Can I get a quick rundown on why Yugoslavia turned to shit
Can I get a quick rundown on why Yugoslavia turned to shit
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As usual, it's the serbs
Tension between Croatia (leaded by Tudman) and Serbia mainly...
Greater Serbia disguised as le tolerant socialist union.
i'm old enough to remember this country being a somewhat great power
You bombed the White City.
It started to fall off economically (chronic issue with communism of Europe in that time), and the western parts of it (slovenia and croatia) felt like they were being dragged down by the rest, so the seceded..
youll be given some fairy tales about
>its cause serbian nationalism
>its cause croatian nationalism
cause simpletons believe what they were told by the politicians. Truth is it is always about the money.
1978, Albania sets up a mission consular within New York and the UN, as well as DC, and begins coordinating communications.
1983: Croatian fucks bomb the Statue of Liberty, and the Senate Building in DC.
Albanians point out that this is what awaits them, and their colony, Kosovo, after the Fall of Communism, which most political scientists predict will happen in the early 1990's.
1989, Communism falls. Factions uniting Christians in Bosnia, Serbia, and Kosovo, and Croatia begin squaring off against the only Muslim European nation, Albania.
Albania funds landmines, and murders of Christian Serbs and Croats, (Bosnians are Serbs, still), and the fighting begins. Muslims within the Serbian national territory, as well as the Croatian borders, are forced to leave.
Fighting breaks out between UN backed, and armed Albanians, and Serb and Croatians.
Second war breaks out, mainly over indiscriminate murders of Serbs and Croats by Albanian backed Muslim terrorists. This begins a period of fighting 1991-2000, in which
>Serbia and Croatia no longer are allied
>Albania secures independence for Kosovo
>UN intervention.
Right. Globalism was asserted by trying to insist this was true, to include the CIA/German backed Assassination of Zoran Đinđić: in which Serb Nationalism was criminalized, by trying to force a false narrative that they assassinated Đinđić.... Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Serbian and Croatian Alliance was "divided and conquered" intentionally, by foreign powers
Jews told us to bomb them so we the dumb goyim did and succeeded destabilizing it
thanks man
first reagan the madlad crashed the yugo economy with no survivors, then because of poverty serbs chimped out about how they're not appreciated and should run yugoslavia all by themselves
slovenes and croats disagreed
slovenes got off easy because who gives a fuck about slovenia
croats had to fight to survive
then when we got stronger and managed to convince America that serbs are the cancer killing the balkans, we BTFOd them in a west approved ethnic cleansing and purged our lands of serbs for all times
also bosnia was a total clusterfuck due to being what amounts to a mongrel state, a strange mutt like construct made of serbs, croats and mudslimes who all hated each others
wtf kind of fanfic is this?
First part true.
Second part actually went like this:
By the Yugoslav constitution no country had the right to just leave Yugo whenever they wanted to, Yugo army tried to forcefully implement the constitution to savages + payback to croats for Jasenovac ww2 and fuck muslims because muslims.
Then the west sperged out because muhh genocide which never even happened, supported the eternal croat in fucking up everything and then croats purge serbs from serb native lands via ethnic cleansing.
Fixed it for ya kraut ball licker.
>Enver works with americans somehow
>Croats (civilians) in Kosovo
Fuck off nigger. You lost the wars because of yourself. Murica and UN saw this as an opportunity to weaken you and we did it. Next one is....
1981 Kosovo protests played a role too.
And we delivered the final blow in 1999 as well.
Yugoslavia was a fake creation made up of different countries and held together by a socialist dictator. Of course it would fall apart when Tito died.
The Serbs did nothing wrong.
except exist
It was actually created by the serbian king Aleksandar Karadjordjevic as an alliance of slavs, it was the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes first then later became Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Communism ruined everything and the thanks serbs get from liberating croats and bosniaks from Austro-Hungary was ethnic cleansing of serbs + murdering our King with bulgarians on their side.
