Why is UK so shit? What is the secret?

Why is UK so shit? What is the secret?

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Siding with greed.

They sold their nation out to Arabs and Poo's.

It's people and weather.

it's shit, simple as

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>Low test males, too many good men died in WW2
>Little economic hope; House prices rising dramatically fast thanks to uncontrolled immigration, nobody has the balls to identify the problem.
>State controlled media with a pro-shitskin bias
>Police too busy arresting people over mean Twitter posts to stop rape gangs
>FPTP voting system basically blocks any new parties from gaining seats.
>Only people who could possibly stop this are too busy binge drinking and generally being NORF
That's pretty much it.



They lost to us, That's the secret.

sure, it could be better, but some rain has it's advantages. enjoy your desert drought moonscape and sucking the last drop of moisture from a wombat anus

thats fucking hillarious

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Better than ur shithole

>English girls want to marry a footballer by 20.
>English guys not handling their drink right and getting black out drunk cause everyone else is doing it.
>Big british soap drama's almost cause a power surge every other day cause of all the kettles going on at the same time
>They believe the Empire is a thing.
>Can't handle defeat
>Want to be America
>unwarrented self importance
>Flats from the mid 70s that kill nigros with flames
>Bows to the DUP despite the DUP should be taking orders from them
>Run by upper crust memers
>Only deal they will get is from you guys
>tried to ban Trump cause of hurt feelings by those hiding rape gangers
>They begged scotland to stay
>Scotland pulls the plug on the UK govnerment demanding an investigation
All it would take for the EU to fold is by refusing to export club milks.

Cos we sided with the enemy.

69 million people on a small island. MI5 I know you're reading this, I don't mean this racistly, but why do we have to bring in Syrians and Africans? We are at capacity. If this country was double its physical size, I'd say being sm in. I only just learned today how big iran is. And that's not really that big. But it's still bigger than the UK, it's closer, and it has Arabic as the common tongue. Syrians should be invited to iran and its neighbouring countries, then Germany and Scandinavia, then as a last resort, the UK.

>Big british soap drama's almost cause a power surge every other day cause of all the kettles going on at the same time
Is this true?

Yup. It;s to do with the electrical system of london. Think of a kettle as a soldier. Now think of stalin grad. thats what they have to deal with everytime a new show comes on.

because they follow australian immigration policy lol

Britain has been shitified since the 1970's
when political correctness gagged the people
and millions of niggers muslims and other Rag Tag and Bobtails were dumped here.

America has a problem with 1 million a year
we are 10x less and are accepting the same amount
get on our level you british cucks

The worst income disparity in all of Europe.

>Went from being the main character of WW2 to being replaced by shit skins, arrested for saying words and BEGGING their politicians to think of their country for once. They dont of course

Hold fast Brits, white revolution soon

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Not from the UK, but I remember reading about how the UK's electric grid was designed and maintained. They have to deal with a huge, daily peak demand of electricity because everyone turns on their kettles around the same time in the evenings. If the average kettle uses an estimated 1000 watts (going off the kettle I have in my kitchen), 5 million households heating up water for tea suddenly requires an extra 5 gigawatts from the grid. For those who don't grasp that figure, that's A LOT of fucking electricity.

The problem is compounded due to the fact that most power plants can't just suddenly ramp production of electricity up or down instantly. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to adjust the amount of power being produced, so the operators have to predict what usage will be beforehand and adjust accordingly.

T. Electrical Engineer