YES! Italian ports are open again!

>Italy’s new left-leaning government has authorised 82 migrants to disembark from an NGO rescue ship, marking a break from the hardline immigration measures of the former interior minister Matteo Salvini.

>It is the first time this year that Rome has allowed the disembarkation of an NGO rescue vessel. Previously ships carrying migrants had been barred from Italian ports.

>The Norwegian-flagged Ocean Viking, operated by the French charities SOS Méditerranée and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), asked Italian and Maltese authorities on Wednesday for safe haven for its passengers.

>The new coalition in Rome formed of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) and the centre-left Democratic party (PD) granted permission for them to disembark in Lampedusa, Sicily, on Saturday.

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Everyday i lose more and more faith in democracy.

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do you know who else mistakenly relied on Italians?

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A blacker Europe is a better Europe

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Far right anti-migrant politician meets with other far right anti-migrant politician. What were you trying to accomplish by posting this photo?

With Jews you lose.

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european ethnostate for libya fuck muslims jannies kikes and niggers

People really need to start protesting and blocking exits and stuff, and I'm talking about targeting the responsible politicians, not the migrants - (((they))) would just not care while playing deeply concerned and further restricting the right-wing in their "fight against racism". The M5S and PD traitors should have no quiet moment from now on, they are aiding a fucking invasion of Europe.

Wow, what an unexpected surprise.

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Human trafficking is WOKE.

it's the usual "muh trip to Israel" pictures the shills always put out.
ordinary administration here on 4cuck

I give that gubermint 6 months.

Italy needs blacks. Italy is weak and old. Italy cannot survive without strong Africans.

Also reminder that a member of the new leftie govt literally said "let's learn from Talmud how to get along to fight the hate spread by Salvini".
I wish I was joking.

Italian ports - blacked edition

thats what you get for trying to lay claims on rightful CROAT clay

Istra, Rijeka, Zadar i Dalmacija, not Istria, Fiume, Zara e Dalmazia, ok?

You only need one leftist government to destroy the fabric of the country forever.

im glad italy is finally helping those in need


So now that they finally are admitting these people are migrants and not refugees, under what European or national immigration law are they being admitted? Why do we have boats travelling the Mediterranean in search of migrants?

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Migration compact.

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Are there any laws at all to can stop NGOs, or was it just Salvini's force of will?

How the fuck did italy fuck this up?

Salvini made specific decrees, new govt will tear them down.

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Boris continues May's policy of turning the '''''Border force''''' into a de facto water taxi service for Al Qaeda/ISIS/Al Nusra. It's OK, they may be illegal today but BoJo the son of a Jewess who is more Turk than Brit is going to enact a blanket amnesty if he wins the next election.

And then (((they))) wonder why people is sick of """democracy""" these days...

Democracy doesn't work because the majority are retards. Time to erect the guillotines and fix your mess, Italy.

I take solace in the fact that young Italians are increasingly embracing Fascism and far right politics just like their grandparents did.

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Go back to ukraine, slav

>He havent completely post faith in It after 3 years of no Brexit


jesus christ

also the absolute state of wikipedia

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The fuck are you on about?
YOU burgers decide what happens in Italy!
Dunno if you fucking forgot, bit we were An axis country.
We STILL have your bases in our land.
We dont decide shit.
You ( and thus your jewish masters) own Us, and are genociding us.

UwU henlo pitzer frens

Prepare for mass rebellion against this goverment.
PD and M5S are over.


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Based wikipedia creating fear porn.

My friend thought I was crazy when I drunkenly blurted out that Wikipedia has a pronounced left-wing bias.

Dont worry about that.
Worry if the Americans start conflicts in the Balkans, The Gulf and the South China sea, cripping the global energy market.
Also, worry if the Americans drop Us from their system. We ll be' dead in a year economically.

He didn't have much of a choice on the matter.

we've been economically agonizing since the end of first republic, wake the fuck up.