Pro tip: We were actually offered to annex all of you scum into Greater Serbia after the balkan wars but were stupidly friendly and let you have equal rights in the Kingdom that was rightufully ours so fuck all of you and your revisionist histories. Fuck your people and fuck your traitorous countries you absolute scum of the earth.
without going into ww2 era revenge fanfics, I just wanted to say - what did you expect would happen?
to be fair, initially, a vast majority of both slovenes and croats were OPPOSED to independence, and only wanted to reform the federation to give constituent republics more authority, primarily that republic taxes stay in the republics that collected them instead of being shipped to belgrade so serbs could fund their imperialist wet dreams on kosovo; then the emergency party congress happened where serbs absolutely did not want to compromise (don't even try to semantics your way out of that one, its all on camera) which lead to the slovene and croat commies to leave
it was only then that independence talk started gaining actual traction
yugoslavia would have survived if the CIA didn't let milosević coup succeed and stanbolić stayed in charge in serbia instead
as for ww2 shit, well honestly I don't even give a fuck, I've had more than enough muh ustaše muh partizani shit crammed down my throat by our traitor government to have to listen to muh ustaše muh četnici muh partizani muh jasenovac by serbs as well
So why aren't there any chimp outs in Serbia today?
TL;DR I dont care about your idio revisionist history.
Read And die.
TL;DR its everybody's fault except us
Read And have a nice life.
You are correct sir.
>be balkans
>filled to the brim with probably a dozen or so ethnicities
>speak half a dozen languages
>split apart by byzantines, bulgarians, italians, austrians, and fucking TURKS for the entirety of your existence
>end of WW1
>ottomans and austrians are gone, this woodrow wilson guy is talking about "self-determination of peoples"
>"awesome, now we get to rule oursel-"
>get lumped into "yugoslavia" aka greater kingdom of serbia
>ruled by serbs for over 20 years
>fragments the second it enters WW2
>end of WW2
>"thank god that's over, now we can-"
>yugoslavia still exists and everything returns to the way it was, except its socialism
>but we're ruled by a beloved war hero, so it's alright i guess
>beloved war hero leader dies
>immediately starts to come apart
you cannot put a dozen or so different ethnic groups together, all of whom speak different languages and practice different religions and somehow expect to have a remotely stable nation
well not with that kind of defeatist attitude
the fall of yugoslavia 2: commie bogaloo was "helped along" by foreign powers you can be sure of that user
I read it.
Still doesnt change the fact that you were GIVEN freedom and rights by US. GIVEN. We died in the wars to liberate those lands, we fought and bled while you kept tending the horses of the krauts, we GAVE you everything you did not earn it nor did you have any right to take it. We were foolish to ever trust you and form an alliance Kingdom, should've annexed and genocided you when we could because thats exactly what you did to us later. Thanks a lot friend.
yes, NATO helped a collapsing state collapse in 10 years instead of 20, totally disproves my point
>You cannot put a dozen or so different ethnic groups together, all of whom speak different languages and practice different religions and somehow expect to have a remotely stable nation
Says a dude from a country LITERALLY made of said different peoples etc.
Are you retarded?
ah don't you just love the sound of OBJECTIVE, NUANCED AND TOTALLY UNBIASED (source: just trust me bro) historical narratives on Jow Forums?
ah well, I can see that any kind of debate based on widely acknowledged facts will be an exercise in futility since you'll just call those facts "anti-serbian propaganda", "revisionist history" or "ustaše fantasies"
I don't deny that NDH commited a great evil on Serbs and that NDH should have been punished greatly for that evil. But calling for the wholesale genocide of our people because SOME of our assholes TOOK power given by Germans (ustaše were never, ever elected by Croats into power) isn't exactly just or fair either. Croat enthusiasm for NDH lasted for about two weeks, then people saw just what kind of assholes are in charge now and joined the partizan resistance in droves. (yes, surprising that there was a great deal of Croats in the partizans isn't it?)
honestly I'm just tired of fighting with serbs all the time with the same tired rehashed, fed to us by biased high school history textbooks, "arguments"
Because diversity is strenght
If it wasnt for communism the Kingdom would've survived and probably evolved into a system like the UK has but no one on the west wanted that, no sir, cant have a strong slavic Kingdom being successful like that, gotta fuck it up.
