli jew to countenance any doubt about the holocaust. They surely believe it with all sincerity.
Eli Hall
>I like to use Pol as an opportunity to ask people like you questions like this I dig it.
>I wrote articles about their expansion into the seas Nice. Absolutely a really interesting and dangerous development. Israelis are aware of it but it just seems really far and out of our scope. But I'm sure the heigher ups are aware of the bigger game here - China is highly reliant on Iranian oil and are getting involved in africa - totally relevant to us.
Nicholas Nelson
Yeah, I remember writing my first one about it. The Australians sold one of our ports China
Colton Brown
For that reason I'm glad my generation is becoming conservative. Already I have heard numerous zoomers talk about how they hate gays, one time a zoomer took a gay pride poster and urinated on it in the bathroom.
Joseph Walker
I cut this one off because I think windows 10 is going to shittily force me to restart before I could finish communicating with you. It hasn't happened yet, though.
Andrew Miller
You don't see that on Jow Forums every day. Not sure how we could go about that without doxing each other. you're welcome to put in some contact info here and I'll reply.
Juan Price
>love how there's nothing about Jews or Antisemitism in that
Uh he was part of the TRS radio network, antisemitism and talking about jews is all they do all day. He lost his job at the state department and now has a permanent SPLC article, first result when you google his name. In America, that ruins you
Mason Peterson
I'm not entirely sure how, either. Do you have steam, we could make throw aways and exchange public PGP keys here, possibly
Just an idea.
Logan Butler
Just use a throwaway email, there are numerous providers out there
Jayden Anderson
This..but also to add they wanted to perpetuate the evilwhiteman trope infinity. Cant tell children actual world history that basically everyone below the equator were demonic cannibalists cutting out one anothers hearts when white people showed up. They conviently leave that part out. Just bad white colonizers is all they teach
Christopher Hill
Here's Moshe's fav place to hang out. Contact him thru Rabbi Mohel
Yeah but then anyone can message the email, the keys would help to ensure the verity of the one we were communicating with. Especially since the poster here has the poster ID to match the key to.
Joseph Long
you could have done the curtacy of sending a link to something that confirms your claim. Now we're just back to you asking me to go looking for it. Seriously, if it was such a big thing, you'd be able to show me an example. Just a reminder: Your claim was that it's enough for some rando user to send a rumor to someone that you're an antisemite, and your life's ruined. You're still at squre one on this.
Kevin Roberts
Most jews are not conservative they are overwhelmingly liberal
Jordan Morgan
interested as I am user, I'm on my tablet in bed at 1:30 AM and getting up means waking up my fiance most likely, so that'll be a no on the steam idea for me. Whatever contact you send me I'll reply happily.
Hmmm, that must be the reason why there hasn't been a left wing government in Israel since the beginning of the century.
Easton Garcia
>I was too timid in middle school to ask my Lesbian 6th period teacher so please answer my questions Jow Forums Kiddo you have to be 18 to post here. Although I started browsing /b/ when I was 12, so I dunno.
In short, just keep lurking to find the answers you need. Jewish mafia wants to promote Zionism in order to keep their people secure.
They view Europeans and Asians as their biggest competion and threat. They aren't worried about Africa at all. And when it comes to Latin Americans they worry about them to a much lesser extent because they can manipulate and create brutal drug cartels to keep their populations distracted on those problems rather than worrying about international Jewish banks (Look up Rothschilds). Jewish Zionist mafia runs the central banks of the world, except Iran and North Korea.
Jews weren't killed by Hitler on mass, that wasn't the plan. They were being deported to Palestine. It was the Allies during WWII that bombed the German logistical train lines, which forced the Germans, who were fighting a war on all three sides, to shift their food deliveries to the front lines. This made it nearly impossible to get food to the Prisoners. >But why were there still jews in Germany if they were being deported? Many Jews were being processed to leave, but as the war started, they became trapped at the processing facilities. That's why many were in concentrated areas. But once the Allies bombed the rail lines, they couldn't transport them across the country and deport them any longer.
Towards the bottom it mentions Finstock hanging with David Irving, which is a no-no in 2019.
