If you need more proof only manchildren follow this network
Quality news CNN
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now he can finally learn a real profession, get a job and get a family
I think ending ongoing franchises like that might make a lot of adult children grow up
now its time for a black pokemon protagonist
we wuz pokemon trainers and sheeeiiitttttt way befores the yellow white man
Why does Pokémon still exist
Didn't he win Orange league.
Wow, thanks CNN. Very cool!
20 years of losing and he finally wins.
It always pissed me off to no end that he never became champion in any region he visited, but breaking tradition at this point seems kind of silly. What's worse is the age issue. Brock must've knocked up over 400 different girls at this point, but do they allow Ash to grow up and secure the existance of his people and a future for his race? Nope. Where's Moisty when you need her?
They never did end bugs bunny... All of those boomers still playing with Lego have got to change their ways.
That is some terrible animation, it looks so plain and ugly what the actual fuck.
Thank fucking god, it’s been 20 years
Doesn’t count ravi
They did reported on Trump having 2 scoops of icecream.
I see that it's both the visuals AND the writing that's gone to shit in pokemon these days.
>random media outlet: posts non-political news pertaining to popular culture/entertainment
>there are LITERALLY thousands of CHILDREN dying in CONCENTRATION CAMPS
>CNN: posts about pokemanz
>no reaction
i just wish the sun would explode
Yes. Is the Alola league a side tournament like the Orange League? I thought all the adult fans of this gay shit wanted him to win the big one, the Pokemon League against the elite 4 and shit. I vaguely remember a shitstorm a couple of years ago when he almost won but some random pulled out a legendary and wiped his whole team.
Why does it look so garbage?
I thought he beat the Pokemon league at the end of s1? When Pikachu defeated dragonite?
>not a manchild, just have fond memories of my childhood
Ahh yes we watch pokemon any problem ?
He won orange though
Be the exploding sun you want to see in the world
Yea. Is this some Mandela effect shit I swear he has beaten numerous Pokemon leagues in the early seasons
20 years of manga/anime (dont know, dont give a fuck) and that useless piece of shit Ash has only won 1 tournament? And he refuses to evolve his Pikachu because Jews will give hin more money if he doesn't?
What a cucked fuck.
Noice. Will watch later.
Congrats Ash
What's CNN? I'm sorry I don't follow any twitter drama.
Heh, I liked how it became a SoL, and the change in art style let them produce a more fluent animation.
Apparently it doesn't count because the league doesn't exist in the games.
It's worthy news anons. We waited 22 years for this.
Yeah too bad that's not Ash Ketchum. Idk who that thing is but it's not Ash.
did CNN accused him of being a racist?
this is a helluva cursed pic
Alola has a league, their gyms were just replaced by trials which were basically the same thing. The "Orange League" was more of a tournament.
The anime is separate from the games
yeah, but the faggots at /vp/ will rant about it no matter what
Each Region has their own League in charge of the location's gyms. Orange Island and Battle Frontier don’t count; Orange is not a region and BF was a Challenge
maximum keks
On a side note, do you have any edgy "comics" of Misty getting totally depressed to the point of suicide?
>It's not my fetish
like his dad, rite?
WHY THE FUCK DID MISTY, BROCK, ASH, GARY, THE OLD GANG STAY TOGETHER? Call me a basedboy all you want, Pokémon was a defining part of my childhood. The characters turned to SHITE after the original gang was changed to something bizarre.
I want a new series with grown-up Ash re-uniting with Misty and Brock, get back with Charizard, and go one last time against the Elite Four. If Pokémon executives were not out-of-touch boomers they would do this already.
Majority of adults in pokemon died in the war LT. Serge talks about
That's why most of the adults are either women or men too old to fight
This. No wonder Tracy got torn to shreds and flushed down the shitter after one season. It's a shame all the original Pokemon fans had grown up by the time Black and White rolled around cause then they could just scrap Brock and nobody cared. I would have rioted if I had been a child when it came out
Finally some good content.