YOU are retarded because you just proved my point
my country isn't stable for all the same reasons yugoslavia isn't - we maintain a decent majority for the time being, but the cracks are beginning to form and in the next 20 years, we'll get balkanized or worse
Fuck off albozerg
a kingdom of half a dozen ethnicities ruled over by an ethnicity that made up 30-35% of the population wouldn't have survived at all, in fact, communism prolonged yugoslavia's shelf life because it tried to pretend like all those ethnic tensions in the balkans either didn't exist, or ended with the last world war since they liberated their nation "together"
This. Easier to control Balkan states if they are split up and constantly fighting eachother
Well since you offered to end this peacefully and are obviously not one of Ustase supporters I will cease insulting you and I apologize for calling on genocide of your people.
I just hate when we get blamed for everything and all we wanted was a cool slavic kingdom that would fuck the krauts in the ass.
You are the leading superpower in world mate and trust me it wont change any time soon.
Tell me how the #1 nation on the planet is weak and unstable? Just because you have protests and political scandals? Lol dude
>It's the Serbs!
NO. It's the Croats!
Seems to me that the cause is trying to force Croats and Serbs to live in the same state. Why wouldn't you expect this to end in bloodshed?
rome's fate was sealed the minute it was divided in two, yet it took over a century for it to collapse
you're right, our position as the world's #1 superpower won't change for a long time, but that doesn't change we're becoming an increasingly unstable shithole that will fall at some point before the turn of the century
>nigger tab
>nigger country
>calling other people niggers
As soon as Yuhoslavians started viewing Croatian and Serbian as separate languages national unity was lost.
We were fine throughout history until the ww2. Croats and Serbs are brotherly tribes, or at least were but now everything is fucked due to bad history and nowadays politicians on both sides.
I dont think the US will ever fall honestly, its power just keeps growing uncontrolably but I guess time will tell who was right.
>We were fine throughout history until the ww2.
All of 20 years. Cool
And even in that time there were serious tensions between the Croats and Serbs. The reason why the Ustasha hated you guys so much is because of the arrogant way that Serbs ruled over Croatia.
>Croats and Serbs are brotherly tribes
That's not how they see it. This "brotherly relationship" only ever seems to be one sided... and then Serbs start trashing the Croats anyway.
The USA is a paper tiger. The only reason why it is still around is because no one is trying to pull it down. Our military is pathetic mercenaries. Everyone hates each other almost as much as Yugoslavians hated each other. And instead of having productive minorities, we have unproductive minorities.
It fills good having that privilege. Not as if you understand what it feels like to live in a country with no niggers
Niggers > Albanians
Well... alright then...
This is a first.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now?
Joking aside, what I think we should do is make peace with our past and each other, if the French and Germans (who did way, way, WAY more shit to each others over their histories than Croats and Serbs could hope to do in 10 WW2s) could find the strength to reconcile, I don't see any reason why Croats and Serbs shouldn't reconcile either (other than traitorious ZOG politicians whose sole purpose is to divide et impera the brainlet yugoboomers into signing away our sovereignty to the globohomo EU all because that's "exactly opposite of what the big bad ustaše/četnici wants you to do!"
After all, Croatia joined NATO (American puppet mastery) and EU (jewish white genocide globohomo project) all under the justification of "safety from Serbian aggression"...
And yeah, on the matter of ustaše, I personally blame our really bad educational system and the fact that commies had a tendency to overexaggerate the tales of (real) atrocities to the point that right leaning Croats decided it was fiction and ustaše were based after all. Croatia needs an ACTUAL fascist movement, not some Italian funded LARP group of thugs and bandits who sold half the country to the eternal dago for pennies.
Tito died, he was the only thing holding all those different cultures together.