Parker Cruz
Ill adress some questions that have not been answered already. I will try ti avoid the whole holocaust can of worms since i dont want to get into a shitflinging contest. also israelanon adressed most of those already. >Why did Germany invade Poland? Why did he invade Austria and Czckslovikia? Austria and Czechoslovakia were rather anexed than invaded. See, after WW1 and germany's surrender, the other powers took a lot of territories from the germans. What you mean with those invasions are the nazis "taking back" german soil. Indeed, most of the people in those places were culturally german. Poland was the first step of the imperialization phase. It wasnt anymore about getting back all germans into one fold, but about creating an empire. >How come Britain allowed Germany to invade Austria, Czechoslovakia but Poland is an exception? Internationally, the annexations mentioned above were not terribly unpopular, since the people in those places were still "one people". Additionally, Britain was following a policy of appeacement in global politics after the catastrophe of WW1. They hoped that allowing Germany some things would hinder an outright confrontation. The obvious imperialistic tone of the polish invasion changed that.
Jonathan Bell
very cool. ttyl
Blake Evans
Brandon Bell
Yep windows tried to shutdown but I postponed it, thankfully. Are you capable of using PGP?
Gabriel Flores
The email is temporary so hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll also need your public key here, so that I can confirm it is indeed you communicating with me and not someone else.
Grayson Rivera
Announcing a sage is forbidden and also why are you against informative threads? Does Jow Forums just like BBC threads and is x white threaads?
Xavier Reed
I've been here since 7th grade, I'm not a newfag since I've browsed for 3 years and soon to be 4. I'm also 16 which to most countries is adult age.
Luis Long
Righhht. So lets just get this straight - dude works at the US state department, a whole trove of evidence comes out that he's an activist in a subversive ideological orginization, and so he gets fired. (no, I'm not going to bother reading for alll the details).
Do you think the state department would accept if one of theiir officials was an active communist, or an active black nationalist?
some user put out a rumor about some rando that he hates kikes, so his normal corporate job was lost forever.
Yes, under CERTAIN circumstances you'll lose your job if you're an active member of fringe groups of whatever kind (and yes, Jow Forums does not represent the general US culture), you'll get in trouble. Yes, it's less in vogue these days to be a Nazi than to be a faggot. Do you think it was cool to be a Nazi after WW2 too? I mean really man, you're really cluching at straws.
Ethan Gray
Thanks for the information. History class never went into the why Germany did what they done.
Henry Lee
oh... well I have no doubt I can do PGP but like I said I'm on my tablet in the middle of the night, so any PC related activity will have to wait to tomorrow morning (as in, about seven hours from now)
Jackson Hall
How about I'll just send you evidence that I'm in Israel
Jaxon Ross
>Do you think the state department would accept if one of theiir officials was an active communist, or an active black nationalist?
Well, they would actually be more likely to hire him if he were one of those.
>Under CERTAIN circumstances you'll lose your job if you're an active member of fringe groups of whatever kind
This is the rub - what is fringe to you, is normal to me. Therefore, the mainstream is the fringe. I can't get anyone fired for anti-racism because it's subsidized socially.
>Jow Forums doesn't represent the general US culture
This board certainly does, check out the daily traffic. Millions of people come here every day and post things that cannot be posted on "watched" social media, because you're disincentivized from speaking the truth.
Noah Young
That's not as air tite and it would be simpler just to give me a public key from your current poster ID. I know it's a little bit of a hassle but if you could that would make it air tight. Otherwise your ID will change.
Colton Murphy
Air tight*
I'm sure an elaborate enough user that was going to jump through the hoops of stuff like pgp would be able to imitate some proof of isreal.
Kevin Walker
>- Why was WW2 explored more than Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians and Egyptians? Because WWII is dope af dude. It was a huge war with motherfucking TANKS.
Dylan Ward
Fair point WW2 is very interesting but they focus too much on the holocaust and not what transpired.
Ryan Hughes
>would actually be more likely to hire him if he were one of those I have no doubt that in any public office in the land people lean left, which is typical for people who get their salary from the govermnet. Having sayd that, no. you're living on myth. You would get booted out of the state department if you were an active member of a communist organization. Heck you'd get booted out if you did something too embarassing at a football game. you're being rediculous.
