Redpill me on Maine

I recently took a bit of a crazy trip across the country, and Maine was by far my favorite state I visited. Went all the way from Portland to the Aroostook area and saw most of what was in between. My thoughts from what I saw:

>Portland seems great, but there was an abnormal amount of Africans (as in FROM Africa) wandering around. Wtf is with that?
>Nature is top notch, and surprisingly unspoiled for being surrounded by humans on all sides, Baxter State Park was the shit, didn't get to go to Acadia unfortunately.
>People are incredibly friendly, when I had car trouble was picked up multiple times and no one asked for a thing. I could easily see myself making friends here.
>Gun laws are not what I was expecting. Guys just carrying loaded rifles in the back seat, fucking badass. The cops don't give a flying fuck.
>Women range from inbred-looking to alright, but all friendly and open to conversation.
>Limited work opportunities, but the work that is there seems pretty grounded and natural (i.e. logging, tourism ect.) No techie urbanites wanting to move there to soi up the place since there's nothing they want there.
>Over 90% white. I'm not much of a racist, but I can't ignore what "multiculturalism" does to a society. Portland was the only place I even saw non-whites.

What is it like living there? Would you recommend it? I grow cannabis professionally (and LEGALLY) and I've seen a few opportunities to manage a grow op up there. Maine seemed like self-sufficient heaven to me.

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I don't know Ive never been there. But I'll give you a bump

A lot of alcoholism.

My God.

Maine—The State of Drunkenness..

I want to move to maine but I need to find a girl before because a lot of the women up there are gross or drug addicts. All the good ones are already snatched up.

*laughs in Wisconsin*

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It's full of white people, it's boring.

Move to North Conway, New Hampshire. It borders Maine and you can avoid a ton of taxes by living there. Otherwise Maine is bu far my favorite state. I have spent a lot of time in Calais and Bangor, both places are great. I plan on retiring there if they will take me.

This could easily describe the majority of rural America, though. I'm sure opioid use is through the roof as well. Unfortunate reality of limited job opportunities.

There's bound to be at least 1 Mainer on this board... eventually...

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Yes. There are a lot of somali in Portland. A girl at work who was half black said they bothered her all the time. Otherwise they were a lot of beautiful parts of the state but New Hampshire is actually my favorite in New England

North Conway is perfect! That’s exactly where I want to end up in a few years

My highschool girlfriend was originally from Maine. She was kind of a cunt so it's sort of spoiled Maine for me. Although I do think about her sometimes.

North Conway looks like it is out of a postcard. Everyone there was really friendly too.

>>Portland seems great, but there was an abnormal amount of Africans (as in FROM Africa) wandering around. Wtf is with that?
Whites moved up the financial ladder and out of public housing. Public housing needs asses in seats to keep getting money from the Feds. Public housing partners with christcucks to import foreign niggers.

Lewiston is even worse.

I've been to North Conway, great area. The problem is there are no jobs there

Yep, it is christcucks who are directly responsible to literal african niggers being dumped in ultra white areas like Maine, NH, WI, ID, WY.

it's a fucking travesty.

That is why I would retire there. Maine seems to have a lack of jobs overall except in forestry. You could also try being a famous horror author.

Only drove through Southern NH, but I loved what I saw there as well. New England (minus Masshole land) seems like one of the last decent places to raise a family. The only issue for most people would be the lack of jobs.

They're infecting these areas because they're "too white." They've quite literally said as such out loud. Nice, orderly society? NOT ENOUGH CULTURAL ENRICHMENT.

Fuck I hate this world sometimes.

This should sum it up.

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Mississippi here. Is it any wonder our state is first in everything bad and last in everything good?

Mainer here. Feels good, prepare to be taxed though. Highest rates in the country. High rate of opioid abuse. But other than that, you saw the good sides of the state. Here's an animated short to familiarize people with our brand of provincialism:

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Are white Mississippians as based as legends say?

The state votes heavily Democrat. Most likely because they are sheltered from niggers and have almost no real life interactions with them.

It's complicated. On one hand we genuinely don't give a damn what the rest of the country thinks of us. This is mostly because we understand that when white leftists look down on our state and the American south in general, they're accidentally looking down on their precious black pets. They either don't realize that MS is the blackest state in America or they choose to ignore that fact. Also, it's complicated because I think whites in our state get along better with blacks than whites anywhere else. Because of our demography and inability to escape each other, whites and blacks are part of each others daily lives. So while white leftists love black people in theory (though not in practice) the inverse tends to be true for southerners in the US.