Nah m8, the divide et impera tactics go way back before WW2, as far back as Austria Hungary, as the Hungarians feared a Croat-Serb alliance within A-H as a potent political force that could actually extort a third crown from Vienna so Hedervary engaged in a policy of making Croats jelly at Serbs for being promoted over Croats instead of Croats being pissed at Hungarians for being giant assholes. It didn't work (in that Croats still hated Hungarians) but it made Croats salty at Serbs as well.
Then a bunch of other shit happened in both WW1 and KoY that had sown the seeds of Croat-Serb animosity, but I can't be bothered with writing it all out because I'm tired.
Who the fuck are you nigger lover to judge what type of race we are?
You where not even worh of time to s*rbs thats why they abandoned you in 2 days.
Fuck off faggot go back to lgbt board
>20 years
Croats and Serbs existed longer than that mate we didnt just magically appear one day on the balkans and we were brotherly both ways. The ustase hated us because Hitler said slavs are subhumans and they felt cool since he accepted them as his puppet state, they foolishly thought he likes them.
I dont buy in the fact that people hate each other over there as much as you say, i think its mostly the jew media pushing the narrative in order to divide you but i dont see it happening.
Secondly the US has the strongest navy in the world, able to mobilize to any place in the world realtively fast due to aircraft carriers. No other country in the world can mobilze that fast and it would take a lot of resourses and manpower to do so, it would be suicide attacking you.
Actually if all the countries in the world attacked you together(excluding nukes obviously) STILL it would be very hard to take you down with devestating losses on both sides and in the end you'd probably even win in fending everyone off.
But maybe i'm wrong, I get my info from research but I dont live there so I cant say any thing as being absolutely true obviously.
America was formed by Anglo-Saxons.
It started falling apart when they Jews started destroying it with (((immigration))).
sorry bruh, had to do it. You're stepping out of line
The rest of the states are Latin America tier. Would you want to share the Union with Mexico and Central American states? Thought so
the only way peace can be made is if southern dalmatia (pagania) southern and eastern bosnia goes to the serbs, and you get parts of vojvodina and most of bosnia. It only makes sense
says the canada of the balkans
You have a lower average IQ than niggers in the US, explain yourselves
t. croat diaspora
Truth hurts.
That fat cunt was a victim of war and she thought she wound some “secret pictures” about a girl being raped.
But that shit in the end was found to be nothing more but fucking pornography movie in iraq.
Everyone now makes fun of her.
You're a mutt. fuck off mutt
You too mutt
I do agree that we should have peace and work together to the prosperity of both of our countries, I actually always welcomed croatian tourists here, took them to taverns for a drink and made them feel like home. I am not a hate creator but all we see here regarding Croatia is always: serbs atracked in croatia, serbs denied rights, Jasenovac and Ustase were cool, i cannot help but feel a fiery rage if that really happens in Croatia all the time.
It would be nice to finally have some fucking peace and prosperity in this shithole region.
By 8 points. So what? Plus niggers can't even afford to go to school
>i think its mostly the jew media pushing the narrative in order to divide you but i dont see it happening.
I wasn't redpilled by a White person. I was redpilled by niggers. I kept trying to treat them as equals but they had nothing but hatred for me for being White. Finally I decided that I would stop being a chump.
>the US has the strongest navy in the world
Very true. However this is irrelevant. Great powers are not conquered from without until they have rotted from within. The USA is like the Soviet Union. It looks pretty powerful and has a huge military. But internally it is one serious insurgency away from collapse. 6 men could break US power forever. That's the minimum number I have calculated it would take. The USA survives only because White people can't get their shit together and are too paranoid to meet each other. So long as six men in New York don't know each other, the USA is safe.
As for the Croats and Serbs, you said that you guys were fine throughout all of history until WW2. Well, none of that time was spent in the same state. Different peoples should have different states and institutions to preserve their heritage and cultures in peace and harmony. Not jumbled together competing for political power. That's a recipe for disaster.
