I'll use my $1000 a month to pay for the new oil prices

Yang's a genius

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So wheres he getting the money for this stipend?

Taxes on us. If you make money it’s going to be a bad deal.

This guy cannot read or has to short of an attention span to use the might of the mighty kike search engine google to find the proposal and then analyze it

SHouldn't you be in the ptg thread? I think they need a new baker

Read the fucking proposal you niggers.

So he has no plan is what im getting here.

He's right. Anyone making over minimum wage will be taxed exactly $1000 per month.

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Trump is already calming the markets. it will be a non issue (oil price)

is this what they were talking about?

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So where do i fall here?

Even if prices go up, it's still is a net gain across the board.

Calculate your shit losers:

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Pee pee in coke

I'll use mine to buy a second home in Mexico and then move there

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>if prices go up
they absolutely will go up. The VAT will be passed onto consumers 100% just as sales tax is. Furthermore, it's not a 10% tax, it's 10% at EVERY STAGE from production to distribution. Therefore, if a simple item is produced and distributed in only 2 stages, it has been taxed TWICE at 10%, increasing the price by over 20% from the original. More stages of production and distribution only add more taxes. All of this occurs before the inevitable inflation and price-raising.

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>Trump is already calming the markets. it will be a non issue (oil price)
up 10% already on market open

wow i can't wait to pay all those fucking taxes so i can get my free money lmao retard

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Literally every space on this card is a valid criticism.

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Was up as much as 18%. He will continue to calm the markets.

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then the houthis take down the other 50% of saudi production

shills wont respond to this

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> income increases by $12, 000
> costs increases by $1000-5000 depending on individual need
> still profit

No wonder why retards are poor.

still waiting for you to respond to this:

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>be NEET Yangfags
>yang becomes president
>everyone who gets money is taxed beyond all fucking reason
>parents go broke
>tendies run out
>forced to become pic related
>can only afford a single tomato a month

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>1.1 * 1.1 = 1.2
This is why Americans will re-elect Trump

So imagine I have a product that cots $1. After producing it, it get's taxed at 10%. This item now costs $1.10.

This $1.10 item must now be distributed, so it gets another 10% tax. The item now costs $1.21.

Now imagine it is a more valuable item. Let's say, a $10,000 car. Being VERY GENEROUS and assuming only one stage of production, the 10% tax makes this vehicle now cost $11,000. Now we must pay the 10% tax for distribution, now the car costs $12,100.

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First, not all goods will be subject to the VAT. Staples such as groceries and clothing will be excluded from the VAT.

Second, the assumption that the entire VAT would get passed on to consumers is incorrect. Consumers are price sensitive, and the demand for most goods is at least somewhat elastic. While prices will likely increase on many goods, the increase will, for the most part, be smaller than the VAT as producers find more efficient ways to produce goods and adjust prices to maximize profitability.

Finally, an individual would have to buy a lot of non-exempt items in order to “cancel out” the value of the UBI. Assuming all goods are subject to a VAT and the entire VAT is passed on to consumers, an individual would have to buy $120,000 worth of items before the extra costs associated with a VAT “use up” their UBI. As stated above, those two assumptions are wrong, and most people aren’t spending nearly that much money

First things first, food and clothing are exempt from VAT so we can remove them from the equation. Prices of luxery goods will go up, but you wouldn't feel the rub until you start making more than 300,000 a year.


Yes, and he said that because he was tired to explaining to retards that handouts are always bad. So he decided to just say "fuck it" and put forward a streamlined option that would at least cut the bureaucratic bullshit out of the equation and just say "here. Money. Now fuck off" But with it came some other requirements: no open borders (only citizens get benefits), obviously no government healthcare (that's what the money handout is for, dipshits), and a balanced budget (this should be so fucking obvious we shouldn't even be discussing it).

But this isn't what yangtards and leftists are pulling for.
They don't want to just their handout and shut up. They want more.
They want open borders so that US taxpayers pay for all the third worlders to shit on our streets and shit on us.
They want the money handout AND they want free healthcare, free food, free housing, free educations, free everything... paid for by taxpayers.
They don't give a fuck about budgets and deficits and all that fancy math or whatever you smart people are talking about, they just want free stuff.

It's idiocracy in real life.

The imbeciles are dragging us down to drown us all.