>what is fringe to you, is normal to me That's not how the word fringe works.
>check out the daily traffic Alexa? alexa.com/siteinfo/Jow Forums.com >This site ranks: >#197,789 >in global internet engagement >global
For some people, realizing that the edgy things that people say on Jow Forums aren't actual gospel truth, is the ultimate redpill.
Andrew Taylor
this, and it is also a damn good opportunity to take over the world domination, first the denazification (criticism of jews is forbidden, there are no races, etc.) and then the complete destruction of culture by subversion, until the host completely annihilates himself...
i had to write lots of exams on the antebellum stuff when i was younger, glad to help.
Also i get that getting the info on boards like this is easier and less boring, but i do recommend just reading some dry ass books on it. You will get a much deeper understanding of what actually happened than anyone could give you over here.
Andrew Collins
alright two parts:
Adam Lee
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: FlowCrypt 6.9.9 Gmail Encryption Comment: Seamlessly send and receive encrypted email
no beds were left or fiance's awakened in the making of this key
Cameron Cook
Awesome! We can use my temp to develop more formal correspondence.
Joshua Robinson
Haha, my wife and I are in our room right now. I try not to wake her up just going to the bathroom at 2 AM. Know how it is
Carter Hughes
>Heck you'd get booted out if you did something too embarrassing at a football game
I never said that was a good thing, however, if the US was really a white nationalist country run by evil white men, with racist foundings and racist policies, then Finstock would never have been fired. The antifa left over here argues that we're under some sort of white nationalist kleptocracy, you can imagine how far from reality that ends up being from where you're standing, with your unique perspective as (((greatest ally)))
Josiah Collins
Wife and me are in our bedroom, I suppose is more proper.
So anyway, I knew a few military people who went over to your country. What is goin on all the time? I was made to believe it was a place of fear to be outside the base and without a group on.
Sush goy... I mean guy we are just having a conversation nothing to see here...
Nicholas Parker
>Jews >Prevent revolts >Zyclon b becomes gas when exposed to water and heat, the gaschambers serve as a controlled environment to facilitate the reaction and house the jews long enough for it to take place. >Wooden doors are cheaper, don't need an absolute vacuum to contain the gas. Their quarters were not near the gas chambers and most likely didn't care if it leaked into other areas nearby occupied by jews. >What are you new? Aside from killing Jesus, Lord of the Christians, they have a long history of unscrupulous financial trickery. You only need a sliver of truth anyways to genocide a people. >Even if they were malnourished there is still fat left in the body. The same way you make leather from any other animal. >Anne Frank's diary was found left in her hiding spot >Communism and fascism have opposing ideals. Homosexuality corrodes the nuclear family which was at the the core of Nazism and is a mental disorder >Typhus could also spread to germans >They tried a lot of methods but burning was a sure way to prevent disease >It could support a population that size but whether that is an accurate figure or not is another question entirely. >Land >Appeasement, they did not want to restart ww1 but once Poland fell they had no choice >Jews
Chase Lopez
>if the US was really a white nationalist country run by evil white men, with racist foundings and racist policies dude you watch waaaaay too much CNN
> The antifa left "the fringe on that side say the center is radical right, while I, sitting on this fringe, say the center is radical left, obviously, I'm right".
>you can imagine how far from reality that ends up being from where you're standing, with your unique perspective as... No. I can't. I actually can't. Do you know why that is? because I'm not the fictional character you have in your head. I'm just a dude with libertarian leanings, in bed, in my underware, wasting time on Jow Forums. I follow all the shit about SJW madness and clownworld and antifa being nuts. I enjoy infowars and Gavin Mcinness and Tommy Robinson etc.. I'm just a little bit more aware of the complexity of the world than you are bro. The only people who think you live under a white nationalist cleptocracy are the ones who are as nuts as you are to believe you live under the thumb of the all powerfull kikespiracy.
Blake Carter
The obvious answer to most of these is that they killed women and children, but worked the men to death because they needed the production to win the war. So the men were being taken care of just enough to have a slave population.
Christian Williams
the great burdain of us noncels
Michael Gomez
>"yeah, i'm Jewish, but not like, PRACTICING Jewish" probably the most jewish kind of jew in existence