So you admit you're a retard?
t. s*rbian diaspora
Fuck off slav niggers
>"Plus niggers can't even afford to go to school"
>admits albanians are 8 points lower than american niggers.
what do you think that makes you dumbass, if nigs are smarter than you and they can't afford to go to school
American IQ is mostly by asians and whitw people, not by niggers as always they are the minority
>just don't mind me sucking some serb dick lmao
The pathetic life of a çefur
What a brainlet. You have a lower IQ than literal niggers in the US
Tito was Soviet agent. Everybody knew he lost his finger in a war yet when he came back home he had all his fingers.
Moreover, after his death the power wasn't consolidated to anyone in particular so it all crumbled with inner tensions as per CIA playbook.
Not to mention that Tuđman mysteriously died after one meeting with Bill Clinton.
I mean, after all it's a failed multicultural and multiethnic state and inner tensions were the ultimate downfall. Just like in a family where children often fight and bicker for little amount of attention and resources from the parents (parents being the soviets and the west).
implying it was ever not shit
I dont understand the six men thing, can you explain?
As for the niggers, I still think its the media pushing them to hate White people and being a little dumber than usual as nigs generally are, they buy the propaganda and act on it. I still dont see the US collapsing like that, it would be a shock for me I have to admit.
>American IQ is mostly by asians and whitw people, not by niggers as always they are the minority
you entirely forgot the point, the slovene wasn't talking about average americans, he was talking about black americans. You're a fucking idiot
Croat frogs and bosina pigs
It's almost like throwing multiple ethnicities in a clusterfuck state doesn't work
>differences of just few IQ points may not be significant due to statistical and sampling errors
>based resource
>be sloven
>highest IQ in Balkans
Do you enjoy your women having niggersex Janez?
>you cannot put a dozen or so different ethnic groups together
How about similar ethnic groups with very similar languages. Can you say Germany?
Tell that to the kingdom of Persia. Had multiple states In one, cia niggers and Alexander ruined that one.
Know your place shitskin manlet
Wait a minute...
Last time I checked, Albania's IQ was at 90.
And last time I checked, Africans in America were at 70 or 75. What's up with this math?
Nogs hate White people. You can say that it's the media or education or even lead in the pipes but this is an irrelevant issue. The important fact is that they hate us and many want to kill us. That is not just going to go away and is one of many fracture points in America that make America look like Yugoslavia. Then we have mexicans who I fortunately don't need to experience but people who live around them tell me that they're even worse because they're organized.
>I dont understand the six men thing, can you explain?
It would take about 6 men (assuming no one wants to be a suicide bomber) to completely wreck the NYC electronic grid. Two men on the outside (molotovs and substations) and two men in the inner city to deliver VBIEDs to two different critical locations. One is the critical substation on e. 13th st and the other is the main power plant. Two men tail the vehicals to pick up the men once they have deposited their load.
I'm not advocating illegality. I am merely stating what could happen in the future.
Want to know how I know you're not true German?
70 to 75 is real african tier, not african american
don't listen to the (((media))) we get the same kind of shit peddled to us over here "muh vucic cetnik" "muh velika srbija" "muh srbi ovo srbi ono" blah blah blah
they're all owned by the same kikes anyways, just like the sellout """""""leadership""""""" of our two states
end result: croatia suffered more population loss to EU migration than to the war; now due to labor shortages we're being told more and more about the "necessity" of foreign workers by the (((press))) while our leaders cuck to bruxelles in every conceivable way so they can secure positions for themselves (like the recent naming of dubravka suica as EU demographics commissioner top fucking kek a commissioner from a country in demographic free fall - I can already guess "her" policy agenda - lets import more niggers and rapefugees!!!111!! xD based ((((christian)))) democracy
they're all liars user
liars and thieves
No. That's 65. Check your map.
>ooogaaa booogaaa what de italian gibz tu meh?
No it was legit the Serbs. Slovenians and Croatians had no interest in living in Greater Serbia. Serbia legit believed Yugoslavia meant Serbia.
You could do it easier than that
t. Lineman
Based Tito died
he was possibly the only man in history to be both based and bluepilled
Keep being a bitter faggot, we all know your compensating for your midget height