When will we say "enough" and finally fucking fix this?
When will we say to the single mother who divorced her man "no, fuck you. You don't get alimony or child support. You made you bed now fuck you sleep in it."?
When will we say to the ghettos "no, fuck you. You want non-stop gang violence and shitty schools? Fine. You made your hood now sleep in it"?
When will we say to the farmers "no, fuck you. You plant your crops and then sell them on the mark. No subsidies."?
When will we say to the rich corporations "no, fuck you. Make your widgets and fuck off. No subsidies for you"?
When will we say to the old people who didn't save money "no, fuck you. No free healthcare. You should have saved money. Also, nobody lives forever anyway."?

When will we stand up on our hind legs like men and set things right?!

>Second, the assumption that the entire VAT would get passed on to consumers is incorrect
then why do i pay sales tax?

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>in Mexico

>Only 9 spaces
Nigger can't even fill a full 25 spaces of non-arguments.

UBI is only for law-abiding US Citizens over the age of 18. Criminals are incentivized to stay out of trouble.
It doesn't stack with other benefits. Welfare recipients will not get the full UBI if any.
Yang has never said he will open the borders dumbass. He has only said he supports legal immigration.
It's far too late to balance the budget. Not even Trump is doing that.

Whites will reap most of the benefits from UBI. Only low IQs cannot see this.

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I don't give a fuck what Yang is promising. Words are nothing.

Balance the budget FIRST before anything else is done.
Balance the budget FIRST.
Then we'll talk.


Also yang is a gun-grabbing jew chink

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Tax increases will literally kill illegal immigrants. You'll need to be a citizen that exist here. That's the most Jow Forums pleasing shit out there.

>illegal immigrants pay taxes
lmao retard wignat rolcon larper

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You won't get UBI outside the US tho

>Balance the budget
TRUMP has already balanced the budget and we're at a record surplus.

Can Yang buy me a house?
That's alot better investment than $1 K cash

How could they avoid paying it?

Explain why rent prices won't skyrocket when everyone suddenly has an extra $1000.

He's talking about ARs with bump stocks

I'll use my $1,000 to pay for all the inflation that will be on every day products due to the $1,000 income on everyone

Yang: The candidate for economic illiterates


come and take it, faggot

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Only problem with that is the bit about old people who didn't save money. The government took part of my wages for all of my life, specifically to pay it back to me. They had better fucking pay every bit of it back to me and adjusted for inflation.

Exactly. The landlord got his $1000 too, so why wouldn't he price the rent high since he can now afford for the place to sit empty

Everyone knows more about economics than a literal genius IQ chink

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Economics isn’t a science.

I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet or not but isn't yangs $1000 a month basically him buying votes? Isn't this illegal?

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Post proof or you're a liar.
(you're a liar. the current deficit is over $900B in 2019)


From America's resources which are owned by whites. It's over for the fascists. No more hurting migrants. No more foerever wars.

Yang > Paul/Trump/Obama

You're right in Alaska the landlords charge everyone an extra$1600 rent during the month when the oil dividend is paid out.

they are currently trying to pass laws to limit rising housing market prices, they think he is going to win lol

With an extra $1000, housing would begin to crop up in more rural areas. Destressing more urban areas, rents could potentially go down. High rent right now is a density issue.

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>Freedom Dividend
This name is so cynical that I'm always amazed nobody seems to notice it. Obviously the thought process was
>Americans tend not to like handouts
>Maybe they'll like them if I put the word "Freedom" in the title
Lo and behold, here we are.

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Can you explain the rural thing you posited?

Alaska’s homeless problem EXPLODED when they got their oil dividend... oh wait

U think the fed actually has money that it lends the US?

Jews tell uncle Sam to put digits on a computer and then collect interest on the non existent money they lent.

Oh crap...why didn't Trump balance the budget? He said he would!!

Going to be real fun commuting 2 hours to work since I can no longer afford to live anywhere near the city. Fuck off.

When people have disposable income they will want to enjoy life more, the money wont go back into the community but will be used to travel the world; yangs $1000/month will be going to the Philippines/Thailand/ and other tourist destinations.

I know that when I get my neet bux im moving to colorado and smoking weed/eating mushrooms and enjoying nature. Fuck work.