Lastly, I've met so many people visiting our state with low expectations and leaving with new eyes to see the world. They leave thinking, "Oh, now I know why MS is so terrible. It's the racial demography."

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How the fuck do you tolerate living around so many blacks. Seriously. I would do whatever it took to get out if I were in your position.

For me, the truth is because my parents and extended family are here. If my parents were to get hit by the Redbull truck tomorrow, I'd probably be making plans to leave as soon as the funerals were over. Also, there are a few suburban metro areas where middle class white people can hang out.

It's Stephen King's home state, and he still lives there.

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That van should have finished the job.

When the economic crisis is in full depression mode and gibs dry up. The Somalis will embrace their primitive Muslim faith; attack and rob natives at random. At first there will be concessions, but the Somalis lack the IQ to understand or to hold successful jobs in society. So with supplies low and gibs short they will continue to escalate violence until they are removed.

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The Somali Invader Vs. The Redneck Mainer

Now THAT'S a vintage WWF-level matchup if I ever heard one. Once the economy tanks, shit's going to get reeeaaaalllllly weird between the races reeeeeeaaaallllly quick. Hence my desire to live in a 90%+ white state.

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These only upside is these somalis literally don't have the brain power to be serious or threatening adversaries.

The skies are dark and the people are white. It's a fucking glorious place.

>I grow cannabis professionally (and LEGALLY)
I'm quite professional, but not at all legal

You should think about leveraging your skills in the marketplace, then. Everyone wants to get in on cannabis, but the majority of people are meme degree holders with no real-life skills. Competent growers are a hot commodity. My mentor and I are thinking of starting a training business and just travelling across the country help set up farms freelance.

Mainer here, its pretty good. Lived in bangor all my life.

People overall are very friendly, happy to talk with ya. Pretty left leaning most of the time, the more rural it gets, the more conservative it gets.

One thing that really bothers some people, if you weren't born here. Everyone says you are "From away". You could be born in mass, and at 1 day old move to Maine... and you are from away.

People say things are bad, but every time i leave here, the places i go seem like cess pools. Land is cheap as fuck, houses are cheap as fuck. Not a lot of jobs, but if you get a good job, and dont mind a 20-30 minute drive to work, you can buy a large piece of land for way cheaper than you'd get it somewhere else.

Pot still cant legally be sold recreationally, so getting into the industry here could be a massive opportunity.

I will say, A LOT, of people have grown pot, or are actively growing pot here, so there might be serious competition once things take off.

Overall pretty comfy, I don't want to leave.

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>"I'm not much of a racist"..

OP is a faaaggoot

We do white flight pretty successfully here. We've got it down pat.

its great stay out

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NH and ME are both top notch. I have always wanted to live in Maine since I was a kid but there aren’t many jobs. I moved to NH two months ago and it has exceeded my expectations. It’s a great place to be if you are raising kids. If you are white please come here and he more white kids. NH is starting to slip below 90% white.

>North Conway, New Hampshire
thanks for the tip user
I work remotely, as long as the internet is okay this is now my first choice

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All New England jobs are in Boston

Mainer here. It's a shit hole getting progessively worse thanks to all the liberal trash in york and cumberland counties.

Lewiston and Portland is full of sand nigger refugees who refuse to integrate into society who waste tax dollars collecting welfare all day and harassing locals.

Northern Maine has really no job opportunities even more scarce if you're not a francophone (french speaker) since a lot of jobs require it due to a lot of northern mainers being of acadian descent and you get people who go over the border from Québec or NB to go shopping. Also it has a lot of issues with opioids and meth.

And lastly fuck Janet Mills.

>That van should have finished the job.

based and van pilled.

can't wait for winter, this'n's gonna be a doozy.

>Highest rates in the country
More than the liberal bastion of Seattle? Besides the base sales tax of 10.1%, it has higher business fees. All to pay for extensive social welfare programs and subsidized housing. There are lots of muslims, blacks, and hispanics there. The city and county are only able to keep going because microsoft, boeing, amazon, all all the local support industries those big three corporations make purchases from keep the area from dying like Detroit.

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Lived in Maine, in Aroostook county, on the Canadian border. Lived there 10 years, beautiful area. Moved from there in 94 with all the rest of the military kids. Place is dreamy

Always wanted to leave Texas. Kittery was the first place that ever resonated with me and I plan on moving to that state once I leave college. Maine anons, what's the job prospects over there?

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Stay out

If you live in Kittery you could probably access the Boston north shore suburb job market. Like another user said, outside of greater Boston, the New England job market isn’t great. If you can work in a suburb north of Boston and can work remotely 1-2 days a week, NH and to a lesser extent, southern Maine is where you should be living.

