How do I join the FBI,ATF or secret service?
How do I join the FBI,ATF or secret service?
The last time I knew about the entrance exam, you had to suck Bill Clinton's withering dick wand and then participate in some kind of spirit cooking ceremony with Hill Dog's pussy cream, owls and the skin cells from circumcised penises.
Be born to an upper middle class family
Attend the correct schools
Have your father use his connections to get you in
That's it, you're done
Did you think people got into these kinds of jobs through merit or something?
You have a skill you are good at.
The secret service has use for that skill.
You volunteer to work for them.
They screen you for suitability whether you know it or not.
If you pass, they'll keep you around.
>Did you think people got into these kinds of jobs through merit or something?
These days you can get into Harvard or Cornell by simply......
>...Being a Nigger
I can be a good crisis actor for one of those shootings maybe.
They literally take anyone dude
First step is likely not posting here, second step is believing everything someone more important than you tells you.
Well I wanted to talk to some real glowniggers about there work first hand you know
>First step is likely not posting here
Bingo. This is the reason they need that lifelong background check with addresses, they cross-reference it to security databases to make sure you aren't a naughty shitposter. Can't have any more anti-semitic leakers out there
Depending on the clearance required you'll need to pass a poly and answer questions about behavior up to 10 years ago, drug use, criminal convictions etc. They even go around and interview old coworkers and friends that know/knew you. They tend to wave things greater than 5 years though.
Thanks I'll dip my fingers in acid
I actually asking for a friend of mine, kids a total cuck, has polish parents that are used to a boot on there neck and he thinks he would fit in nicely there
I have a friend who went from army active duty, to a detention officer, to sheriff deputy, to local police department, he started volunteering as security for local lawmaker sessions, was then invited to be security during presidential campaign, then secret service. Never heard from him again. But then I also have a cousin who grew up rich and went from college directly into the CIA. Then he killed someone where he was stationed in a car accident, the CIA assisted him in fleeing the country and that country is still looking for him and actively seeking reparations for the victim's wife and 11 children. Yeah he's pretty much the same of the whole family but I haven't spoken to him since then. Still in the CIA.
Shame... Not same.
Most glow niggers aren’t federal employees in the strict sense. They don't carry a gun or have the ability to arrest people, they don’t investigate crimes, and they don’t have those windbreakers.
They’re paid informants, which work
more like independent contractors.
I’m not sure if it was Bill White, the original Costume Nazi, or Edgar J Steele, a WN1.0 figure. But he went to prison and laid out how the entire system works.
Snitches are the cornerstone of how the FBI operates. Read any news article about the FBI arresting someone and that’s the most likely scenario.
Each agent is required to have a certain number of informants, I think it’s 6, but are advised to have around 12.
I mean yeah, the FBI does do investigative work. No doubt. But without people ratting other people out for various reasons there would be no FBI.
Sounds like my friend would fit right in
I’m pretty sure you can live a resume on their website
Yea he'd be perfect just tell him to research the on boarding process on reddit or somewhere plenty of people post their experiences whether they get hired or not.
Would you know
He is pretty anti constitutional rights. He will get hired fast
start by being a nigger. Its mostly what they hire
that’s what our intelligence agencies do, I know that because I tried doing few CTFs the mossad and the shin bet put out in Independence Day for recruitment when I was in high school.
I actually solved one of them that only 5 others managed to solve.
>dat pic Read the requirements and realize you will never be material suitable for glow status
FBI you need a bachelors degree loser