British cuisine

>British cuisine

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they have to eat shit like that because they have no teeth

That’s coz they took our knives.

I’ve never seen anyone do this. It’s beans on toast lad, not beans on an untoasted sandwich.

How bout something as lackluster as a “chippy buddy”

If there was some pork in that sandwich, I bet it would taste great.

I use bread as a spoon now saves time and toasting energy.

Phwor, looks fukkin lurvley that does mate

>A toast sandwich is a sandwich made with two thick slices of bread in which the filling is a thin slice of toasted bread, which can be heavily buttered.
>Place of origin: United Kingdom

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Have you ever tried it though you D&C paki motherfucker?

no? I didn't think so

You've never heard of a baked beans butty?

I was thinking the same.

Beans on toast is a superior snack btw.

We have a superior version of it called lobiani.

I had that for breakfast...

Better than dogs you slopey little insect.

Who asked your opinion? Either way, who cares about your irrelevant opinion?

lol fuck britin

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british (((people((( are dogs lol

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Wrong,I, a Dago named Luigi have lived among London's Bongs for 2 months and I think I know what is going on with them.

Basically all their food, and I believe a good part of their culture in general, are a product of an hangover (funny how the english Language have a word for that, italians don't)

Let me elaborate, the first thing I noticed when arriving in London was that there were no real English restaurant, the only place that sells English food are...pubs.

also isn't a british breakfast an hangover food, something an alcoholic would think of?

British people are alcoholics, not just now but historically, and their traditional food is something made to coop with this essential part of their life, booze.

*I need to point out that I still love them despite everything, the fact that they are alcoholics just makes me more tollerant towards them.

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Lol Hey Avi , got any drones for sale ?

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I've never consumed a single bean

trips of truth

Pretty much wrong on every count. British restaurants are all over the place, mostly steakhouses and the like, in London it was things like pie and mash shops or places to get a roast dinner. Our food is designed to be heavy and make use of what little we had available. Our cooked breakfast is for labourers who have a long day of hard work ahead of them. And our relationship with beer stems from the fact that to avoid waterborne diseases, we would drink weak ales instead of straight water.

Also, don't aussies throw in beans with some of their dishes?

No it's not.

so what?
Americans stuff turkey with chicken and you put rice on rice

What in the fuck


>calls himself a catalan but never ate seques amb botifarra
Try harder.

no in the fuck it isnt

>italians don't
That's because you're faggots. Most languages have a word for it.

Still beats the lead you lot seem to ingest so readily.

>a chippy buddy
A what? Lol

You haven't tried mixing your beans with brown or hot sauce.

Crisp sandwich?

I thought toast was officially banned in the UK unless you have enough clout to get a severely-restrictes Toast License. Remember?
>Save your hoast, bin that toast

You got a loicense for that insult mate?

It's beans on toast not beans on bread. That looks like when the toaster is on a low heat.

What do you know about food you equate branded flag faggot?

It remains carbs with a lot of sugar. I need something that's actually savory and meat preferably.

Beaner sandwich?

I'm in the mood for some pic related, but it's too late at night.
Gonna have to satiate myself in the moaning with coffee.

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That's the thing. I can never make shooting jokes with Americans because it's ALWAYS too soon. Fuck sake like.

>not curried beans
Britain is multicultural, bigot

No, fried dough.

actually modern british cuisine is microwaveable ready-meals

We have so much plentiful food we make turduckin because we can. Not our fault if the resources are there.

No, beaner would be refried mixed with chorizo and some panela cheese sprinkled in it. Fucking god-tier my dude

More to the point:
>No bacon

Well if that's what you need then eat it but the fact remains that beans on toast is one of best meals ever. Just watch those who have actually eaten it show their approval in this thread. Beans on toast eaters are the type of people that don't actually give a fuck what other people think.


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I'm with you on that. Just a rare euro beaner joke. British food with the exception of meat pies is absolutely awful.

Like I haven't eaten it.

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That's a bit more complex but basically yeah.
Pic related is our basic bitch, but i'll have it no other way. Love it with either feta cheese or just plain with powder sugar over it.

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yeah it's comfort food

i bet every american who shits on beans on toast eats canned macaroni & cheese, fucking animals

Trips of truth

>They need to be drunk to enjoy life and to find the courage to interact with women, yet dare to call other faggots

You are a parody of a human being and you disgust me

Absolutely disgusting


Nobody needs advice on cuisine from the nation that gave the world squirty cheese or those disgusting sweaty yellow squares wrapped in plastic. And outside the cast of shit TV shows like friends where everyone has had tonnes of plastic surgery the real America is full of inbreeds with heads shaped like egg plants or waddling lard asses who take up 5 seats on the bus.

italians drink with every meal bro

Peanut butter and jelly springs to mind too but that macaroni cheese could never match up to beans on toast.

With moderation

It's the same. You can get them without raisins too and we put powdered sugar on it too. They just have to be balls cause they're for new year's eve and should look a bit better than shapeless blobs.

a nation where even the bread has the tang of HFCS has no room to criticize

drinking every day - let alone multiple occasions a day - is not moderate

It's a pity your government didn't apply that moderation mantra to immigration.

Nice projecting, boyo. We get drunk here. Deal with it.

No one eats mac and cheese from a can you inbred brit.

Fink oil ave summa dat!

That's just nasty. I could maybe see one slice of toast with a layer of beans, but a whole sandwich? Puke.

what the fuck is that slop supposed to be

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>X cuisine thread
Has this board just become Jow Forums now or what?


>Russian cousine

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yes the cans are too small

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What's wrong with a bean sandwich?



Bastard roach opinion is irrelevant,scum

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That's a novelty item that lasts 20 years. No one buys that shit to eat. College kids buy it to throw at people or cars.

>College kids buy it to throw at people or cars.
College kids are like 20, right?

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Yeah sure, you burgers must eat out of buckets given how fat most of you are.

People who have no life experience and spend their free time protesting climate change and attending antifa rallies are not adults.

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Show your flag europoor.

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Brits eat faggots.
Not sure how to react to that.

That doesn't look to bad desu.