If you need a job, just commute Nashua to Boston. Won’t be THAT bad if you get a 40 hr a week job.

MS isn't that bad.

Going up to Lincoln tomorrow for a hike. Natural beauty makes all the garbage in the world go away. The only colored people you run into are literally in prayer on vistas or large hiking Indian families. Highly based place.

Indeed. Stay out of the city of Jackson and the Delta and you'll probably be able to mitigate your exposure.

>The only colored people you run into are literally in prayer on vistas or large hiking Indian families.

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>8 months of winter
>can't swim in the ocean cuz it's like the Arctic
>pedo Stephen King is local hero
Count me out.

This but don’t work IN Boston. Plenty of good jobs around Andover, Woburn/Burlington, Bedford/Concord, MA. If you commute 5 days a week to Boston it’s going to suck.

>8 months of winter


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anyway maine is pretty frickin great and I’d recommend anybody go if they like guns and fresh air
land is cheap up north so if you want to frig off for a good while you can
fish is great, pot is great, beer is great
tons of state parks and boat launches to just take a trip in
lots of game, lots of trees, lots of land (away from much of anything)

>>Portland seems great, but there was an abnormal amount of Africans (as in FROM Africa) wandering around. Wtf is with that?

Imported, intentionally I think. Lot of Leftists who want to see diversity, and want to pay higher taxes in order to take care of people who don't belong in Maine.

>>Women range from inbred-looking to alright, but all friendly and open to conversation.

Basicially true, not a lot of super hot ones here.

Current Grand Solar Minimum impacts seem to be minimal on Maines climate, especially when compared to other regions. I expect the south to remain good to farm and with coming chaos and climate changes food will be worth more than gold.

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No, people need to stop talking about it.
They are going to intentionally destroy it out of spite because people on here keep being retarded.

>>Limited work opportunities, but the work that is there seems pretty grounded and natural (i.e. logging, tourism ect.)

Correct. Most jobs involve grabbing shit that's already there. Like "Clammer", which is the top job in some towns in Maine. The very similar "Lobsterman" which does require a boat and traps. There are a still a few Quarries.

The good ones leave, because there really aren't job opportunities.

there's no way that's real
i've been to seattle and the tax was no where near that

Maine girls / women are generally above average on the cunty scale, more cunty on average.

Fuck mainers dude, bunch of moose shooters and Canadian wannabes

Portland is full. It's nice, so people do move to Portland, and buy condos or pay rents. Often, they're rich and they don't even live there. Maine is vacationland, and that applies to rich as well as middle class.

>Meme flag
>No digits

Opinion discarded

Retiring to Maine is a popular thing to do.

Mainers are the oldest people in the country, on average.

Everyone I ever met from maine was a bleeding heart. YMMV

>Portland seems great, but there was an abnormal amount of Africans (as in FROM Africa) wandering around. Wtf is with that

>aren’t many jobs.
Is this true or are you niggers talking about minimum wage shit?

Lack of jobs, or, everything costs 20% more than it should. If you want to grow your pile of money, Maine is not the place to do it.

If you want to live off the grid, Maine is good for that. If you want bang for your buck money wise, Maine is good for that.

There are actually jobs here. Unemployment is low. And Maine, despite rational economic evidence, seems to want to raise the minimum wage beyond what economics would support.

CD2 voted for Trump

Not mutually exclusive.
Weed, guns and axes. I'd pick Portsmouth, Dover or North Conway over any place on the coast in Maine.
Got out at 18, haven't seriously been back except after 9/11.
New England is a trap, worse than Jow Forums. You go there, you're stuck there, forever. Unless you go through a series of personal tragedies that excises that wound. Portsmouth, NH is hands down the best town in the region.
You forgot to mention that everyone near the coast is bluepilled like a Smurf on a blueberry binge.
Are you stealing my lines?
Aren't even fucking human. I'd rather deal with Mexicans and American blacks any day.
>don't have the brain power to be serious or threatening adversaries.
Did you read that article? They are the chimpiest of chimpouts.
Fuck that shit. I lived in Boston for 10 years and it got worse and worse. The biggest mistake was cleaning up the Mission Hill Projects and busting the Irish mafia.
>born in Maine
>living in exile
>exile ain't half bad

Franklin county checking in. Maine is God's country. Nothing here is the best but it isn't the worst. Jobs don't pay the best but land and comodeties are cheaper and plenty of resources if you more natural and are not a needy faggot. Long winters, pleny of guns, nearly no niggers or kikes, red hot dogs, whoopie pies, lobster, fireball wiskey, large game hunting,people generally mind thier own shit,you can drive 60 miles an hour on most roads, cops for the most part arent cunts. Constitutional carry, women 4or5/10 , thousands of miles of snowmobile or 4 wheeler trails, legal weed, small government, easy to hide assets, shall I go on?