Right now rural areas are being decimated by the rise of Amazon and the like. This has meant that small business workers have had to pack up their shit and live closer to cities where the jobs are. If we can get people living in the country again, less of a burden will be placed on population density in general.

people will say "fuck living in the city to work"

rural areas will be cheaper meaning your neet bux go farther.

society will fall apart due to people not wanting to work, and once they get a taste of the neet bux they will never not accept not being able to get free govmunt money again; look at niggers for a perfect example...they get welfare and still demand more.

Yangs neet bux turns everyone into niggers.

>Yangs neet bux turns everyone into niggers.
>I know that when I get my neet bux im moving to colorado and smoking weed/eating mushrooms and enjoying nature. Fuck work.

Wrong I might actually start working not because I need to survive but because I want to enjoy life more. There are no prizes for being a slave

>I'll use my $1000 a month to pay for the new oil price

You do realize we are the biggest energy producer in the world right? You do realize we have vast amounts of oil and gas within our borders right?

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Rent. It will go to your rent zoomer.

Im an ascended nigger, I know how to enjoy life without fucking others over.

Or what? You going to hobble down to a federal building and give them a piece of your mind?


I'd probably transition to part time. Only 20-30 hours a week is actually useful work anyways.

>doesnt want to work
>isnt a nigger
lmao ok nigger, here, take this yangpill

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> Yang Gang literally has a reasonable answer to every question
> ignore all of it to try and sound smart

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>free healthcare for illegal immigrants
>taking my ar-15
>hurr durr no way the prices will go up it's free money u retard
yes totally reasonable, kill yourself

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Cheaper to give them healthcare than to have them shitting up the ER everytime they have a cold.


>if we give them all free insurance they won't be shitting up the ER everytime they have a cold
Holy shit you are fucking retarded. Absolutely, 100% retarded.

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so what your saying is feds now take a 10 percent cut of all goods you buy plus the state, plus the city, and you still have to pay them even more when you do tax returns.

no, it's 10% at every stage of production and distribution, so it ends up being much more than 10%

By taxing Google/Amazon/Microsoft/Facebook

You won't get anything better than this.
They get free ER visits right now under Trump. Outrageously expensive but they don't get turned away.

>and they totally wont just move their money overseas and use every loophole possible to continue paying nothing

Still a net gain.

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Yang stated that only citizens will get UBI and that taxing corporations is a good thing.

The US has some of the lowest corporate taxes in the world. Squeezing the corporate elite and people who never worked a day un their lives and only live of interest payments to help the average American is a good thing no matter how much you gate niggers.

so i have to pay taxes to not only take care of illegal immigrants, but also to pay for diabeetus medicine and foot amputations for fat fucks who wont stop eating? BASED

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They lose all state protection if they move to another country and then cry back home if another state taxes them. See France.
Also ban tax havens. It's that simple.

1. Current spending: We currently spend between $500 and $600 billion a year on welfare programs, food stamps, disability and the like. This reduces the cost of the Freedom Dividend because people already receiving benefits would have a choice between keeping their current benefits and the $1,000, and would not receive both.

Additionally, we currently spend over 1 trillion dollars on health care, incarceration, homelessness services and the like. We would save $100 – 200+ billion as people would be able to take better care of themselves and avoid the emergency room, jail, and the street and would generally be more functional. The Freedom Dividend would pay for itself by helping people avoid our institutions, which is when our costs shoot up. Some studies have shown that $1 to a poor parent will result in as much as $7 in cost-savings and economic growth.

2. A VAT: Our economy is now incredibly vast at $19 trillion, up $4 trillion in the last 10 years alone. A VAT at half the European level would generate $800 billion in new revenue A VAT will become more and more important as technology improves because you cannot collect income tax from robots or software.

3. New revenue: Putting money into the hands of American consumers would grow the economy. The Roosevelt Institute projected that the economy will grow by approximately $2.5 trillion and create 4.6 million new jobs. This would generate approximately $800 – 900 billion in new revenue from economic growth.

4. Taxes on top earners and pollution: By removing the Social Security cap, implementing a financial transactions tax, and ending the favorable tax treatment for capital gains/carried interest, we can decrease financial speculation while also funding the Freedom Dividend. We can add to that a carbon fee that will be partially dedicated to funding the Freedom Dividend, making up the remaining balance required to cover the cost of this program.

>OP doesn't know Jew landlords would automatically raise rents $1000/month
>OP is stupid as fuck

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