I think Italy is more prone to it as they have recovered remarkably bad since the 2008 financial crisis. A lot of young people there are unemployed and have a feel of overall hopelessness and that the EU has failed them.

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You are insane.
The global market made Us into the 4th larghest holders of Gold, on the PLANET.
We used the safe trade routes ( patrolled by the USA ) to take in raw goods, work them, and shop them wherever they were nedded.
We are now struggling cause we gave women rigths, and they fucked the family, and the population growth.
But if the burgers dont patrol the trade routes for us, we are a dead nation.

>anti-establishment Five Star Movement
>doing something specifically aligned with the "establishment"
Might as well label themselves Socialists and implement laws to kill Communists.

They are gonna be decimated in the next elections. At least they should be.

as if gdp means anything

italians still have a healthy culture. most european countries and the anglosphere don't.

They're getting too bold. Italians don't give a fuck about historic guilt cults

Kill politicians

Wait wasn't 5 star a populist party? What bullshit is this?

No, we started struggling because traitors from the left sold this country piece by piece to (((international firms))), deindustrialized the country, privatized everything they could put their hands on, especially privatized central bank, divorced it from minisrty of treasoury, illicitly get us into EU with fraudolent financial valuations, and bound us to a currency we cannot control so that it's too "strong" for our economy at the advantage of Germany.
Grow up, fren.

>He thinks we Italians decided anything
>He doesnt understand the implications of having American nukes on our soil
Dude, As soon As Fascism fell, and we entered Brettenwood, we lost all of our indipendence.
That happened before your privatization.
And that, by the way, was the implementation of Churchill's plan to avoid another world war, that is to say, ti give power back to Germany by fucking up all the nations around her before they could rise us.

I missed this completely, what happened to Salvini? Why is there a left-leaning government now?

When Spicy Time kicks off there aren’t going to be enough guillotines to go around.

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me...

> Listen guys, I've been saying it FOR YEARS, based zoomers will save the white race, and who other than BASED MEDS, like myself, I'm a Med, my last name is irrelevant and the fact that I'm a chubby manlet political sperg living in fucking circumcised heaven of Jewmerica is also irrelevant, I'm full blown Med and MEDS are RISING, zoomers are rising, gamers rising, boomers gex millenials are gay cringe. I've been saying it for years, Salvini and the Meds will save Europe and the Aryan race. I'm always right, 9000IQ and I'm 6'9 get it, funny ironic quip about my height.

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The west need to fall

Salvini proposed elections.
The anti-establishment ( now full jewish ) 5 stat movement stabbed him in the back and allied itself with the Democratic party.
And now?
Now we get genocided in our Homeland, so that your nation will rise up over Us.
Hell yea, amirite?
I love jewish people SO much!!

representative democracy is a scam

direct democracy has merit but representative democracy is all about scamming the voters, manipulation, saying one thing and doing the other. there is no reason why we cant have direct democracy is this day and age

always remember that anyone who is saying they are for democracy but don't advocate for direct democracy is scamming you

Poor Alan Kurdi, he will never grow up to rape of these fine women.

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You have confused ideas imo.
No offense.

salvini stepped down to force an election
the election did not go according to plan

RIP Italy then, so do we leave now or what?

If there is no direct action in response by civilians Italy will be lost.

Dude, its pretty simple, we lost a world war.
We were conquered economically and military by the americans ( thus by those who control the americans, the jews).
Since then we had only the illusion of choice.
Thats why i said when Salvini was in power: "doesnt matter, the jews will flood Us with immigrants and Ebola, only this time they ll try to be' quieter about It".
And lo and behold.
Democracy is a sham, kid, and soon this utopia will end.
Look at the Gulf, Balkans, and South China Sea.
Summer is ending.

>Democracy is a sham,
Never denied that.
As far as I am concerned, my patience is running out.

>do we leave now
You Italian?
If so, i suggest you look into It if you have the means and dont have too much of An attachment.
Either that, or buy Gold/Silver.
If you are from germany instead, fuck off.