I’m talking about good jobs that pay like $125-250k. You have to be very lucky to land a job like that in Maine and to a lesser extent NH. Mass is full of those kind of jobs. If you are looking for minimum wage shit you can go anywhere in New England and get hired immediately. Labor is scarce.

Fifty cents a pop for non-coke soda drink ain't too shabby I guess,

The mayor of portland runs a non-profit and dumping minoirities there lines his coffers and puts the taxpayers of the city on the hook. Though Ethan Strimling doesn't even live in the city he runs and lives in a million dollar house in Cape Elizabeth.

Jobs, general economic activity, things like that, tend to make a place less "nice".

Mainers know this, and want to keep Maine nice, especially since so many people move here when they're old, they don't want jobs, they don't need jobs, and they generally think that it's perfectly fine for Mainers to leave for money and to come back when they made money in Mass or NY.

But it is high on the quality of life scale.

IDK myself and I'm interested in this thread.

I want to live in Maine myself personally. It was Montana for years, but Maine sold me due to it's coastal beauty though alone, but Montana has mountains and such. I'd at least like Montana due to all the exploring / hiking alone that could be done and it wouldn't get boring due to the mountains alone too fast.

Hemp is the next big thing. The whole legal weed bubble is going to burst.

Mills is awful.

>Irish maifa


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How does a state like Maine vote Blue?

There are a ton of wannabe hippie liberals in New England...

Fags from cali and other trash states cause "Mah Legale Poot"

Fuckin stay outa maine

Rural areas are tougher to find work. Southern Maine has plenty, especially the Portland metro area, but is becoming more expensive to live due to liberal faggots from MA/NY moving in.

Maine will need health care workers soon with boomers getting old. Something you late millennials/zoomers should look into studying. There's always work in the construction trades everywhere, especially with everyone turning into alcoholics/junkies and flaking on jobs.

Maine is actually 3rd highest after NY and Hawaii.

And Maine doesn't have Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon. You'd think with so few minorities, and the problems they cause, costly to solve, taxes would be low, but no.

Not only taxes, but everything costs much. Everything is 20% higher in Maine. Usually because there is a ton of regulations, and compliance with regulations is costly.

The quality of life is high, especially if your idea of good matches what Maine does well.

Most towns are 150 years old, on average. You like old historic towns? Huge bonus points. You can find places in Maine where there were more people there 150 years ago than now.

>>Irish maifa
Sorry, slight switch. Boston went downhill when Mayor Fatfuck and the Feds busted the Winter Hill Gang and cleaned up the projects. It's been nothing but Silicon Valley type bullshit since. It affects everyone in the surrounding states.
>housing in JP used to be like $250/month
>now it's $600K for a 'artist studio'
>this affects everyone from Eastport to Groton
Maine has lots of people who's only exposure to the world is what the TV tells them.

If you're going to choose Kittery, why not just do Portsmouth, NH? Taxes. Kittery is right on the NH border.

I lived in central small town Maine for 12 years straight and 14 total, I go back and forth, its all about the money, It is economically tough, they just got constitutional concealed carry but that new mayor is destroying the state at record speed she rubber stams every insane leftist idea, Maine and NH is the most English in the country and some Irish but the Irish are mostly in Mass, I could answer questions,, it is a place where you can deteriorate and stay poor, the drugs starting to kill alot, the niggers drive up and sell it,

What an absolute kike you sound like. Get the fuck out of my state. Real Mainlets avoid(((healthcare))) like the plauge.

NH has higher property taxs, thats where they get you, also rural areas I suppose and central Maine has very low car insurance rates, they have an annual safety inspection that costs 12$ unless it just wen up a couple bucks, internet doesnt always go too far out of town unless you are on a major road,

all that's true.

The quality of live music you get in Maine is also top quality, especially when you consider the population of Maine is 1.3 Million. National acts in Portland. Lots of them. Even Bangor is acceptable. Phish played back to back nights in Bangor, and a bunch of Live Nation type stuff there.

There is a lot to recommend it. You aren't getting rich, because everything (including taxes, but everything) costs 20% more. There isn't a shortage of jobs, there is a shortage of high paying jobs.

I don't know anything about that, but when those Africans started showing up a few months ago, no one really seems concerned about this.

Fact is though, if someone definitely wants to live in Portland, and someone is a renter, making Portland worse is in their best interests.