I meant from western Europe, there is no point in staying, i am pretty sure

>direct democracy
>allowing your urban centers and massively shifting demographics to determine the fate of everyone else in the country

you cant help but be a living meme can you

>my patience is running out
I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation.
If so, you would be' shitting yourself and preparing instead of getting angry.

If you are in Framce or Germany you migth be' good ( unless there is massive civil unrest ).
Personally, i would look into places that your country is friendly with ( for example, its Brasil and Argentina for Us), and i would also look into gold/silver and land/food, so you can be' prepared for long term, and short term, whatever happens.

yes... yes... they are overextending
hand rubbing intensity

If you're implying some meme WW3 is impending, I would be glad to finally see everything go down the shitter instead of going on in this slow agony, but sorry there's not gonna be any of that.

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They've been overextending for fucking decades and no one will ever do anything about it. They're just gloating and running victory laps at this point because they've won.

I feel ashamed to be Italian. Italians voting away Salvini to get raped by some thirsty Africans.

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Trips of Truth.

Probably not.
But from where im sitting It looks like we r gonna have either a global depression, or something worse ( ranking from nukes, to famines ) if the USA really pull out of the Global World Order.
Again, if i were you i ll look into metals to preserve and "ice up" your wealth, and into land/food to not starve.
Or it could be that we ll simply be' slowly genocided in our homeland.. But i think that we ll go "Greece" soon enough.

Meh. Italians are nigger rape babies anyway. They were pretty much African before this, which explains why they're just sitting back and letting full niggers fuck their women. Italian "men" are pathetic.

I think civil unrest is a very optimistic idea, reality is probably much more disturbing and disgusting. The same as now will keep happening, people will be outraged, nothing will change, until none of us are left. Better leave

I see at least 2 Jews in there.

>But i think that we ll go "Greece" soon enough.
Yes, this was the plan all along.
Svendita totale.
Leftists have been doing it for decades now.

Wash tour mouth, faggot.
You are talking to the country that gave the world nitroglicerin ( TNT ), plastics, telephone, nuclear energy and the best art made on the planet.

They didn't vote him away. The orignal coalition of his party and the 5 Stars are what formed the government after the last election. 5 Stars have been acting like bitches while Salvini's popularity has gone up. He decides to call for new elections, which would help him and his party get more control, and reduce the influence of the 5 Stars. The 5 Stars decided to align with the left wing Democrats to form new government and prevent new elections, and now we're here with the left wingers in control without the people getting a chance to vote for another 4 years until they are legally required to hold another election.

Well put, Kraut

^that's not an argument.

You forgot fascism.

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It's like a page from "300"

That's not what happened. Don't be a dumb Guido

t. A paid Jewish person

Salvini will start a revolution and take over
Supported by your local masonic lodge

I think the concern is that elected, representative politicians betrayed the will of the people to get all of this started. If people voted directly on things, it never would've happened. Of course, either way, with Jewish propaganda being as influential as it is, we might've ended up here anyway.

Dunno about that desu.
While its different ( and better ) than comunism, we recicled a lot from Napoleon.
So, i think that France should take that one to be fair..

What do you mean?
I mean.. Its kinda Real Life, you know?

That's how it works. It's why we're seeing women being thrusted into so many powerful positions. They're such good, unquestioning slaves. The perfect puppets.

>Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
How much do you think it would cost to hire Militaires Sans Frontières to fix Europe's government problem?

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I thought this guy was anti immigration

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Why is he letting them in? Wtf?

I don't get paid for this.

Dear Italy

By all means go ahead and kill democracy again. We have no will to fight anymore and likely won't until we can rebuild our tariff and production system that was torn down in the 1900's. Besides, France and Germany have been consistently hostile and are militarily weak. You still have the carabinieri. Further, consider pic related. You don't have a republic, you don't even have a democracy. Kill the meme, endure dictatorship for a small while and then make a republic that actually works. We'll have to do the same anyway, we have too many radicals on our own soil.

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Io voto PD